Favourite 3 moments playing video games


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
1, Seeing Mario 64 for the first time. Looked so different than any other game i'd played. The controls were so intuitive and Mario moved so well. I must have spend half an hour trying to catch that fecking rabbit!

2, Playing Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on the Amiga (split screen two-player baby) with a mate and saving myself from the shame of getting lapped by deliberately slowing down and causing my friend to crash into me and then into barriers.

3, Playing World of Warcraft at a low level and getting overrun by monsters when another player (a max level Undead Rogue) unstealthed, killed all the monsters, cannibilised one of them, waved at me then rode off on a motorbike.
1) The twist revelation in KOTOR (I came)

2) Playing Super Mario 64 for the first time (I also came)

3) Reaching level 60 in WoW for the first time :nervous:

4) Leaving the vault for the first time in Fallout 3

5) Shenmue I + II...every second of it.
1. FINALLY getting past the dragon on the first level of The Last Ninja.

2. Uncharted 2. All of it. The building collapsing when you are inside is one of my favourite parts.

3. Playing Demon's/Dark Souls.
There's too many to list, so I'll just choose four off the cuff...

1. Same as Duffer's. The game was so 3D that I even was half-convinced that the 'black pool of water' was...real. An awesome achievement in gaming.

2. Seeing the whale chasing Sonic in Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast. I wasn't even a fan (my son played it) but that was great. Dreamcast gave me so much pleasure; such a shame that the console 'died'.

3. The moment the CGI train stopped & became a part of the game in FFVII on PSone.

And one more: proper plotting/storyline in a console game in Metal Gear Solid.
I'd like to add knocking out the two opponents at the same time with a splits kick in IK+ on the Amiga gave me more joy than was reasonable for such a thing.
I'd like to add knocking out the two opponents at the same time with a splits kick in IK+ on the Amiga gave me more joy than was reasonable for such a thing.

Those bouncing fecking balls annoyed the piss out of me in that game.
1) Getting Phoenix to work after spending hours typing the code into the Sinclair Spectrum from a magazine.

2) Getting past 1,000,000 on 1942 back in 1985.

3) nothing else really...gay thread.
1, Seeing Mario 64 for the first time. Looked so different than any other game i'd played. The controls were so intuitive and Mario moved so well. I must have spend half an hour trying to catch that fecking rabbit!

Nice :D

Oh and forgot to add:

6) The twist revelation in System Shock 2 :eek:

Great shout!

The first three things that instantly sprung to mind were:

1) First time I hit Sagat with a dragon punch in Streetfighter 1 (original arcade). I talked about it for week, and clearly still do.

2) First time three random people joined in Gauntlet (original arcade) with me and played until we all run out of money.

3) First time playing Mario Kart on the snes and knocking my mate off on the very first lap of the first ghost track. fecking quality!

Honourable mentions go to the first use of a sticky mine or guided rocket in Perfect Dark, and the first time we realised you could get knocked out of the Royal Rumble match in Wrestlemania 2000, and then stick around to drag someone else out. Playing with my brother (a huge video game whinge!) and a group of mates, pressing that button the fist time and making him lose was fecking legendary.
Those sticky personal mine thingies in Goldeneye were pretty good too. I spent loads of time blowing myself & others up.
Spending most of my youth playing Streetfighter 2 and finally (after probably £1k) clearing it with all perfects and not losing a round to get out Akuma, only to find out it was a bloody fake!
I remember being blown away by the torture room stages in Creatures. I would intentionally fail them just to see the poor little runt get chainsawed/acid bathed/splattered. Cool game.
Heavey Rain - The Mall level with his kid.
Streets of Rage - finishing it on the Megadrive, took me and a mate ages as kids :drool:
Red Dead Redemption - The endgame

Just ones that stick in my mind, didnt play alot of those type games as a kid, mainly fifa, pro evo and gta.
My mate putting himself out of football for a month by thinking he was clever and trying to kick the Sonic Blast Man pad. Wasn't even pissed, the daft twat.

Was hilarious watching him hop home!
Staying up all night in an attempt to finish Battle of Olympus on the NES. I don't believe I managed it. :(
1. Playing splitscreen Goldeneye on the N64 with my brother. Best gaming experience I've ever had, so much fun. I still think splitscreen is easily the best way to play a game with friends, and Goldeneye is still the best game to play with friends.

2. Beating Heihachi in Tekken on the PS for the first time. I'd only really played beat-em-ups on arcade machines before we got the PS, so I wasn't used to actually reaching the final fight on this kind of game. I was so excited when I reached the fight, that I was searching desperately for a way to save the game incase I lost. I thought this was a once in a lifetime achievement that I probably wouldn't do again. For me, beating Heihachi felt like completing an 8 hour story campaign on a current game.

3. Playing Shadow of the Colossus. Can't really pick out any one moment, just the whole game is perfect from start to finish. The music, the landscape, the battles, seeing the story unfold.
Mass Effect 2 - The "oh shit" moment of the reaper army at the end.

GTA San Andreas - Running over myself with my own car. Still no idea how it happened.

GTA IV - mucking about near the glitch swings with a wanted level. Cop opens the car door at the moment that the swing kicks in, sending us flying into the distance.

Pretty shit list, and I'm bound to think of more later, when I've turned the laptop off and gone to bed.
- Me and my cousins figuring out how to get into the cannons in Super Mario 64 after spending hours trying to jump into the actual cannons that were already out (and of course playing Super Mario 64 in general).
- Entering the underground levels in Yoshi's Island for the first time (and just actually playing Yoshi's Island for the first time)
- Beating the training level in Driver.
- Figuring out how I had to escape from the train in Goldeneye.
- Completing Super Ghouls N' Ghosts.
- Managing to fly for more than 2 seconds with the cape in Super Mario World.
- The first three seconds of putting Sonic 1 and 2 on... "Seeeegaaa".
- Zombie dobermans smashing through the window while quietly walking along the corridor in Resident Evil.
- Coming across a Crimson Head in the REmake..."Oh where's the zombie I killed a little whil... OH SHIT WHAT THE HELL!!!"
- Realising that my save hadn't actually been deleted in Eternal Darkness.

I ignore the "3" in the title BTW :angel: More later... maybe.
My darkest moment was on PS2. We were playing some crappy cartoon game, forgot what it was. But anyway, we'd completed about 90% and couldn't carry on because my memory card had ran out of space. Quit out the game and went to clear some space. The memory card storage bit had all my games and add ons. When you clicked on one icon it'd be a saved game or ad on from a game. The options were to delete or keep the memory.

Out of curiosity I clicked on the icon which held our saved game data for the game we were playing (think it was Loony Tunes or something) and me, attempting to be clever, held down the right analog stick so it alternated really quickly between keep and delete. I counted from 5 and pressed one. It was delete.

No idea why the feck I did it. We just sat their for 10 seconds, silent. I tried to pretend I didn't give a shit, when infact I was devastated. When we went home I was in tears!
- Like RK but Level 70 on WOW. :(
- Getting to an Umbrella on Bubble Bobble
- Finding out the conspiracy on Deus Ex (Original) when I just didn't see it coming.
- Hitting 790,000 on Warehouse on THPS when my Original best 10 years ago was 420,000 :drool:
- Completing the original Angry Birds. More Relief than anything.
The first level on Perfect Dark. When you're running along a corridor in a glass fronted office building and a Helicopter Gunship is blasting at you through the windows. I still think it's amazing.
Heavey Rain - The Mall level with his kid.
Streets of Rage - finishing it on the Megadrive, took me and a mate ages as kids :drool:
Red Dead Redemption - The endgame

Just ones that stick in my mind, didnt play alot of those type games as a kid, mainly fifa, pro evo and gta.

I take my hat off to you sir...

Did anyone here clear Comix Zone? Thats still beyond me :mad:
There's a bit in Resident Evil 4 with a long elevator segment, where wave upon wave of those demented priests keep coming at you. I had no ammo. Only the knife. Killed them all, felt like a badass.:cool:

Making the train crash into the station in that one level in Lylat Wars. Or any time you beat any of the bosses in Lylat Wars, especially Star Wolf.

Figuring out some of the obtuse crap from Metal Gear Solid, like getting the frequency from the back of the box or swapping the controllers vs. Psycho Mantis.

The last fight with Gruntilda at the top of her lair at the end of Banjo Kazooie.

Playing Sonic, the first game I ever played, for the first time. He was just so fast! Pity the series became shite.
feck 3, just need one. The epic 20min a half pro evo games I had with my mate. Start 2 defenders, have them both sent off. Hilarity ensues.


My darkest moment was on PS2. We were playing some crappy cartoon game, forgot what it was. But anyway, we'd completed about 90% and couldn't carry on because my memory card had ran out of space. Quit out the game and went to clear some space. The memory card storage bit had all my games and add ons. When you clicked on one icon it'd be a saved game or ad on from a game. The options were to delete or keep the memory.

Out of curiosity I clicked on the icon which held our saved game data for the game we were playing (think it was Loony Tunes or something) and me, attempting to be clever, held down the right analog stick so it alternated really quickly between keep and delete. I counted from 5 and pressed one. It was delete.

No idea why the feck I did it. We just sat their for 10 seconds, silent. I tried to pretend I didn't give a shit, when infact I was devastated. When we went home I was in tears!


So you basically played a Russian roulette with a game save?
Spyro 2: One of any of a thousands moments.
Red Alert 2: Finally you could have more than stacks of 5 building at once!
Grand Theft: Auto San Andreas: Just riding around for hours on the motorcycle, or doing the insane jumps.
COD MW2 - Reaching 9th prestige
Pokemon Red - Capturing Mewtwo
Pokemon Gold - Gaining all 16 gym badges and winning pokeman league
1) Getting my arse handed to me on UFC Undisputed 2010 by Rashad Evans for the title kept taking me down all the time had no answer to it and kneed him in the face when I just saw it coming flash KO. Title mine. feck fecking yeah.

2) Victory Boxing PS1 winning the title on that for the first time as well. I wanted it so bad, also it was my darkest day when I lost it to some ReGen boxer Alex...something, anyway the first victory was amazing. Secondary to that was TKO'ing the guy called Snake (the dude who trained you) During a spar. felt like a bad ass.

3) Streets of Rage bad ending/QuackShot - completing both those games is hard (SOR....feck off, some dark times trying to do that) Thus they can't be seperated. Kid Chameleon as well. Shit me that was tough.