Fletcher, Fabregas, Jenas and Carrick....


Great thread

A few weeks on and Carrick is rated far higher by the manc Redcafe faithful...

Even higher than the Mighty Darren Fletcher...
carrick is not young.

Alonso is younger and more talented.
Davo said:

Great thread

A few weeks on and Carrick is rated far higher by the manc Redcafe faithful...

Even higher than the Mighty Darren Fletcher...

all it shows is the fickleness of football fans, go onto any of the Liverpool forums last summer and look at the reaction when Crouch was mentioned, particularly on YAWN where the news first broke, as two of their top sources had called the move as far back as last may, and see the reaction, as most thought it was a wind up. the same guys who were slating him then, wont have a bd word said about him now.

again this season when again YAWN had called the Pennant move as far back as November, people were having none of it. football fans are all the same. teh Glams are no different than us in that respect.
Davo said:

Great thread

A few weeks on and Carrick is rated far higher by the manc Redcafe faithful...

Even higher than the Mighty Darren Fletcher...

You say a few weeks on, they posted that in 2005. You Scouse lot are all a bunch of thick bellends.

1) Carrick
2) Fabregas
3) Jenas
4) Fletcher


1) Fabregas
2) Fletcher
3) Carrick
4) Jenas