FAO Tottenham Hotspur | Fighting Cock Goes Into Meltdown | Glast...gone

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You have to the world's biggest cnut to want Mourinho to remain at this point. The man is finished, it's just about the size of his payout now.

25 points in 20 games BTW
Just spoken to my mate who played with Bale and Davies in Euro 2016 and still speaks to them. Apparently it’s a complete mess and training is a complete farce, no-one takes much notice any more and he’s a joke

obviously this is just one side of things but you can see it being the case
"Solskjaer admits that United's preparation for the game pretty much all came through video work for the players today on the morning of the match."

If this doesn’t tell you how predictable Jose is then nothing will
We don't have tactics so there isn't much to prepare for.
It’s all bullshit and deflection with Mourinho. He’s been dialling in from the start once Levy was mug enough to pay him £15 million a year.
Our players don’t look fit for a start. We’re on a game a week now, Man Utd were away in Spain on Thursday night yet with four days extra rest we were gassed after an hour.
Is he gone yet?
No, he is talking about feeding Son bread and cheese.
I don't think he [Ole] was serious about that but Jose takes it literally to create a spat out of absolutely feck all.
Mourinho saw it as an opportunity to create a headline other than how shit we were tomorrow and pounced.
It’s clear as day.
I hope this bullshit doesn't deflect from his team and tactics today. He's become very good at using post-match to deflect from his inadequacies onto others.
So what time tonight are we expecting the news? I honestly can't believe he survives till the morning. Didn't Harry get appointed late on a Saturday night?
What I find funny is that Jose has managed to get some fans to turn on Ole. Always interesting to see the members that fall for it. Same after the Dinamo game.
I've been thinking that since the new year. Not many jobs will give you so many millions of pounds for failing. Not as if he cant just say "Levy wouldn't buy me Skrinir and the same players that down tools for Poch did the same for me...sPuRsY"
I really hope he goes now. If we somehow miraculously win the league cup against City, he’ll probably make it all about him and his amazing “tactics” while it was the draw that helped us out getting to the final. I want to win the trophy obviously, but to me it would suck to give Mourinho the satisfaction of winning it.
I'd rather him go then winning the cup final.
Long term 1 trophy isn't going to do much.
Its fitness as well. Who looked like they played Thursday night?
Jesus Christ. I totally forgot United had played during the week.
Levy has let this drift so badly. Mourinho has completely lost the plot now and just ranting and lashing out. For the good of the club he needs to go today or tomorrow.
He is doing the only thing that he's still the best at, deflection. He's doing his utmost to get us and the media to focus on the weirdness of the comments or a reaction about OGS, when we should all be talking about his ability to not manage football anymore.

How the tables have turned. Jose has officinally broken them :drool:
Jose breaks everything he touches these days. And after having had the lack of enjoyment of life under Jose I feel for them. No one should be penalised to having him as your manager. No one.
What the feck were Spurs thinking, getting Jose after his complete meltdown at Chelsea and then us? It's unfathomable. Funny, too. They are fecked.
What the feck were Spurs thinking, getting Jose after his complete meltdown at Chelsea and then us? It's unfathomable. Funny, too. They are fecked.
If they were prepared to invest then perhaps it might've worked out, but just look at their squad. Baring a few star players it's dreadful. The clubs a mess and I for one love it.
What the feck were Spurs thinking, getting Jose after his complete meltdown at Chelsea and then us? It's unfathomable. Funny, too. They are fecked.
No idea. Levy was supposed to be this shrewd businessman but Mourinho is on one of the highest managerial wages in the country without the results to show for it.
we also looked super unfit and gassed early in games under him?
There's a good article on The Athletic today about Mourinho's time against United and his dismantling of the sports science setup.
What the feck were Spurs thinking, getting Jose after his complete meltdown at Chelsea and then us? It's unfathomable. Funny, too. They are fecked.
I think Levy wants some silverware. Jose’s second spell at Chelsea brought a league title. Even his toxic time with us brought the Europa League. It’s a gamble that just isn’t paying off for Spurs though.
Isn't this Jose's second season with the club? So he's one season early on the implosion and Spurs didn't get his consistently solid second seasons at the other clubs he goes to? Yep, he's done.
What the feck were Spurs thinking, getting Jose after his complete meltdown at Chelsea and then us? It's unfathomable. Funny, too. They are fecked.

It’s baffling, they’re shite. And it’s entirely predictable. Reminds me of us under him, he’s completely toxic and I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone at the club hates his guts and wants him gone. I don’t know that he’ll ever get his redemption story. Fergie won many titles and even a CL after “shredding his legacy at every turn”, Mourinho is doing the same but actually looks done.
Basically “lads it’s Tottenham” :lol:
Except it wasn’t even meant as a typical Glaswegian jibe.

That’s what I find fascinating. It’s not as if Spurs were on the forefront of European Football. Either Giorgi read SAF autobiography or Spurs are the laughing stock of all of Europe.