fecking bollocks thread

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Wizard Keyaz said:
Why do you know Russian or are you talking fecking bollocks again?
I used to learn it at school.

It's easy to learn for Pole, pretty much similar to our language and it takes at worst three days to learn their signs, it's not that hard at all.
Wizard Keyaz said:
It won't be long till you reach 100 mate, I am counting on you!
Should be today, thanks for support :angel:
Good Morning.

I'm back after 12-hour sleep. Obviously back to write some fecking bollocks.

I'm having cereals for my breakfast, decent meal.

Have a good day.
feck me WK, you really are trying to beat Jason....

User Name Posts
jasonrh 188
Slabber 166
laura 122
Wizard Keyaz 116
tomlozza9 91
Spoony 72
Sarni 61
Dubai_Devil 50
GiggsysGirl 47
alonso767 35
Godspeed 32
The Kippax Kid 27
Richter 25
wancolos 19
ACE1981 16
WelshRed 13
original muppet 13
CremboMan 12
Murt 12
retirantmobs 11
roonaldo78 10
no_angel 10
French Henry 9
Abbsta 8
Edgio 7
very Ruud 6
Elizabeth 5
k-standred 5
GroundSide 4
Morcs 3
Ern 3
Barbara Charles 3
jackbastar 3
BazzaBear 3
manifique 3
MelvinYeo 3
heightmassive 2
Spider 2
Stobzilla 2
Freak 2
reelworld 2
Plechazunga 2
TheDevil'sOwn 2
golden_blunder 2
noodlehair 2
leviathan 1
Davo 1
SmashedHombre 1
2Bullish 1
ColdplaySmiley 1
Shane Bluck 1
massey 1
thewelshconjurer 1
redbunny 1
yaps 1
ThomasM 1
Big Andy 1
Looking Busy 1
032Devil 1
Livvie 1
Rona1do 1
afrocentricity 1
bergzen 1
This thread reminds me of an old one 3-4 years ago about increasing post count.

Spammers the whole os us.
Sarni said:
I used to learn it at school.

It's easy to learn for Pole, pretty much similar to our language and it takes at worst three days to learn their signs, it's not that hard at all.
But learning Russian won't help at all I need to recap on French again, I was a good French student at school I got a really good grade for my GCSE French, because I haven't used French for 14 years I completely forgot the whole language.

I didn't know that French would of been so important to me, now I have to learn quicktime.
User Name Posts
jasonrh 188
Slabber 166
laura 122
Wizard Keyaz 121
tomlozza9 91
Spoony 72
Sarni 61
Dubai_Devil 50
GiggsysGirl 47
Godspeed 35
alonso767 35
The Kippax Kid 27
Richter 25
wancolos 19
ACE1981 16
WelshRed 14
original muppet 13
CremboMan 12
Murt 12
retirantmobs 11
roonaldo78 10
no_angel 10
French Henry 9
Abbsta 8
Edgio 7
very Ruud 6
Elizabeth 5
k-standred 5
GroundSide 4
Ern 3
Barbara Charles 3
jackbastar 3
BazzaBear 3
manifique 3
MelvinYeo 3
Morcs 3
Spider 2
Stobzilla 2
Freak 2
reelworld 2
Plechazunga 2
TheDevil'sOwn 2
golden_blunder 2
noodlehair 2
heightmassive 2
Davo 1
SmashedHombre 1
2Bullish 1
ColdplaySmiley 1
Shane Bluck 1
massey 1
thewelshconjurer 1
redbunny 1
yaps 1
ThomasM 1
Big Andy 1
Looking Busy 1
032Devil 1
Livvie 1
Rona1do 1
afrocentricity 1
bergzen 1
leviathan 1
Wizard Keyaz said:
But learning Russian won't help at all I need to recap on French again, I was a good French student at school I got a really good grade for my GCSE French, because I haven't used French for 14 years I completely forgot the whole language.

I didn't know that French would of been so important to me, now I have to learn quicktime.

To be honest, Russian is absolutely useless nowadays so I used to learn it only because I had to. English is my priorirty and I try to develop it everyday, I feel that my English is decent or even good at the moment but it would be foolish to not make it better. I used to learn German as well but I had a really bad teacher and I still know almost nothing.

By the way, I will try to overtake Spoony and secure 6th spot today.
Sarni said:
To be honest, Russian is absolutely useless nowadays so I used to learn it only because I had to. English is my priorirty and I try to develop it everyday, I feel that my English is decent or even good at the moment but it would be foolish to not make it better. I used to learn German as well but I had a really bad teacher and I still know almost nothing.

By the way, I will try to overtake Spoony and secure 6th spot today.
I know this is fecking bollocks information but what is the International language in sequence, meaning

1st English
2nd Spanish
3rd, 4th & 5th?

Where you from Sarni and what is the first language spoken where you are?
I'm from Poland and official language here is Polish, one from the Slavonian dialects (don't know how to write it correctly, Slovanian, Slavonian, whatever).

The most important and most frequently spoken language around the world is certainly English, you can communicate with it almost everywhere. Second one is Spanish, mainly because it's used in South America. German, Italian and French are useful as well, yet they're used only in limited areas in Europe and you should learn them only if you're going to live in one of these areas. And obviously there are some Asian languages, but from what I heard, in Asia you can communicate with English with no hassles.

My priority is English because I want to move to England to continue my education in two years and then maybe to join my brother in the USA or stay in England, so my English has to be pretty fluent (yep, I know that many Poles live there and can't speak English at all, but I don't want to be one of them, there is no future for you if you can't communicate with local people).

Well, fecking Bollocks.
Hey thats great, I had a lot of work done by polish builders, they couldn't speak English but hand signs were the most effective tool of communications
Wizard Keyaz said:
Hey thats great, I had a lot of work done by polish builders, they couldn't speak English but hand signs were the most effective tool of communications

Am I going to finish university using hand signs? :angel:
noodlehair said:
If people weren't such impotent cretins, there'd be no such thing.
It takes up nine tenth's of my desk space, and if it's there, that's usually because something has to be done with it.

It's shit. One of the shittest things there is
Thought I add this
Wizard Keyaz said:
Nah, you should be fine mate.

Use Skype and talk to people, that way you can improve your pronounciations

I spend my summer holiday in the USA visiting my brother every year, I benefit from two months of practice.

And I have two more years to improve my English, so I believe I will be fine. Fact that I can post on this forum shows that my English is not that shite at all (by the way posting here improves my skills as well, I've learnt a lot since Jan 2004).
Sarni said:
I spend my summer holiday in the USA visiting my brother who works and lives there, I benefit from two months of practice. And I have two more years to improve my English, so I believe that I will be fine, fact that I can post at this forum shows that my English is not that shite at all (by the way posting here improves my skills as well, I've learnt a lot since Jan 2004).
Yeh, you are doing very well.

The more you chat fecking bollocks the more better your English
fecking Bollock thread is the best teacher I can imagine.
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