First person shooter bubble

There was a few decent mech parts in FEAR 2. And likely the third one.
FPS gaming, in my head, is sometimes the purest form of gaming. I play a lot of BF3 and it's me vs. the guy shooting me. My experience on the map with the kit and gun I'm using versus his.

AI can't replicate that experience.

I love other genres and games (Dragon Age: Origins is a game I'll never forget, I loved it so much) but FPS is such a reliable and solid genre. I played BF2 back when it first came out so I don't think it's just a phase. Nearly every other genre has flaws that ruin the experience a lot for me, long-term.
Stale and repetitive? Counter Strike lived for 10 years. Still being competed in by pros.

Why call it a bubble? It's been popular since Doom and Wolfenstein. Pretty much since games became popular on a PC. By no means a bubble.
I just bought Serious Sam 1&2 revamped in HD on sale the other day. Great fun. Very hard game on hard. Things come at you from all sides. A very old game that totally holds it own today.
People who like fps's should spend a little money on an old pc and go back and play some of the early classics. The shooting genre (first and third) lends itself to more idea's than any other and can incorporate nearly every other genre too.

It's just a shame most of them are designed console first nowadays. Crysis 2 is a big example of this.