Fifa 11 clubs. Xbox 360

We drew the second half of that 6-3 game :lol:
It will be easier once people get used to have each other play. Does no-one else have a mic. It makes it so much easier...
We drew the second half of that 6-3 game :lol:
It will be easier once people get used to have each other play. Does no-one else have a mic. It makes it so much easier...

My mate gave me his spare today, and joined.

Played a good game before 5 of us in total.

Got 7 players now.
Lads, im a regular on this but havea club already with my mates. Not sure if you can play for two clubs? If so, I'll be up for a game. Im at work not and by the time I get home will have forgotten all about this so can you all add me as friends and invite me to the club? Gamertag is L8E J

Lads, im a regular on this but havea club already with my mates. Not sure if you can play for two clubs? If so, I'll be up for a game. Im at work not and by the time I get home will have forgotten all about this so can you all add me as friends and invite me to the club? Gamertag is L8E J


Added you to friends but pretty sure you can only be in one club at once.
Anyone up for a few games?

And you can play for more than one club but you have to leave the current club to join the second one.
I'll join in if players are needed! Will play anywhere, a bit rusty so wouldnt chance CB just yet hehe. Only thing is I work from lunchtime until late, thus not on usually until 11pm.
I'll join in if players are needed! Will play anywhere, a bit rusty so wouldnt chance CB just yet hehe. Only thing is I work from lunchtime until late, thus not on usually until 11pm.

Yeh that's good. We need a centrback. What's your gamertag, and I'll send you an invite.

We should start thinking of a time when webcam arrange to get us all on at the same time. Would be class.
Luminous Lizard; said:
Cool, its the same as my username on here.

I'll be up for a game n all, goin on now, but will stick around for a bit.