FAO Mods/admins

My overall impression from this thread is that the people who want the generals to change (and to be fair, they honestly believe its a change for the better) is everyone, apart from the people who actually regularly post in the generals. Or am i way off the mark?

You're more or less correct.

Except it ignores the core of problem, which is "why do those people not post in the General"?
It's a tricky question to answer. I'd agree that 'quality' bannings aren't the way to go, as quality is pretty subjective.

But I wouldn't be opposed to seeing some sort of strike system in place in the football forums, whereby if you make a post that has the sole intention of derailing the discussion, making it personal or repeating yourself unnecessarily with the intention of frustrating discussion, then you get a 'strike' or sorts (after being asked to stop/warned etc). If they reach a certain number, they get some sort of punishment, for example a two day ban from the United forum, with any subsequent bans increasing on a sliding scale.

It's only a half-thought out idea, in truth, but some of what's passing for discussion in the football forums is terrible (though I won't mention any names, I'm sure you lot are aware of the main offenders), and I have a lot of sympathy for the mods/admins who have to chase them around. I don't think the situation is helped by the standard of posters being promoted from the newbies either.

The 'strike' system you talk about is how we're supposed to be using infractions.

But we don't always follow through on our well-intentioned plans sometimes.

I agree about the newbies. Far too often we promote people (all of the mods/admins/scouts are guilty of this) because they are funny in the general, or aren't objectionable and have been around for a while.

Then they get promoted and go berserk. They were tolerable, at their level, or on their best behaviour in the newbies.
Before I was promoted I used to post regularly in the football forums, and enjoy doing so. But what's the point in posting in it here... There isn't one. There are too many objectionable, pretentious people on ego trips who spoil it for people who can't be arsed to argue over the smallest detail.
One gets more spastic behavior in such threads where opinions are so polarizing, and debate has gone on for so long. In the 'Green Till The Club is Sold' thread, the debate has degenerated into a personal vendetta airing, where insults are thrown without regard. Such threads/topics have outlived their usefulness. I think that would apply to threads on Berbatov, at least till the new season when we can analyze his play more.

But apart from such topics, there is so much to debate on without the spastics ruining a thread. I know that you were active in the Berbatov thread, and one would get frustrated with the spastics. I just ignore the thread and go to another one. Even in the dark days of the season, there were many threads where debates were just flowing without the ugly parts, and I spent hours just reading them every day while i was at home.

I don't know. I feel the Caf offers such variety on a regular day during the season, such that one can avoid all that nonsense, which i hope the mods crack down more. The Caf is too good for me to quit posting or reading it cause some idiots can't refrain from throwing barbs at Berbatov at every opportunity. feck em.

I think you're missing the point slightly Adex. There isn't a crackdown on anyone posting irrelevant nonsense...that'd mean deleting the general.

What we have is a public forum, and the general being part of it should be accessable to everyone who uses the caf. That simply isn't the case when you've got people starting threads about who can wank the furthest, wanting graphical advice about how to bum their girlfriend, etc. It cuts off the forum from a proportion of users, brings absolutely nothing positive to the site, and besides, lets have some fecking standards eh? It's not that hard to post on an internet forum without pretending you're in a porn movie.

As for the football forums. I agree with Brophs. I tend to avoid posting in them as much as possible these days, and know of a few others who dare not post what they actually think, because they know they'll receive a tirade of unjustified abuse. Too many thought police about (admittedly I'm probably as annoying as anyone), too many people on some kind of pointless supression campaign. It's just not as fun as it should be, but I don't think the off season is really the best time to try and address anything, since it's always a bit shite until the proper football starts up.
Well, could you not also say, "why do the generals not post in the footy forums"?

Works both ways.

You're missing the point.

A lot of people used to be General Forum regulars, but can't stand the place anymore.

Not many General Forum regulars are exiles from the muppetry of the footie forums.

If anything we're just losing those posters outright.
Well, I've just waded through that lot...:boring:

As far as the General is concerned. I would say that I post far too much in there, mainly because the United/Football forums rarely come up with anything new which hasn't already been done to death.

Do I really want to wade through another 100 posts on Carrick just to see if I have a different opinion to everyone else, which have already been posted in loads of other threads already anyway?

There is a LOT of crap in the General, it really does get tedious seeing all those 'I've just found some fluff in my navel, what do you suggst?' threads and 'FAO this one that one & the other one'. I've always seen those 'Epic' threads as a bit of reletively harmless fun, almost everyone knows the rules on what is and isn't allowed and they rarely get breached.

You shouldn't be looking at the forum when you are at work, except at lunchtime, anyway, and the NSFW threads are usually pretty well flagged.

Lets get rid of the nonsense (previous posters on this thread have said they post nonsense posts to liven things up in the General, but its looks like its just to show off to their mates or something). Clamp down on the Football forums to avoid the endless duplication too.

And, guys, bring back the Epics, I don't want to be trawling thorugh the internet when I can get a load of pervs to do it for me & put all the best bits in one place.

Cheers ;)

Edit: With all these threads being removed, I seem to be permanently stuck on 1020 posts. If I go below 1000, I'll start posting pics of Porsches again...:nono: