I don't think there's definitive answer to this question. Some players work there very well. It depends a bit on their behavior - which runs do they make, how do they position themselves in the box etc. There are YouTubers out there who analyze this sort of thing pretty in depth. Last FIFA, RBs and LBs were pretty popular CBs because of their pace - so much that EA decided to mess up their positional game when played as a CB to balance it out. But this can vary from player to player.
You probably also want to take a look at their work rates. A CF who has great defensive stats isn't necessarily a good CDM when he has a high offensive and a medium defensive work rate. And high isn't always better - in some positions you want low defensive (CAM/striker) or offensive (CB, CDM) work rates. Some people even think medium/low is a better work rate combination for a CAM than high/low for instance.
I believe the best idea is to just test the player if you think it might work and while doing so, don't just consider how the player feels but also how often he positions himself well, how quickly he tracks back if you don't control him (important for CDMs and CBs), etc.