Favourite 3 moments playing video games

Defeating the final 4 bosses in FF8 without dying once....at like level 70-80 with no way near full health was prob my favourite moment....since it took like 4 hours, and then I had to do it again the next day for a friend to see the ending....I went back to that a few months later fully equipped and stuff, and it took like 30 minutes.

It's not quite Mike Tyson, but it'll do. I guess my Gold Cross on COD4 maybe, and doing both MW's on veteran on the first day of release(including mile high club, though not all the spec ops).
1. Saying goodbye to Saria and then walking out into Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time.

2. Ravenholme in Half-Life 2.

3. The first few levels of World of Warcraft.

Honorable mentions:

Playing GTA3 for the first time
Killing Chromaggus in WoW and getting 7/8 T2.
Finally beating Ragnaros after nearly 2 months on him. Again in WoW.
My one and only flashbang kill online in Counter-Strike Source.
Playing Smackdown 3 on PS2 (first ever go at the console). Watching the Rock's entrance on a big telly was nothing I'd ever seen in a game
Sephiroth was cool as feck, the best enemy video game charcter ever

Managing to full parry a super art in SFIII is total euphoria.

Planting the bomb and then sprinting back to your ship in the last level of Flashback

Getting one of your players psyched up in super sidekicks was brilliant like Messi on steriods
Defeating Gruntilda on Banjo-Kazooie.

Becoming Super-Sonic for the first time.

Leaving the vault on Fallout 3.
All of Half Life.

First game on Counter-Strike.

Playing an 8 man tournament on Fifa International Soccer 94.
i loved Fallout 3, my favourite part was getting revenge on the guy that bullys you when your a kid. i caved his head in with a baseball bat :cool:
i loved Fallout 3, my favourite part was getting revenge on the guy that bullys you when your a kid. i caved his head in with a baseball bat :cool:

Brilliant game, I regret not blowing up that wierd City place, bombnito or something.

I was dissapointed that once you finished it you couldn't carry on and nob about in the free world.
1. Playing Lylat wars on my N64 on xmas day, that independence day level.

2. Championship Manager, probably eleven or twelve years ago winning the Champions League with Kaiserslautern (a team I still look out for) with my record signing Marco Di Vaio scoring insane amounts of goals. My captain and fk specialist Ratinho gets an honourable mention. CM and now FM have given me a scary amount of pleasure. If you win win a playoff in last minute (and you never cheat) then I defy you to resist doing a Brian Kidd knee-slide in your bedroom!

3. To be honest I think I had it yesterday when I played Uncharted 3 until 3am! The plane and cruise-liner levels were jaw-droppingly fantastic.
1. Zelda Ocarina of time, when everything got dark.
2. player manager (ps1) when Simon davies of Peterborough United, used to take on the oppositions whole team, go round the keeper and miss...continually.
3.Res evil 2, when they dropped the nemesis in, and you realised it could appear at anytime.
4.Warcraft, when my once ridiculed and often laughed at warlock got buffed, and my DOTS started doing 354454656423 damage.
5.Baldurs gate 2, when my sword begun talking and encouraging me to kill.
one great moment for me was playing Metal Gear Solid remake on Game Cube and fighting that physic bloke. And he starts saying " I see you have been playing Mario Sunshine, Zelda and Eternal darkness" And I was like WTF? Took me a while to realise the memory card was telling him

I believe it happened on the original PS1 version but I do not recall him reading the card
First time I saw the Intro to FF7

Aeris death In FF7

The dancing scene in FF8

The first time I completed a DIZZY Game on Atari ST

The first time I played GTA 1 and 3

All of Heavy Rain

Playing Miami Vice on Spectrum

I know you said 3 but that is impossible
1. Playing Lylat wars on my N64 on xmas day, that independence day level.

That was pretty amazing.

The 4 player split screen "death match" levels on Diddy Kong Racing were amazing too. I think my friends and I sank more hours into those than Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.
Moments in Tomb Raider (original):

Seeing the T. Rex.
Swimming in that azure water.
The music which accompanied the finding of new, ancient locations.
1. Entering Mexico in Red Dead Redemption to the tune of Jose Gonzalez' "Far away"

2. Getting on the Faggio, playing "Billie Jean" in the first scene of GTA Vice City.

3. Getting my first FIFA-game back in 96.

That was pretty amazing.

The 4 player split screen "death match" levels on Diddy Kong Racing were amazing too. I think my friends and I sank more hours into those than Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.

Finally beating any of the cheating bastard bosses in Diddy Kong Racing.
1. Entering Mexico in Red Dead Redemption to the tune of Jose Gonzalez' "Far away"2. Getting on the Faggio, playing "Billie Jean" in the first scene of GTA Vice City.

3. Getting my first FIFA-game back in 96.

Quality moment in a great game
1. Playing Lylat wars on my N64 on xmas day, that independence day level.

2. Championship Manager, probably eleven or twelve years ago winning the Champions League with Kaiserslautern (a team I still look out for) with my record signing Marco Di Vaio scoring insane amounts of goals. My captain and fk specialist Ratinho gets an honourable mention. CM and now FM have given me a scary amount of pleasure. If you win win a playoff in last minute (and you never cheat) then I defy you to resist doing a Brian Kidd knee-slide in your bedroom!

3. To be honest I think I had it yesterday when I played Uncharted 3 until 3am! The plane and cruise-liner levels were jaw-droppingly fantastic.

Finally! Something I remember! That level was awesome. Blew me away.

Been reading through this thread seeing loads of comments about games I must have played but I've only got the vaguest residual memories left. What a relief to actually remember one of the references.

My memory is really screwed :(
Finally! Something I remember! That level was awesome. Blew me away.

Been reading through this thread seeing loads of comments about games I must have played but I've only got the vaguest residual memories left. What a relief to actually remember one of the references.

My memory is really screwed :(

Old age or too much hard living ? I can relate to both :)
1.) Downing Onyxia as a Raid Leader back in vanilla WoW with some great friends.
2.) Me and friend going to XR and beating 5 v 2 lvl 60's, including a famous PvPer of our server, it was famous on Dragonblight EU.
3.) Aeris dieing in FF7 and making me want to kill Sephiroth.
4.) Red XIII and Cosmo Canyon
5.) Finishing Monkey Island 1 & 2 and feeling like I'd achieved something special.
3, Playing World of Warcraft at a low level and getting overrun by monsters when another player (a max level Undead Rogue) unstealthed, killed all the monsters, cannibilised one of them, waved at me then rode off on a motorbike.


fecking class ! When I started playing the game first, I randomly bumped into a high level mage who was actually interested in conversing with the lowly (I know...shock horror) He put on a display of his finest which involved turning me into a sheep. Obvious at the time I had no idea about various moves and spells etc and thought this was all hilarious - which reminds me, I need to get back playing. I've not played for about a month now since buying CIV5

I'd have to say one of my best moment was playing Resident Evil 1 on the Playstation. I can still remember the atmosphere it created in my head. Absolute dynamite
3. The first few levels of World of Warcraft.

Have to agree with you. While it does get a little repetative after playing it for longer, when I first joined up I have to say I was gob smacked. Absolutely loved the feel to the game. The music score for the game is something else
one great moment for me was playing Metal Gear Solid remake on Game Cube and fighting that physic bloke. And he starts saying " I see you have been playing Mario Sunshine, Zelda and Eternal darkness" And I was like WTF? Took me a while to realise the memory card was telling him

I believe it happened on the original PS1 version but I do not recall him reading the card

I really enjoyed Metal Gear Solid on the PS1
1. road rash. was my first ever game.

2. Playing gta vice city when I was at college. we gamers used to gather in a room and when Stayin Alive comes on the radio, we all danced like hell. And gambling in casinos on gta san andreas.

3. Crysis. Jaw dropping stuff. I actually took a week off from work and finished it.
1. road rash. was my first ever game.

2. Playing gta vice city when I was at college. we gamers used to gather in a room and when Stayin Alive comes on the radio, we all danced like hell. And gambling in casinos on gta san andreas.

3. Crysis. Jaw dropping stuff. I actually took a week off from work and finished it.

xyzzyxspoon shift+1 . I remember that was the cheat code for nitro boost in road rash. Class act of a game. They are re-making it actually. Looks decent.
Getting Metal Gear Solid 1 on a pirate from America. Didn't have a scart cable so had to play it in black and white.. but was the first person in school to have it.. Oh and disc 2 didn't work.

Pulling off a shoryu-ken to super hadouken in an online SF fight with Ryu to win the fight.

Usually the best moments come when playing on the hardest difficulty level settings. I remember the first COD on Pc, there was some insanely difficult mission outside with tanks and bombs blowing up everywhere, on veteran this was ridiculous.

Blowing the absolute feck out of anything in my way in Solider of Fortune.

The whole of Deus Ex 1. Actually, that was the first game I pirated successfully on warez, left my pc to download overnight 60 odd segments at something like 3.5 kb/s.

The many moments during college when all I did was play counter strike, shooting, surfing, knife and jumping maps.
MGS1. Having to switch the controllers against Psycho Mantis.

Shitloads in FF games, but probably beating Penance in X, took me 107 hours to get that far.

Love the Mexico scene in Red Dead, as mentioned above

The twist in KOTOR.

The battle at the end of HL2: Episode 1.

The skeleton head dude in Planescape Torment

Headshots in Counter Strike

and so many more.

EDIT: Oh, oh! And in Grim Fandango, the bit with the heart in the spider web. Amazing!
Pretty much every minute I played of Ocarina of Time. I think I was in 6th or 7th grade when it came out and I faked sick for a solid 2 days (Thursday & Friday) in order to play it for 4 days straight.

Fighting Sniper Wolf in Metal Gear Solid (not sure why but that's one of the main things that sticks out for me in the game).

The Dark Brotherhood quest in Oblivion where you have to drop the mounted deer head on the guy in his armchair to kill him.

Flying the Dodo in GTA 3.

Most of the far too many hours I wasted on a stupid game called Dark Age of Camelot.

Getting the Golden Chocobo in FF7.

Phantasy Star Online. All of it. Bizarrely met a guy on there and kept in touch who now plays with Portland Timbers in MLS.

Shooting a 46 in Mario Golf on Gameboy Color.

The music making bit of Mario Paint on SNES.
Christ I have a few on here. A lot from WoW, which I played for years.

First onyxia and ragnaros kills with my old guild in classic WoW were immense. We were all going absolutely mental on ventrilo. Various other moments as well.

More recently in the last few weeks there were a couple of good ones. Had a cracking moment on battlefield 3 a few nights ago - I managed to shoot down a chopper from a tank from literally halfway across the map. Aimed ahead of him, watched the shell fly through the air and converge with the heli beautifully - wasn't an easy shot either, he was moving quite fast.

Before that I had one on UFC 2010 on the ps3, I had lost to GSP about 3 times and was in the 4th game getting battered. Just about holding my own when standing, but every time he took me down I thought I was going to be submitted - in the 4th round I landed an incredible flying head kick and won the title.

Also, dragon age 2. Then plot and character appearances were just great.

Edit: just realised I forgot fallout. Fallout 3 was quality, leaving the vault, killing the bully....the list goes on.

And oblivion. When that game came out I couldn't sleep and ended up pulling an all nighter (this was while I was at Uni). I still go back to that game and replay it now and then, can't wait for skyrim
Finally beating any of the cheating bastard bosses in Diddy Kong Racing.

:lol: They were evil bastards. I remember me and my mate trying for about an hour to beat the triceratops that knocked logs over and basically trampled you if you got too close.
I completed that game, found all the balloons and unlocked the mirrored levels and the chicken/rooster character. Edit: (just remembered he was called Drumstick) I then lent it to my cousin about 6 months later and he wiped my game saves! I was sooo angry!
- Duke Nukem 3d, the complete game.

- Pokemon either red or blue

- Resident evil 2

- Tony Hawkes pro skater 2

- FA premier league manager 2002

couldnt keep it to 3.
Finally! Something I remember! That level was awesome. Blew me away.

Been reading through this thread seeing loads of comments about games I must have played but I've only got the vaguest residual memories left. What a relief to actually remember one of the references.

My memory is really screwed :(

The final boss when Fox' dad shows up was pretty great too.