FIFA 09 - Red Cafe XBOX 360 Clan..?!

I am only going to play again if people pass


"I Leave".

Just to let you guys know, I've joined another team, I've already left you and I didn't even tell you - the combination of no communication, no organisation and no passing have led me to seek pastures new.

I have left Redcafe FC & joined Shandypants FC, and that is why I'm out...

"I Leave".

Just to let you guys know, I've joined another team, I've already left you and I didn't even tell you - the combination of no communication, no organisation and no passing have led me to seek pastures new.

I have left Redcafe FC & joined Shandypants FC, and that is why I'm out...

fair enough
Why is this thread getting battered 3-1/4-1 by the PS3 one? We know that PS3 has sold more units in Europe and that this forum is far more frequented by non Americans, but not by these ratios surely?
We go online, and of people are one there, we play with each other.

We dont feel the need to document it all during before and after each game any more. Well, I dont. Been playing quite alot of games with random people from the Caf, just haven't put it down in here.

Thanks for the concern though Weaste.
Yeah, no its understandable. Is alot more quiet in here than over there. I was in 2 minds over what console to buy it on, but then I got my 360 copy for free, and I prefered it over the PS3 version I had tried before it. Which was odd as the last few years of sports games I have always prefered on the PS3. However this year both Madden and Fifa, the 2 major sports games I always buy, I have much prefered on the 360. Weird.
Well, the PS3 crowd have got one thing on us, they're cooperating and planning. We started off well, with someone setting a time and people showing up to play, but it's cooled down a bit. I've not been any better, as I've mostly played regular games online and against my cousin, but I'd like us to start playing some more.
The 360 link works for me:confused:

That was it originally.

James is touchy though, so best to let it drop.

I am not touchy, I am just an angry man

the 360 and ps3 versions are identical

I just dont see why people constantly spunk over their consoles while saying which one is best

they are all good, even the wii

that is why i bought all 3

(that ryhmes by the way)

you should get down pc world and have them replace your man dongle with a usb dongle, that way your can interface with your ps3
Right, had this game less than a week. I fancy a game sometime with a few people on this site on Be A Pro online. What do i do? I am not that good though but i like to pass it about than run about.
Anyone online for a game?

Add me manxmanc...

PM me on here to let me know ya on as its currently switched off.
sorry i havent been able to play lads, ive got the 3red lights now, so could be a few weeks before i get it back