I think The Departed is a terrible remake of a great film that never deserved to win Scorsese an Oscar, and certainly didn't deserve to win Monahan one, when he butchered a layered, thought provoking script and made it into a dull one dimensional goody vs bady gangster tale. It's only redeeming feature was the premise - which it stole - and I also resent the way it was constantly depicted as "From Martin Scorsese" from the outset, and all references to it being a remake were played down (unlike something like, the Ring, when in fact they copied all the good bits wholesale, and all the bad bits are bits they've added in) to try and give him and Monahan more credit than they deserve. Typical recent Scorsese overhype (much like the average Shutter Island)...He hasn't made a great film for 20 years.
Sham of a film to me. I ranted about why exactly in the movie review thread...can't find it though