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VanNistlerater said:Isnt Maltas main export Cotton? I read somewhere that half of your population is involved in Cotton in some way.
And you make lots of chairs, or something.
I think the barbers are quite busy
VanNistlerater said:Isnt Maltas main export Cotton? I read somewhere that half of your population is involved in Cotton in some way.
And you make lots of chairs, or something.
EZee said:I think the barbers are quite busy
devilish said:The Maltese descend from the Arabs as much as you descend from the sheep. But I wouldnt bother if I descend from the Arabs, is there anything wrong about that?
devilish said:What cutting the wool out of your women ahemm sheep?
devilish said:http://searchmalta.com/surnames/race/
Prior to the 200 years of Arab domination, Malta had been Roman (later part of the Eastern Empire) from 216B.C. to 869 AD-just short of 11 centuries. Contrary to popular belief, the Arabs, wherever they occupied were on the whole fairly benign; they did not go in for mass slaughter of their defeated foes (which is more than can be said for many 'Christian' European powers); people who refused to convert to Islam were subjected to a special tax. When the Arabs expelled the Byzantine rulers they did not put the Maltese population to the sword or in any way try to deport them from the islands. It is true that they tried to convert as many as possible to Islam; the degree of this conversion has still to be
It is in Europe that Malta's roots and destiny lie.
VanNistlerater said:And despite you going on about Italy, if my History is correct, they actually bombed the shite out of you in world war 2.
Are you the worlds whipping boy?
And your flag, would you like to tell us all what it is in the top left hand corner?![]()
devilish said:Ezee had been insulting my girlfriend for over a month now and yet none of you have taken action about it. Now I am not pretending anything from you. But now dont take it at heart if I will insult Ezee in a very personal manner involving the people that he loves in the same way that he did
I had given him the last warning about this and I am expecting an apology about it. If this does not happen I expect that you will deal about it and if that doesnt happen then be sure that I will deal about it. And believe me it will not be nice to neither Ezee nor any posters inside this caf
WeasteDevil said:You had feck all worth bothing invading for.![]()
devilish said:Can anyone explain to Ezee (I dont want to waste my time talking to this idiot) that he is on my ignore for the simple reason that he is not worth talking with?
Davo said:You don't put people on your ignore list...its against your principles...
Like meeting people from the Caf
devilish said:Can anyone explain to Ezee (I dont want to waste my time talking to this idiot) that he is on my ignore for the simple reason that he is not worth talking with?
devilish said:Can anyone explain to Ezee (I dont want to waste my time talking to this idiot) that he is on my ignore for the simple reason that he is not worth talking with?
VanNistlerater said:Is your girlfriend actually Rushian?
If so, is she the same one that Yorke was nailing, you know, when your pal Fergie got narked off at him?
Did you let Dwight Yorke nail your girlfriend?
Davo said:I think we can safely say that Dev has proved his point...
You don't mess with him, if the mods don't interfer he will fight back with real venom....
Or just stick someone on the ignore list....as he has actually done
devilish said:Ezee is not the typical poster who likes to take the mick out of people as we all like to do.
Arvani said:Im confussed, Someone pointed out that the Italians have the 3rd most troops in Iraq with the Us, Dev is continually stating that anyone who is with the Us has their tongues on the US asses, He then denies he isnt Italian, but now he is claiming Rome was italy and saying he is half italian. So your a hypocrite Dev.
Rome was not Italy, you stupid feck, know your history !!! Yes Rome is the capital of italy now but not back when Rome conquered the world.
This is Dev and his father in Malta.
This is Dev with his boxes on his head...![]()
This is a sculptor of Dev's Mother.
Maltese lesuire.
Malta Fisherman FC
Dev's bro ?
DEv's GF on the right, with her bestfriend. You done a threesome yet with them dev ?
Arvani said:You going to tell me how im a sheep fecker too ...![]()
Everyone in here seems to be labelled as a sheep fecker...![]()
devilish said:Are you from Australia yes or no?
Or ppl with Greek blood running in them are just too feckin idiots to understand!
Arvani said:Im from Malta, let me have it. I admit We Maltese people are so fecken stupid. We dont know shit about our history. We feck Ugly Hairy women. And the best way to get back at our enemies is to put them on the ignore list![]()
Cockhead you know im Australia. Lets hear your "insults" about australians.
devilish said:Nah personally I have nothing against the down under bastards. You had done your work in earning the "popular" tag. Now feck off to your prison island I was talking with Davo.
WeasteDevil said:The Maltese language is considered as a Semitic language because it has an Arabic base. Throughout the years, due to various factors many words of Italian and Sicilian origin were integrated into the language together with other Anglo-Saxon words during the last 200 years. This makes Maltese a very interesting language. Its development is linked closely to the rulers of the islands throughout the centuries and also to its geographic position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.
Although Maltese is predominantly Arabic, it is written in Latin letters which is very peculiar for a Semitic Language. This may be because it seems that Maltese was written many years after the Arab rulers were ousted from Malta. The oldest example of Maltese written language is a poem written by a Notary about 550 years ago (about 1400 AD), about 400 years after the end of Arab rule.
Maltese is a Semitic language because it has the characteristics of Semitic Languages, namely:
1. Rich in consonants
2. Poor in vowels
3. A set of consonants referred to as 'the root' is present in all the words related together i.e. that have a same 'basic idea'
4. The adjective is found after the noun
5. The article may be found even before the adjective
6. The preposition 'of' is not used but instead another form is used called 'construct state'
Maltese is mainly an Arabic language also because it has an Arabic base regarding the syntax of the sentences, the sounds of the words, the build up of words. Furthermore many of the words present in the language are of Arabic origin.
The Maltese Language has retained many of the above characteristics except for the last one which, although still present to some extent, the Maltese tend to use more and more the preposition 'of' and less the 'construct state'.
The origin of Maltese dates back to the Arab rulers who took over the island in the period 870 - 1091 AD. Prior to this, it is believed that the language used by the natives was a mixture between Latin, Greek and Punic languages, which originated from the commercial connections with the Phoenicians, many of whom settled here between 800 - 218 BC, and the Romans who ruled the island between 218 BC and 870 AD. Punic writings have been found and also some names of local villages have a Greek origin.
The Arab rulers threw out most of the natives and it seems that for many years the islands were almost uninhabited except for some Arab families who settled here. At the end of the Arab rule the population of the island was very small. The new natives' language was a Northern African dialect of Arabic. Even some present day Maltese words of Arabic origin are similar to words presently used in Northern African dialects.
The Maltese language is the only Semetic tongue officially written in the Latin alphabet. It is a modern Arabic vernacular closely related to the western Arabic dialects. In its phonetics, morphology, syntax and vocabulary it shows the strong influence of an earlier, later and continuing Sicilian (Latin) from of speech. There are 30 letters in the Maltese alphabet. The letter "y" is not part of the Maltese alphabet but the alphabet includes five special letters.
Maltese people are the descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians, with elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock. Devilish = Arab.
Arvani said:The same prison island which shits all over your peasent island ? Your clueless, Malta is nothing in the world, your nothing.
I love the popular tag, better then being the mindless wanker, who liers just to make internet buddies. The same one who makes up personalities so he can be liked over the internet. Really fecken smooth.
Your trying to defend your country but the thing is you have no idea about anything which relates to your country, shit , you dont even know who you really are. You claim to be half italian but then denied it earlier, and now people in here dont know who you are because you have multiple personalities. I reckon your probably even making up the fact that you have a GF so you could sound "cool" which your not because every cnut in here is laughing at you because your clueless.
So what if my country was a "prison" look at us now, what the feck has malta done all these years ? grown a few extra sheep or caught a few extra fish, wow great economic development. You guys have really put yourselves up against the greater countries such as USA, England and Australia...
devilish said:You dont really know anything about Malta am I right you convict?
devilish said:As stated I have nothing against the Arabs and I dont know why you are slagging the Arabs.
Arvani said:![]()
too bad my family came from Greece, so i have no british convict connection. So cant really slag me there you fecktard. Personally i feel ashamed to have malta so close to my home country. Malta didnt bother anyone, but as soon as you spoke you just disgraced the country. Now everyone in the CAF is affraid to even visit your country because if its full of clueless fecks like you, then why would anyone want to visit the place. Everyone now has this negative view of malta because of you, good work dumbshit.
devilish said:The Maltese are Europeans as I had proved you out.
WeasteDevil said:Due to the ways that Malta has been utilised by all sorts of different people over time, you could have DNA from all over the show.
devilish said:Ahh you know a lot about hair isnt it
Greeks are rather hairy, male and female. It is the Romans who took the Classical male (and female) and made them hairless. For some reason, the Romans (who were Italians...fairly hairy race, aren't they?) had a thing about body hair---men and women both got rid of all of it, everywhere.
Isnt that an oxymoron...
devilish said:
devilish said:Ahh because the British are all from the anglo saxon race right? Heskey, Barnes, Wes, Rio they all come from those two tribes being kicked out from Germany![]()
Shut up Waeste you are talking like Hitler now
Arvani said:So basically your using one clueless persons opinion and incorporating it into your own clueless response ?
You like to touch on every countries stereotypical image dont you ?
So apart from me living in a convict infested country, and being hairy (which i dont understand how this is an insult, you should see my pubic hairs its a forest) what else Dev. Come on you said you were good at this. Dont tell me your saving your best till last, which is putting me on your ignore list![]()