favourite arnie one-liners

Everyone here has to watch The Running Man before commenting.

"ee' 'ad to spliiit."
My favouritest favourite (i'm inventing new words)

In Predator when he throws the knife so hard that he pins the soldier to the door and says "stick around"

It was strangely cut from my DVD along with the scene where Carl Weathers' arm was clearly behind his back when it was supposed to have been amputated.

I was gutted!
"What happened to buzz-saw?

You've just been erased

You know your Arnie mate. Now let me set you one of the greatest scenes/one-liners in Arnold's history:

*Arnie and Buzzsaw are struggling over the chainsaw attatched to Buzzsaw's arm, he's trying to force it up in between Arnie's legs*

Buzzsaw: This shaw's been a part of me... Now it's going to be a part of YOU!

Arnie: Noooh, keep iiit.
My favouritest favourite (i'm inventing new words)

In Predator when he throws the knife so hard that he pins the soldier to the door and says "stick around"

It was strangely cut from my DVD along with the scene where Carl Weathers' arm was clearly behind his back when it was supposed to have been amputated.

I was gutted!


i remember those moments, classic stuff.

the best line from that movie though has to be from the 'other' govenor in that movie:

'bunch-a slack jawed faggots 'round here, this stuff'll make ya a sexual ty-ranosaurus... just like me..'

i remember those moments, classic stuff.

the best line from that movie though has to be from the 'other' govenor in that movie:

'bunch-a slack jawed faggots 'round here, this stuff'll make ya a sexual ty-ranosaurus... just like me..'

Yeah, quality stuff!

I'm not sure if the following quotes are completely correct but:

"Blain you're bleeding"

"Ain't got time to bleed"
Speaking of Predator do you lads remember this one?

So I'm going down on my wife and I says to her "Jeez you've got a big pussy." "Jeez you've got a big pussy."

She looked at me and said "Why did you say that twice?"

"I didn't."
Speaking of Predator do you lads remember this one?

So I'm going down on my wife and I says to her "Jeez you've got a big pussy." "Jeez you've got a big pussy."

She looked at me and said "Why did you say that twice?"

"I didn't."


Yeah, quality stuff!

I'm not sure if the following quotes are completely correct but:

"Blain you're bleeding"

"Ain't got time to bleed"


Yeah that'd be right. Tough as nails was that guy, had the massive Minigun and a wicked moustache to boot.

'Remember when I said I was goin to kill you last... I lied."
"Here is Subzero, now, plain zero"

"I'll tell you what I think of it... I'll live to see you eat that contract... But I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach, AND BREAK YOUR GOD DAMNED SPINE!"

Speaking of Predator do you lads remember this one?

So I'm going down on my wife and I says to her "Jeez you've got a big pussy." "Jeez you've got a big pussy."

She looked at me and said "Why did you say that twice?"

"I didn't."

Running Man

Woman sees some evil bastard descending from the night sky using a jetpack
"Jesus Christ!"
"Guess again."
True Lies:

Helen Tasker: Have you ever killed anyone?
Harry Tasker: Yes, but they were all bad.


"I'll live to see you eat that contract, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist, because I'm gonna ram it into your stomach and break your godamned spine!"


I need you clothes, your boots and you motorcycle.


"Money doesn't make you happy. I now have 50 million dollars, but I was just as happy when I had 48 million dollars."
"Vote for meeeh to be the Senorator or I will kill yoooo all including youuuuurr famhahlies and pets."
Between your faith and my Glock nine millimeter, I'll take the Glock.
My favouritest favourite (i'm inventing new words)

In Predator when he throws the knife so hard that he pins the soldier to the door and says "stick around"

It was strangely cut from my DVD along with the scene where Carl Weathers' arm was clearly behind his back when it was supposed to have been amputated.

I was gutted!

I fell off my chair laughing when I first saw predator