Fight Club


New Member
Sep 17, 2009
Finally watched the movie. It was fairly good, with an excellent performance by Edward Norton and pleasantly surprised to see Brad Pitt during a time in his life when he could actually act. Great graphics.

The moral was rather strange. Is Pahlniuk suggesting we live in a feminized society because we're obsessed with material objects? How did we lose our manhood if we ever had it? Does our obsession with image equate to loss of masculinity? How do we get it back?
I think that exactly what his suggesting which may sound strange coming from a gay writer however the book is a little different from the film.

The film focuses more on loss of maculinity where as the book deals more with consumerism.
Why? It is an average at best movie IMVHO. Bradley was amazing in it though.

No its a very well made movie with some interesting ideas, a good soundtrack and a good sense of fun and two really good lead performances. Gets a solid 8/10 from me everytime.

If you didn't like it thats fair enough as thats a personal choice however calling it an average movie is just silly.
I did say - in my very humble opinion. It might be shit, it might be great, it all depends on the audience. :)

I like some very shit movies (some very, very, shit movies at that (Tenderness :nervous:)), and I dislike some very good (apparently) movies (which I won't name, because I once did it somewhere and the whole forum got their panties in a bunch). I really don't like that genre of movies (along with stoner movies).
I did say - in my very humble opinion. It might be shit, it might be great, it all depends on the audience. :)

I like some very shit movies (some very, very, shit movies at that (Tenderness :nervous:)), and I dislike some very good (apparently) movies (which I won't name, because I once did it somewhere and the whole forum got their panties in a bunch). I really don't like that genre of movies (along with stoner movies).

I'm not a fan of stoner movies myself, I've been trying to finish watching Pineapple Express for the best part of 5 months - not because i want to - but because I always promise myself that I will finish watching any film i've made a concious decision to watch no matter how painful(and i can assure you watching Pineapple Express is a very painful process).

However I liked Clerks 1&2 and to be honest i'm not sure what genre I would even class a movie like fight Club in as it isn't a stoner movie and i'm not really sure it has a specific genre. It is however a very good movie.
but because I always promise myself that I will finish watching any film i've made a concious decision to watch no matter how painful
That's exactly the same with me!!

The only movie I've not finished after starting is - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I could only watch about 10-15 minutes of it, but really, there is no way in hell I could have finished it. Not even if someone paid me to.
And District 9. Weren't you writing 25 minute updates or something?
That's exactly the same with me!!

The only movie I've not finished after starting is - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I could only watch about 10-15 minutes of it, but really, there is no way in hell I could have finished it. Not even if someone paid me to.

lol... calling Fight Club average and shitting on Fear And Loathing all within page one of a thread.

I'm definitely putting up a mental sticky saying "UJ's taste in films is well shite", just in case you recommend something.

Un-feckin'-believable :annoyed:
Whatever you want fella, I don't care either way. If I don't like a movie, I don't like a movie. Do I have to say I like that movie just because the majority does?

If these two were so great, they'd have 100% ratings everywhere, from every person in the world who has watched them. Guess what, they don't. :wenger:
Whatever you want fella, I don't care either way. If I don't like a movie, I don't like a movie. Do I have to say I like that movie just because the majority does?

If these two were so great, they'd have 100% ratings everywhere, from every person in the world who has watched them. Guess what, they don't. :wenger:

Maybe not, but average just isn't the word for Fight Club... it might be average for you in terms of enjoyment, but anyone who knows a bit about production and storyline knows that the movie isn't average in those senses... which I'm assuming you'd take into consideration before sticking that label on it?

Glad you don't care... I'm just saying I'm somewhat shocked ;P
If this is average, then I wonder how you define other actual average films.

It sounds like your ratings scale goes from 1-6.
But you're not allowed to give it a 0, whether you hated it, or not. :wenger:

The story was a dud, more predictable than anything I've ever seen, there were gory aliens being killed and burnt, their eggs being popped, shite acting (apart from the main guy). I didn't like it. Simple as. If it'd make you happy, let me give it a 1.
If you give a movie like that 0/10, which is to say that it is completely irredeemable with nothing to appreciate or enjoy in it, then you are a thicky and you have no sense of scale.
which is to say that it is completely irredeemable with nothing to appreciate or enjoy in it
The thing you're missing is, there was nothing in it to enjoy for me.

I don't know you have to take someone else's rating so seriously.

You loved it, I hated it, I don't know why you have to come here acting all angry and all.
Finally watched the movie. It was fairly good, with an excellent performance by Edward Norton and pleasantly surprised to see Brad Pitt during a time in his life when he could actually act. Great graphics.

The moral was rather strange. Is Pahlniuk suggesting we live in a feminized society because we're obsessed with material objects? How did we lose our manhood if we ever had it? Does our obsession with image equate to loss of masculinity? How do we get it back?

TBF to Brad, he's always been a solid actor and has been suffering from 'pretty boy' syndrome me thinks.
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


Whatever you want fella, I don't care either way. If I don't like a movie, I don't like a movie. Do I have to say I like that movie just because the majority does?

If these two were so great, they'd have 100% ratings everywhere, from every person in the world who has watched them. Guess what, they don't. :wenger:

Its fair enough to have your own opinions about certain movie of course although its quite unusual to have such an extreme reaction to well put together movies like fight Club and District 9 (which by the way I don't buy most of the hype about and would personally give somwhere between 5-6/10)

Just as a frame of reference what movies have you watched that you would give a 7/10 or above to?

Just name about 2-3.
No it isn't, it's a poor remake of a much better film despite having more money to play with, more time, supposedly "great" actors and a director running it and still managing to make it worse. Insult to the original's storyline and meaning, hollywoodised goody and bady simplification rubbish with a vomit inducing crass visual metaphor for idiots at the ends.


And why are those in 3 separate posts?
I'm not pissed off, I mean I know that rating movies numerically is a bit wishy-washy anyway, but I just think its a bit thick to give District 9 a rating similar to what you might give a totally inept film, like Plan 9 or Manos: The Hands of Fate. I loved District 9 but I can definitely see why some people wouldn't, including for the reasons you said, I just think that you're being ridiculously harsh.
Well the only reason I gave it a 0 is because of the gore through out the movie. I simply can't stand it, I don't have the stomach for it. Even in the movies. The whole project is obviously not deserving of a 0, take out the shitty flesh flying around and it's 6/7 for me too, but like I said, I went to the cinema and there were blobs all over and hence I didn't like as much as you did.
I'm not pissed off, I mean I know that rating movies numerically is a bit wishy-washy anyway, but I just think its a bit thick to give District 9 a rating similar to what you might give a totally inept film, like Plan 9 or Manos: The Hands of Fate. I loved District 9 but I can definitely see why some people wouldn't, including for the reasons you said, I just think that you're being ridiculously harsh.

I think he should watch Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus or Hawk The Slayer.
Then he would know the true meaning of 0.
I'm not pissed off, I mean I know that rating movies numerically is a bit wishy-washy anyway, but I just think its a bit thick to give District 9 a rating similar to what you might give a totally inept film, like Plan 9 or Manos: The Hands of Fate. I loved District 9 but I can definitely see why some people wouldn't, including for the reasons you said, I just think that you're being ridiculously harsh.

I enjoyed Plan 9 much more than District 9 which was utter pants.
I really don't understand why people care when someone gives a great movie a low rating. The technical aspects of a film (production, story, acting etc) are definable and a standard can be set for them, but really if a film is rated purely based on how enjoyable it was to the viewer then it should come as no surprise when it gets a low rating.

If Uncle Junior can't enjoy Fight Club... then well he is missing out on a great movie... and if he thinks it is wank then why does it matter? Is this film school? Sure we could all berate him with posts on why the film is good but it's not going to make him like it and give it a higher rating...