Fight Club

With you. What's the objection?

I think The Departed is a terrible remake of a great film that never deserved to win Scorsese an Oscar, and certainly didn't deserve to win Monahan one, when he butchered a layered, thought provoking script and made it into a dull one dimensional goody vs bady gangster tale. It's only redeeming feature was the premise - which it stole - and I also resent the way it was constantly depicted as "From Martin Scorsese" from the outset, and all references to it being a remake were played down (unlike something like, the Ring, when in fact they copied all the good bits wholesale, and all the bad bits are bits they've added in) to try and give him and Monahan more credit than they deserve. Typical recent Scorsese overhype (much like the average Shutter Island)...He hasn't made a great film for 20 years.

Sham of a film to me. I ranted about why exactly in the movie review thread...can't find it though
I really don't understand why people care when someone gives a great movie a low rating. The technical aspects of a film (production, story, acting etc) are definable and a standard can be set for them, but really if a film is rated purely based on how enjoyable it was to the viewer then it should come as no surprise when it gets a low rating.

If Uncle Junior can't enjoy Fight Club... then well he is missing out on a great movie... and if he thinks it is wank then why does it matter? Is this film school? Sure we could all berate him with posts on why the film is good but it's not going to make him like it and give it a higher rating...
Thanks. That's exactly what I've been saying.
I love Hawk the Slayer! Besides it's got Jack Palance in it, so that alone should give it at least a 5.

Well, I'm glad you got some enjoyment out of it. I loved the film as a young child. Watched it again about 6 years ago and I barely managed to sit through it. Bad acting, awful music and the special effects certainly were special.

I think The Departed is a terrible remake of a great film that never deserved to win Scorsese an Oscar, and certainly didn't deserve to win Monahan one, when he butchered a layered, thought provoking script and made it into a dull one dimensional goody vs bady gangster tale. It's only redeeming feature was the premise - which it stole - and I also resent the way it was constantly depicted as "From Martin Scorsese" from the outset, and all references to it being a remake were played down (unlike something like, the Ring, when in fact they copied all the good bits wholesale, and all the bad bits are bits they've added in) to try and give him and Monahan more credit than they deserve. Typical recent Scorsese overhype (much like the average Shutter Island)...He hasn't made a great film for 20 years.

Sham of a film to me. I ranted about why exactly in the movie review thread...can't find it though

If you saw Infernal Affairs first, then I can see why it would sully the Departed for you. I personally haven't seen the original, although I intend to, and I quite enjoyed the Departed.
That is the main problem...If it's the first time you see that whole premise (dual undercovers trying to find each other) then I can see why it would impress you...but when you realise it's stolen from another film it's just...well...there's nothing there to impress all. Everything about it is worse apart from the production values.

It'd be like Robbie Williams remaking The White Album and getting an award for it cos "hey, those melodies are really good"...
I really don't understand why people care when someone gives a great movie a low rating. The technical aspects of a film (production, story, acting etc) are definable and a standard can be set for them, but really if a film is rated purely based on how enjoyable it was to the viewer then it should come as no surprise when it gets a low rating.

If Uncle Junior can't enjoy Fight Club... then well he is missing out on a great movie... and if he thinks it is wank then why does it matter? Is this film school? Sure we could all berate him with posts on why the film is good but it's not going to make him like it and give it a higher rating...

So true. The technical aspects are stone dead and you can have a clear cut good or bad but taste in movies is a completely different story.
no it isn't, it's a poor remake of a much better film despite having more money to play with, more time, supposedly "great" actors and a director running it and still managing to make it worse. Insult to the original's storyline and meaning, hollywoodised goody and bady simplification rubbish with a vomit inducing crass visual metaphor for idiots at the ends.


and why are those in 3 separate posts?

I haven't seen Internal Affairs an I think The Departed was utter shit. When wad the last great Scosese film? Goodfellas?
And Fight Club is massively overated. Good performances from the main actors but a laughably stupid plot.
I haven't seen Internal Affairs an I think The Departed was utter shit. When wad the last great Scosese film? Goodfellas?

Certainly not after...and yet bizarrely almost all of his recent efforts have had people drooling over them...Aviator, Departed and Shutter Island were all wank>decent and yet put up there with the greats because of some kind of "Scorsese was underrated for never getting recognition" guilt, that's now oddly made him hugely overrated.

He was genuinely once a great director...but I haven't truly enjoyed anything he's done for 20 years
Certainly not after...and yet bizarrely almost all of his recent efforts have had people drooling over them...Aviator, Departed and Shutter Island were all wank>decent and yet put up there with the greats because of some kind of "Scorsese was underrated for never getting recognition" guilt, that's now oddly made him hugely overrated.

He was genuinely once a great director...but I haven't truly enjoyed anything he's done for 20 years

I know it was a remake, but did you not like Cape Fear?
I liked gangs of new york, but that was mainly down to a masterful performance from DDL
DiCaprio and his appaling accent very nearly ruined it for me though
....It'd be like Robbie Williams remaking The White Album and getting an award for it cos "hey, those melodies are really good"...

Welcome to Hollywood. Piracy's okay when you know you'll be regurgitating enough money to go around for everyone and their lawyers.

And Fight Club is massively overated. Good performances from the main actors but a laughably stupid plot.

I thought the 'plot' (apocalyptic ending included) was an extension of the whole "all in his mind and even the act of trying to break out is fated to be a pathetic self-destructive fantasy" theme. I mean, I thought that's what the director was trying to do, sort of all Jacob's Ladder like that.
I know it was a remake, but did you not like Cape Fear?

Haven't seen either of them actually...Might be a good couple to download

Mockers have you ever liked a remake?

Yeah...erm...let me think.

Oceans 11 is much better than the original...though mainly because the original wasn't a film, more an excuse for Sinatra and co to piss about in Vegas and the "heist" involves them just turning the lights off and asking for the money in growly voices in a cupboard.

The Thomas Crown Affair remake I thought was very good in comparison

I thought Nolan's version of Insomnia was good...not better, but good, and not annoying in anyway when comparing them.

King Kong, whilst overly long and with it's faults is better IMO...but I'm not sure it's fair to judge a 1930s film to a modern day one in truth.

I am Legend is better than the Omega Man

And the Magnificent 7 is a good film...again, not better than 7 Samurai, but still not annoying in the way Departed was. I enjoyed it as a film.

There are probably more...
Internal Affairs is a shit film. Infernal Affairs however, is a fantastic film.

Agreed that it trumps The Departed, but I wouldn't put Shutter Island anywhere near wank.
I think it's decent...but I don't think it's any better than any other movie of that genre. Replace Di Caprio with a lesser name, and Scorsese with any other director and it would've been exactly the same. There's nothing to suggest anything great has gone on there. I couldn't see what was so special about it...It's, meh, alright. To me at any rate.