FAO Irish: Gerry Ryan dead

The Ryan Line is closed.

Terribly sad for the kids.
Thats an absolute shocker...heart attack brought on by stress and weight issues...

RIP Gerry....you will be missed
I was a fan of his morning program. I listened to him a couple of times a week for an hour or so. He is a big loss to Irish radio. I met him about 23 years ago I think.

I didn't like any of his tv work.

Still, definitely a radio legend.

RIP Gerry

he should have taken ramsays advice
Died of a heart attack most likely brought on by cocaine according to the coroners report.

There's a surprise.
The partner said sometimes when he received text messages he used to turn grey & he used to get heart palpitations. I wonder if that had anything got to do with a certain well known drug dealer not cashing a chq he received once from a well known celebrity.