fecking bollocks thread

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I just re-read the bitch fight. Laura got victimised, she was just playing, GG turned nasty and then all the bitches piled in on Laura.

Great stuff.
Moiasjgøoiausgmnakcflv,afecjhfhgmker,jnb uoidhbdgj
They're in lake Titicaca. They're not independent so they don't have a capital.

It's fecking bollocks.
.zjhg.sdh,bjzljgckunlb kjklsæ<cn.knb
tomlozza9 said:
your right sorry for reminding you that this fecking bollocks thread is a fecking bollocks thread it wont happen again,

although this thread is fecking bollocks
You are right it is fecking bollocks
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