Films that should have had a sequel

The original Star Wars need sequels. I'm sure George couldn't possibly screw them up as badly as he did the prequels.
I was being sarcastic. He'd be up for it though. He could release DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray, digital format, toys, special editions, full 1-9 box sets, final trilogy box sets, costumes, books, Pez dispensers, and then re-release it in theaters.

That's roughly another shitzillion dollars he could be making.
And he could release that in all the aformentioned formats plus the new ones! Brilliant! Maybe his buddy Steven could convince him to edit out all the guns and light sabers to it's not so scary and violent. They can just carry walkie-talkies around.
Always thought they could have done a second Dumb & Dumber.

Also True Lies and Serenity was very good shouts, not a sequel but would have loved to have seen the Red Dwarf movie made about 10 years ago.

Needs a reboot to make it more like the comic, be set in London and star Daniel Craig who is the most perfect actorto play him, instead of the piece of wood that is Keanu.
Without doubt "The Vega Brothers."

A prequel to Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs: Vincent Vega (Travolta) and Vic Vega/Mr Blonde (Madsen).

That was rumoured for years, and could have been incredible, but it's been too long and Travolta and Madsen are too old for a prequel now. It wouldn't be the same with other actors either.
the goonies is getting a sequel isnt it? im sure i read most of the original cast had signed up
Do we really want sequels seeing as most of the time they are crap.

I was delighted that Bladerunner had no sequel until one was announced a few weeks ago. It saddens me.

Also again not that I want one but I am surprised the likes of iRobot and Minority Report never spawned a 2nd