1, Seeing Mario 64 for the first time. Looked so different than any other game i'd played. The controls were so intuitive and Mario moved so well. I must have spend half an hour trying to catch that fecking rabbit!
2, Playing Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on the Amiga (split screen two-player baby) with a mate and saving myself from the shame of getting lapped by deliberately slowing down and causing my friend to crash into me and then into barriers.
3, Playing World of Warcraft at a low level and getting overrun by monsters when another player (a max level Undead Rogue) unstealthed, killed all the monsters, cannibilised one of them, waved at me then rode off on a motorbike.
2, Playing Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on the Amiga (split screen two-player baby) with a mate and saving myself from the shame of getting lapped by deliberately slowing down and causing my friend to crash into me and then into barriers.
3, Playing World of Warcraft at a low level and getting overrun by monsters when another player (a max level Undead Rogue) unstealthed, killed all the monsters, cannibilised one of them, waved at me then rode off on a motorbike.