fecking bollocks thread

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retirantmobs said:
This is very true :lol:

I thought it was all quite 'geeky' but i think i'm gonna start using it more. How did you do your background?

Hmm, do you mean how I added it, or how I made the .gif?

I just created the pattern in photoshop, added it with css. There are tons of myspace editing tutorials around I think, just google it or something.

It's not really geeky though is it, unless everyone is a fecking geek. There are some fecking hot birds on myspace!
retirantmobs said:
Aye, seen some of the birds. Top stuff.

I have no idea how to use photoshop or anything like that so i think I will stick with the white background.

You can download backgrounds of the internet as well.
retirantmobs said:
An intresting development. I may look into this.

you can use any solid color as a background as well. White is #FFFFFF (or #fff), black is #000000 (or #000).

The plot thickens.
retirantmobs said:
Where do you do that? Sorry to become a myspace whore i need to start from the basics.


If this stuff is too complicated (I'm really not sure I haven't checked it out myself) You can google "myspace editor" which should point you to an online web program that creates custom myspace code for you.
retirantmobs said:
Get in. Top stuff these tips. Thank you my MySpace junkie friend.

I'm hardly a junkie =) I just know a fair bit about cascading style sheets.
retirantmobs said:
Yep, lost me again :lol:

cascading style sheets = CSS, it's what is supposed to be used to control the look of webpages.

HTML for structure, CSS for look and feel.
On a lighter note, Katharine McPhee is devestatingly cute. She's my American Idol.
French Henry said:
On a lighter note, Katharine McPhee is devestatingly cute. She's my American Idol.
Thank you for sharing.

wancy is considering whether to drop the hairdryer into the bath, and you're wanking.
jasonrh said:
Thank you for sharing.

wancy is considering whether to drop the hairdryer into the bath, and you're wanking.

I'm watching American Idol. 'Say what you see' as Roy Walker so succinctly put it.

The enthusiasm seems to have waned in this thread since we passed 100 pages/4000 posts.
Wibble said:
The enthusiasm seems to have waned in this thread since we passed 100 pages/4000 posts.
If it messes with the database, just cut it up and lock it.

I think we're afraid to give it the real fecking Bollocks treatment for fear it will be the end of the Caf.
jasonrh said:
Thank you for sharing.

wancy is considering whether to drop the hairdryer into the bath, and you're wanking.

I couldn't find the hairdryer and we only have an electrical oven so the suicide is off.
It was mostly mouth but managed to get a punch in before being dragged away by two lads who live next door to me, (which im glad in a way as i can't fight) just didnt agree with the shit he was saying to my girlfreind.

Looked good infront of my bird tho
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