Films that should have had a sequel


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
What films never had a sequel (or prequel) but should have?
Big Lebowski

Good call. I'll never get enough of those characters. Should have had one more adventure at least.

What about Rocky? Oh ... hang on...

Erm... I'm going to go with Golden Compass. Trilogy of books but the film sorta bombed and the 2 & 3 were never seriously considered it seems which just makes the one that was made look completely pointless and stupid.

Total Recall
Raw Deal
True Lies
Last Action Hero
Hercules in New York
Loaded Weapon 1.

Not quite sure why, but something about it just makes me think there should have been a second.
Was about to put in True Lies but Lance has got there well before me! That's a great shout.