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Surely it has to burst soon. Something about this genre has become so stale and repetitive.
Remake Spyro 1-3, Tony Hawks Pro Skater Series (which is happening), etc. There will always be FPS and they will always be big games, but there needs to more adventure games and casual games.
FPS and Action RPG's are over done (which is funny because 5 years ago there was far too few Action RPG's)
Deus Ex?
I can't think of too many recent action RPGs. Off the top of my head, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, Dungeon Siege 3, Hunted: The Demon's Forge, Sacred 2.....
What have I missed?
I don't see that happening, as the joy of hunting seems to be hardwired into our psyche.*Surely it has to burst soon.
I'd be very interested to see Steam Sales and looking at just how bad the "piracy" actually is on the PC.
I said this in a thread t'other day. Wouldn't mind seeing some more stuff like Mirrors Edge.
Of course in terms of "crippling" I mean the games can still turn a profit, but not enough for publisher investment when it comes to something fresh vs something tried on a console.
Well Indie Development is really beginning to take off now. Mainly because Steam allows them an easy way to publish their game and uni students find it very tough to get a job as companies can't afford huge teams.
Certainly interesting watching how the game industry develops.
Indie development has always been there, hell I got started mid-late ninties with Sony's Net Yaroze system. If anything now you can get degrees in game design and programming related to gaming and the like, standards drop both indie and professionally because you get so many taught to do things the same way. Of course on the plus side, more and more are open to creating which leads to more competition and minds out there. Unfortunately unless you have the ears of the money men, you get stiffled and plenty of talented people leave too.
It used to be cream rises to the top, but more and more it's a case of you do it the publishers way or take the highway. Since Pc gaming is now a risk, the innovations that happened both game and graphic wise are throttled, coupled with the ever growing costs of producing games (like the ridiculous notion you need a team of three digits to create something), and you get what we are experiencing today. Good games still come out, but ultimately a lot are overrated and lack and real creative spark. It's an interesting time with the new consoles about to be launched, but I've personally yet to see any hint (or hear of one) that this trend will change, especially if Pc gaming does virtually collapse.
That's the gaming equivalent of living your entire life on the United facebook page, with campers added.Lets not forget the worst thing about fps gaming and if it does die out on the PC, forced to play multiplayer on live/psn.
I shudder at the thought!
Lets not forget the worst thing about fps gaming and if it does die out on the PC, forced to play multiplayer on live/psn.
I shudder at the thought!
Well there are several engines that are now available for Indie development (I know because i'm currently making a game using CE3). Some of the engines (CE3/UDK/Source) come with pretty vague publishing deals, but they are there available.
Naturally there are some Indie Devs who decide to go the mainstream route. But its becoming far more popular now to try things that haven't been done before and that its slowly filtering through to mainstream games.
It's a shame we aren't back in the mid 90's when there were dozens of great, new games out each year. Ruddy franchises have killed that![]()
I simply cannot understand what is so fecking great playing online on a PC compared to online on PSN/Live
Surely there is gobshites on both. All an be muted. I am not interesting in meeting people I actually like online playing COD.
PC gamers annoy me.
Although back in the day we used to make our own enginesHowever plenty of them go back to the late ninties. The scene hasn't so much got any more important, it's just naturally got bigger as more and more becomes available for it. Things like the xna and source being available has greatly helped and there is some great stuff becoming available. I myself am always giving great thought as to what platform I want to go down for my next project (if I ever get the bloody time!), the choice is great.
You'll have to let me know what you are working on! I'm always interested in seeing new stuff, if anything I'm very experienced at play testing and bug finding![]()
I'm sure PC gaming is "better", but is it more fun? In my opinion no.
The pc, like the consoles, is just a machine.
The games matter most, so it all depends what game you find more enjoyable not the machine itself. There are a number of reasons why I normally (not always) pick the pc version of a game over one of the others, just like there are reasons I might pick the Ps3 version over the 360's, but the machine itself is irrelevent to the enjoyment.
More manageable in what way?
I am perfectly happy with the connection on the games I play online.
Graphics are all good anyway so just because it is a bit better isnt going to make ahuge difference to most.
I thought you were a PC gamer as well as console gamer
Not entirely when you can get such benefits as Splitscreen with a console. I've spoken in several threads before about how brilliant slit/screen online is, and how annoying it is that so few console games are set up to play split screen multiplayer.