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8 1/2 is a good film not to watch.
It's slightly better than 8............
8 1/2 is a good film not to watch.
I have a number of problems with these idiots.
You can always spot them a mile off. They usually have a nasal voice, glasses, a misplaced sense of superiority and no friends.
These are the idiots who watch a film and then recount how they were "let down" by the 'highly dubious' cinematorgraphy or 'the amateurish retrospective lighting' or something. No, shut up. Watch the film, decide whether you like the story/acting or not, and feck off, you pretentious upper crust windbag.
Take for example a film like Schlinders List. A heart breaking leviathan of brilliance, and yet flick across some of the user reviews on IMDB, and there they are, the 'film buffs' telling us how he thought Spielbergs use of a 5646x Camera (probably) really let the whole thing down. They're probably the same people who go and watch Transformers for the 'kitch' value and tell little Billy that his performance as a sheep in the School play was wooden and anachronistic in a contemporary 21st century setting.
These people are idiots, have no soul and should be killed. I very much imagine someone like MrMarcello being one of them.
Re film buffs, I think I agree... though i'm not 100% convinced these people exist, outside of piss-takes in sit-coms. If you mean anyone who has an opinion on a film or the way it's made, then bollocks.
Re Shindler's list I thought it was let down - by the decision to have the little girl in red. It was corny and unnecessary. Also by the decision to make it about 8 hours long.
I mean anyone who goes on about anything unrelated to the story. The lighting, the camera work or something. Just shut up and follow the story, cretin face.Re film buffs, I think I agree... though i'm not 100% convinced these people exist, outside of piss-takes in sit-coms. If you mean anyone who has an opinion on a film or the way it's made, then bollocks.
Re Shindler's list I thought it was let down - by the decision to have the little girl in red. It was corny and unnecessary. Also by the decision to make it about 8 hours long.
I mean anyone who goes on about anything unrelated to the story. The lighting, the camera work or something. Just shut up and follow the story, cretin face.
I agree. Did you like the Pianist, Plech to the Zed?
I mean anyone who goes on about anything unrelated to the story. The lighting, the camera work or something. Just shut up and follow the story, cretin face.
Yes, in the main. I didn't quite believe the Nazi hiding him cos he played Chopin so movingly bit... but given that it's a true story, I suppose I should believe it
Nah, I think that's bollocks. People pretentiously displaying knowledge they think is excclusive is irritating. On the other hand, there are things to be known about how films are made and how they work... if you're not interested in them, fine, but if you pride yourself on your ignorance, you're being a bit of a cock. At the end of the day some films are more or less artistic, and use of the lights and camera are part of that. It's a reasonable comment to say that, for instance, Kubrick's "Barry Lyndon" is fecking beautiful to look at (because of the cinematography), but very dull as a story.
the public have no right to ask questions, especially not about a film involving Jews.
Yeah, exactly. I saw "Hallam Foe" the other day... now I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that film was fecked up by bad editing. A lot of the time it was hard to know what was going on, in terms of where characters were in location to each other... plus there were some very abrupt cuts that broke the illusion and made you remember you were watching something made-up.
On the other hand, "Pulp Fiction" was apparently turned from shit to gold by the editor. As I understand it, Tarantino wrote it and shot it as a straight beginning-to-end narrative. It was crap, so the editor, in desperation, chopped it up and put some sequences that were chronologically after others before them.
According to Van, these things dshould not be discussed.
How can lighting or cinamatography or something actually dictate your enjoyment of the film? (Unless it's filmed in the dark, in a shed or something).
If it does, you're an idiot. This is factual stuff. People use minutiae like that to make themselves look clever. Think Feedingseagulls, except fatter and more lonely.
How can lighting or cinamatography or something actually dictate your enjoyment of the film? (Unless it's filmed in the dark, in a shed or something).
If it does, you're an idiot. This is factual stuff. People use minutiae like that to make themselves look clever. Think Feedingseagulls, except fatter and more lonely.
Yes, in the main. I didn't quite believe the Nazi hiding him cos he played Chopin so movingly bit... but given that it's a true story, I suppose I should believe it
How can lighting or cinamatography or something actually dictate your enjoyment of the film? (Unless it's filmed in the dark, in a shed or something).
If it does, you're an idiot. This is factual stuff. People use minutiae like that to make themselves look clever. Think Feedingseagulls, except fatter and more lonely.
How can lighting or cinamatography or something actually dictate your enjoyment of the film? (Unless it's filmed in the dark, in a shed or something).
If it does, you're an idiot. This is factual stuff. People use minutiae like that to make themselves look clever. Think Feedingseagulls, except fatter and more lonely.
Plech, you're a "movie buff" and should be killed...that and cos you have a big nose
Anyone whose taken a photograph on very low light will appreciate the scenes involving Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now. Isn't exactly wannabe rocket scientists
Watch is stoned, Slav!
That film looked amazing. Sorry, Van.
How can lighting or cinamatography or something actually dictate your enjoyment of the film? (Unless it's filmed in the dark, in a shed or something).
If it does, you're an idiot. This is factual stuff. People use minutiae like that to make themselves look clever. Think Feedingseagulls, except fatter and more lonely.
Don't go there girlfriend.
"Gary Neville clapped by hand"
I like movie puffs though...those chicken filled bread dishes that we get in theaters
I hate it when someone next to me in a theater is eating something. Especially if I can smell it. And even more if I'm really hungry or really full.
I don't really know where "there" is, that's the problem