Wizard Keyaz
Caf's Confucious
The old time best opener was "Have I seen you somewhere before" Classic opener!
tomlozza9 said:whats that capital of..... Solomon Islands
Slabber said:I'd have to google that.
Europe, the Americas, most of Asia, not small archipelagos...tomlozza9 said:Honiara
I know it's fecking bollocks you don't need to remind that it is a fecking bollocks threadtomlozza9 said:it is fecking bollocks
Wizard Keyaz said:I know it's fecking bollocks you don't need to remind that it is a fecking bollocks thread
Slabber said:jasonrh 167Slabber 134laura 105Spoony 66GiggsysGirl 47Dubai_Devil 46alonso767 34The Kippax Kid 27Wizard Keyaz 19ACE1981 16wancolos 15original muppet 13CremboMan 12Godspeed 11Richter 10roonaldo78 10French Henry 9WelshRed 9Abbsta 8Edgio 7Murt 7no_angel 7retirantmobs 6Elizabeth 5GroundSide 4BazzaBear 3Ern 3jackbastar 3Barbara Charles 3MelvinYeo 3TheDevil'sOwn 2noodlehair 2Spider 2manifique 2Stobzilla 2heightmassive 2reelworld 2Plechazunga 2Freak 2golden_blunder 2redbunny 1Davo 12Bullish 1leviathan 1032Devil 1afrocentricity 1bergzen 1SmashedHombre 1tomlozza9 1Shane Bluck 1yaps 1ColdplaySmiley 1massey 1Livvie 1Big Andy 1Looking Busy 1ThomasM 1Rona1do 1Sarni 1
dhyeyoudhyth ehraredgt dhetalkingtyh htyfeckingzxsd bcfbollockscxew sqpmatestw!wancolos said:.zjhg.sdh,bjzljgckunlb kjklsæ<cn.knb
You are right it is fecking bollockstomlozza9 said:your right sorry for reminding you that this fecking bollocks thread is a fecking bollocks thread it wont happen again,
although this thread is fecking bollocks
I wonWizard Keyaz said:Who fought and who won?