First Team Serb
Disappointing, it really found its feet since the last episode before the break and then since coming back.
Gave up on this shortly after that carpark "shoot out" (in maybe the 4th or 5th episode)
Heard it had improved somewhat, is it still to be avoided?
I don't think so because it had been renewed for a second series.
thought it has been cancelled?
How did the dog/kangaroo escape the blackout? Did they have rings on?
Good ending.
Nothing they could've done though. I doubt they would've had enough time to change the script once they knew there was going to be no second season.It really wasn't considering that there will be no second season...
Good ending.
Did they all die and meet in purgatory then?
I'm assuming that only the human consciousness was affected by the blackout
What about the crows?
Fantastic last episode. I now feel very cheated that the great set up for series 2 will be wasted.
In fairness the writers and directors had the same chance going into the first season and decided to waste a good part of it going no where so it was far from a guarantee I didn't mind the finale though it was actually pretty good
Fans of FlashForward plan to stage a blackout to protest the show's recent cancelation.
Members of a FlashForward fan group will gather in front of ABC offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit and Atlanta on June 10. They are to mimic falling unconscious for two minutes and 17 seconds, just as in the programme's pilot episode.
Overseas supporters will join in the protest in London.
The group, which started the website PreventTheBlackout, has also shipped 20,000 "friendship bracelets", an item seen on the show, to the president of ABC.
ABC canceled FlashForward in May.