Favourite Acting Performances

Does TV performances count?

Because Martin Sheen in the last episode of Season Two West Wing stands out by a mile for me.
Most of my favourite movie performances have been mentioned. Tough to beat Bale as Bateman mind.
Al Pacino - Scent of a Women

Leonardo Dicaprio - Basketball Diaries

Robert De niro - The Deer Hunter

Edward Norton - American History X

Marlon Brando - The Godfather

James Gandolfini - The Sopranos

The best scene in cinema history

Cartman, Chicken Lover, season 2.

have to agree with many of you

i just want to add three great works that havent been mentioned yet

Ben Kingsley in Ghandi

Meryl Streep in Out of africa


Brad Pitt in Snatch

the three of them had change their accent to get in the character and they did it suprebly
Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca
Dude was badass in The Quick and the Dead.
It is indeed. One of the most stupid ever yet taken to be deep and meaningful by many.

Nobody said it was deep, but it is meaningful and a good surrounding to examine some of the key themes of the movie.

As said before it is a black comedy so it isn't meant to be deep and it is actually supposed to be absurd in parts, to call the plot stupid is to miss the point entirely.

Next you're be telling us that Dr Strangelove was a poor attempt to convey schizophrenia on the big screen.:p
It is indeed. One of the most stupid ever yet taken to be deep and meaningful by many.
It is stupid. Extremely stupid. Thats not the reason why I think most people enjoyed the film though.

You put in cool actors, scenes of violence and a couple of dozen very quotable lines and you have a hit.
Does TV performances count?

Because Martin Sheen in the last episode of Season Two West Wing stands out by a mile for me.

Most of my favourite movie performances have been mentioned. Tough to beat Bale as Bateman mind.

Youtube fix, and yes that performance was epic. He was brilliant throughout the entire show.
I saw the Fight Club film before I read the book and remember thinking that the whole thing, while entertaining, was a bit silly, and the plot twist was the sort of thing a team of ponytailed writers in skinny jeans might come up with while passing a bong around, before making enthusiastic declarations like 'Dude, that's so awesome! We have to do it!'

I read the book afterwards and loved it. I usually hate post-modern writing that tries to do 'interesting' things with form and structure, but it's a genuinely hilarious book and the silly plot twists are a lot easier to swallow when you're reading them on a page rather than seeing them played out in all their ridiculous glory on the screen.
Oh, and the answer to the original post is Robert De Niro in Raging Bull.
Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa is my most recent favourite performance. Chilling.

Loved Ralph Fiennes and Rob Morrow in Quiz Show. Beautifully subtle performances.

Also DiCaprio in Gilbert Grape and Edward Norton in some Richard Gere film or other where he played a schizo choirboy.

Oh and Orson Welles in Citizen Kane...best introduction of a character in a movie ever!