Fifa 12: Redcafe XBOX club


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
We are always looking for more members to keep the club as active as possible, if you would like to join please see the information at the bottom of the page.

Also, for any newbs reading this, or the owner/managers of the newbs club: Please PM me about merging the two clubs to make some sort of super active Redcafe club.


Current members.

Luminous Lizard
Bosnian brigade
Hugi Bachman
Someone Shy Tot
xX Razzcal Xx
James Pious
PM Magoo
Talking Vulture
James W Parkin
Plan M
I Got A Fever
Sam Atherton
Man United 1878
Saint Ninja

Any new players looking to join can do so online here

Or search 'Redcafe' on there Xbox Fifa 12 pro club search. We will accept you as soon as possible.

1620 35 13 28
Man United 1878.

Would really love to get back into clubs, wasn't really into it at all in FIFA 11 as every club I ended up playing for were full of 15 year old kids with midget PROs, shooting from 40 yards at any sight of goal.

By the sounds of it, the BeAPro system this year will be a lot better, as if you choose to be a midget, you are going to be weak as hell, and because FIFA has such a great emphasis on strength, people will be more inclined to have a more balanced player. One with average height, so they can benefit from both speed and strength. That's what I'll be doing anyway.

I had a superb experience with Clubs on FIFA 10, we had a real stable club with 15 players who were regulalry on, and knew how to pass the ball and play in their positions. It was sometimes a real joy playing with the guys in my club, and you get a ridiculous amount of satisfaction in playing good football (total football).

I think in FIFA 12, it will be more possible than ever to play great team play and inter-changeable passing judging my the demo.

Really can't wait to get stuck into clubs this year, and hopefully we can get a nice steady club going here, with players who are regularly on, and know how to press the 'A' button.
Will add you when the game comes out.

That'll bring the numbers to around the mid twenties, which is good, as more often than not you will have others to have a game with at a given time.

James I'll add you first, for your 3rd person reference to yourself, you sound good.
Will add you when the game comes out.

That'll bring the numbers to around the mid twenties, which is good, as more often than not you will have others to have a game with at a given time.

James I'll add you first, for your 3rd person reference to yourself, you sound good.

thanks, i'll fill in wherever you want me too. let me know, and I will build my player round that
Centre backs are always pretty vital, even more so this year I would Imagine.
I'll be the bootcleaner.

GT DRoseOMG (this will probably change -_- soon)
you added all the gamer tags LL?

I can't access the online page for some reason, keeps saying I don't have a club, although I actually do.

You need to make me a manager so I can invite, if not.
I'll make you a manager when I'm on tomorrow, should be early(ish) and I'll send an invite to all the people I have off my friends list. And if anyone wants to play add me or some other manager and they'll invite you. My gamer tag is Luminous Lizard
I've invited most people into the club now.

There's a limit to the amount of people you can have requested transfers to at one time though, so if you've not been invited yet, and you're online now, I'll take a request out and change it for yours.

Let me know.
I've added all the requests from in this thread, as well as the team from last year, so go and check your virtual pro's and accept the invites.

Anyone who has been missed or wants to join, just search "Redcafe" and we'll accept you.
First time I had bag lag today on this. But I will be on tomorrow and will probably have 4 of us on so if anyone wants to play message my XBL account or bump this. Will probably be 6-7 onwards because I'm in Uni though.
I've added all the requests from in this thread, as well as the team from last year, so go and check your virtual pro's and accept the invites.

Anyone who has been missed or wants to join, just search "Redcafe" and we'll accept you.

I've not had anything?
Seeing that there was no midfield available above....does that mean no one is playing CM?

I'd like to be CM as I don't care about goals or being the man so much, nor do I feel comfortable enough in defence on this new system yet to be play there. But whatever works as long as you all don't bitch and whine >:o
'Frantic' could not be accepted into the club as he already has a club.

Frantic whoever you are, if you want to play in the club, you need to leave you current one.

Everyone else has been invited, so go check your status'.
I'll be coming on now if anyone fancies a game.

Mr Anderson, is your gamertag 'Mr Anderson'?

I'll add you.

Or just search Redcafe and request to join.