EA Sports says the new active touch system gives FIFA 19 a greater level of responsiveness and fluidity of animation, as well as more variety. Playing the game, you do get a sense of this, but I'd hardly call it a gameplay revolution. FIFA 19 feels better because there are more animations at play, more ways to control the ball and more skill moves, which you kind of expect with each version of the game. There's added variety to the way you manipulate and come into contact with the ball, which as someone who's pumped hundreds of hours into FIFA 18, I definitely appreciated, and there were multiple points during my hands-on when a new animation let me do something I can't in previous versions, but otherwise FIFA 19 gameplay feels pretty familiar. I didn't detect a significant change in game speed, and I found success playing the game as I play FIFA 18 - quick, accurate passing, plenty of one-twos and low driven shots (although I quite like the new shooting mechanic, which, again, adds variety).