favourite arnie one-liners

The video you've all been waiting for.

Every Arnie scream from every movie.

Speaking of Predator do you lads remember this one?

So I'm going down on my wife and I says to her "Jeez you've got a big pussy." "Jeez you've got a big pussy."

She looked at me and said "Why did you say that twice?"

"I didn't."

For me it has to be:


Butch: Dylan!!!!!! You sonnoffa bitch!

**Massive handshake/arm wrestle/muscle flex** (Arnie has the upper hand)

Butch: What's the matter? The CIA got you pushin to many pencils!

Dillon..you son of a BITCH.

Hey, Bennnnnnnnnnyyyy, (killing him with large drill) SCREW YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!

You should not drink, and bake.

Claudius, you killed my father....big mistake.

How are you going to snap your fingers....when I rip off both of your thumbs?

I bet you think this is me, hahaha....IT IS!

I hear you want to be a farmer....well here's a couple of acres kicks the guy in the balls so hard he flies over a cop car.

You think you're bad, man? You're A CHOIR BOY COMPARED TO ME, A CHOIR BOY!!!
Btw I dunno if this ones been yet but it's got to be up there as the best..

“I live to see you eat that contract. But I hope your leave room for my fist. Cause I’m going to ram it into your stomach and break your spine!”
There is no bathroom! You are mine now! You belong to me!

"You get some nerve showing your face around here.

Look who's talking."

It's all boolchit! All of it! The cabinet minister. The whole business. So you cooked up a story, and dropped the six of us in a meatgrinder.
Dillon..you son of a BITCH.

Hey, Bennnnnnnnnnyyyy, (killing him with large drill) SCREW YOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!

You should not drink, and bake.

Claudius, you killed my father....big mistake.

How are you going to snap your fingers....when I rip off both of your thumbs?

I bet you think this is me, hahaha....IT IS!

I hear you want to be a farmer....well here's a couple of acres kicks the guy in the balls so hard he flies over a cop car.

You think you're bad, man? You're A CHOIR BOY COMPARED TO ME, A CHOIR BOY!!!

loved last action hero.
Comando was on sky last night. My wife has never seen it before. She loved it. I said its the best Arnie film. It has all the best one liners.

Bennett: John, I feel good. Just like old times. What's it feel like to be a dying man? You're a dead man, John!
Matrix: Bullshit!

[Cooke aims a gun at Matrix]
Cooke: feck you, asshole!
[Cooke squeezes the trigger, but the gun clicks empty]
Matrix: feck *you*, asshole.
You scared, asshole? You should be. Because this Green Beret is going to kick your big ass.

I eat Green Berets for breakfast, and right now I'M VERY HUNGRY!!
Hey, and do me a favour, please, don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired.


There's somebody in my house, with my wife, eating my Birthday cake!
"Who told you you could eat my cookies?"

"Put that cookie down. NOW!"