I also quite like it. It's been implemented well and it might be because I've seen it so many times, like in some of the other
use examples on their page, but I do associate it with the club.
Font usage
I looked into this a bit about when the club adopted it. A little bit difficult to find info on when we made changes, but I found some references to Springetts, the company you linked the picture from have been involved with the club since 2001 and that info is sourced from a 2003 book by Clare Dowdy on logos. (Seems
Springetts also did the The Barclaycard Premiership sponsorship branding in 2001), so it's likely they've been involved whenever there's been minor or major changes to our branding. Unsure if they were involved all the way back to the 1998 logo change or not, but it seems likely.
In any case their website claims the logo have remained the same since 1998,
and that seems to be correct, which in that case is when the font was first taken into use by the club. Looks like it first appeared in the
badge on kits for the 2006-07 season, and going by old photos of the stadium, it looks like the all-red plating with this font was put up in the summer of 2006. Before that we had logos like budweiser and pepsi around the tier walls, as seen in
this picture from 2005. Looks like the font is already in use for the manutd.com boards etc, even before 2006 but seems like we expanded the use of this font as part of a bit of a branding improvement in and around the stadium in the summer of 2006. Unsure exactly when we started using it online, waybackmachine isn't working for me at the moment, but would assume around a similar time. Possibly later for our website.
What font?
In any case, the font is
Stone Sans ITC or a variation of it. Springetts writes on
their page that the logotype was 'hand drawn and specifically letter spaced', and it does look like it's tweaked a little bit, several letters seem to be sit in-between Stone Sans Semibold and Bold, a lot of them are similar to Stone Sans Medium, like the R with slight extension on the second leg, and they've closed the curve on the P, which is left with a small gap on a lot of Stone Sans variations. In any case that seems to only apply to the logotype as the most recent brand book I could find (dated 2018) lists the font as Stone Sans ITC Medium and Semi for communication headlines and body copy etc.