Film Films you enjoyed but never watched again


Maybe that's surprising.. or not.
When I first watch it, I'm in awe.. it's that great ("Surely I want to rewatch this masterpiece!") but then afterwards, I don't feel like watching it again. None of the scenes is enough to make me want to see again. Right now, I have the film but still..Once is enough.
Hannah Montana: The Movie springs to mind.

When Miley removes her wig and reveals her secret identity I could've cried. That film defined my 20s. But now I know the crowd begs her to carry on as Hannah, and seeing Oswald change of heart (what a character arc btw), it just wouldn't be the same emotional rollercoaster. I dunno. Perhaps I don't want to watch it again because it would spoil the magic of my first viewing. I can carry those memories with me forever now. I'll leave them pure and unadulterated. That final kiss with Travis was a fitting end to the HM saga. Having Hoetown Throwdown rolling in the background left it all in a great place.
Monster (2003). Films like this are always a difficult watch because, whether intentionally or not, they humanise people who've acted inhumanely. Aside from the horror of it all, it's also painful and touching to see how naive Wuornos and her lover are.

'Observe the way Charlize Theron controls her eyes in the film; there is not a flicker of inattention, as she urgently communicates what she is feeling and thinking. Aileen's body language is frightening and fascinating. She doesn't know how to occupy her body. Watch Theron as she goes through a repertory of little arm straightenings and body adjustments and head tosses and hair touchings, as she nervously tries to shake out her nervousness and look at ease. Observe her smoking technique; she handles her cigarettes with the self-conscious bravado of a 13-year-old trying to impress a kid. And note that there is only one moment in the movie where she seems relaxed and at peace with herself.'

'Christina Ricci finds the right note for Selby Wall – so correct some critics have mistaken it for bad acting, when in fact it is sublime acting in its portrayal of a bad actor. She plays Selby as clueless, dim, in over her head, picking up cues from moment to moment, cobbling her behaviour out of notions borrowed from bad movies, old songs, and barroom romances.'
(Roger Ebert)
The Pianist. Has to be one of the most depressing movie I've ever watched. Brody was such a brilliant actor, shame how he fecked his career.
Hannah Montana: The Movie springs to mind.

When Miley removes her wig and reveals her secret identity I could've cried. That film defined my 20s. But now I know the crowd begs her to carry on as Hannah, and seeing Oswald change of heart (what a character arc btw), it just wouldn't be the same emotional rollercoaster. I dunno. Perhaps I don't want to watch it again because it would spoil the magic of my first viewing. I can carry those memories with me forever now. I'll leave them pure and unadulterated. That final kiss with Travis was a fitting end to the HM saga. Having Hoetown Throwdown rolling in the background left it all in a great place.

:lol: :lol:
Both the Mesrine films.
Hannah Montana: The Movie springs to mind.

When Miley removes her wig and reveals her secret identity I could've cried. That film defined my 20s. But now I know the crowd begs her to carry on as Hannah, and seeing Oswald change of heart (what a character arc btw), it just wouldn't be the same emotional rollercoaster. I dunno. Perhaps I don't want to watch it again because it would spoil the magic of my first viewing. I can carry those memories with me forever now. I'll leave them pure and unadulterated. That final kiss with Travis was a fitting end to the HM saga. Having Hoetown Throwdown rolling in the background left it all in a great place.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Uncut Gems and Inception.

Inception is something I could definitely watch again.

I don't know if I could watch Uncut Gems again. The tension throughout the movie and then the way it ends really hits you.
The Vanishing. Great, but if you've seen it, you'll realise why there's no need to watch it again.