From the get-go it was clear as day Mayweather knew the fight was his, and even after being down 2 rounds (Well, on one scorecard) he could transform his own gameplan to better eliminate the opponent.
Let's be honest: Shane Mosley was never going to win the fight unless it was an early knockout, and as close as it appeared he was (The biggest punch PBF has ever recieved in his professional career according to some analysts) it really wasn't that close, i'm almost more inclined to say that by shaking him up, Mosley put himself in a corner earlier in the fight then he would have liked based on Floyds aggression coming sonner in the 3rd round.
The pre fight shit was not my taste; I've always been of the opinion (And strong opinion) that boxing be about the sport now more so then the entertainment, because we've lost the latter to the UFC. The delays that it took for hand-taping alone (And very obviously necessary) made things a bit antsy but watching live on a PAY PER VIEW (PAY) seeing Mayweather refuse to enter because his promotion and event didn't have its proper over-saturated entrance was appaling.
For someone with such bloody skill in a boxing ring, he eliminates my unanimous respect because of his antics... There are entertainers and performers, this guy is not one... Ali was, Foreman was, Tyson was, SRL was... Mayweather is nothing more than a businessman