Edgar Allan Pillow
Bobby Dollar books 2 and 3 are my most hated.
I'm approaching halfway through - it's fantastic so far.I ended up just going for The Priory of the Orange Tree. What's annoyed me is for all the bollocks in the previews about feminism and it being an amazing feminist novel and all that I read in the preview it cut off at a kind of boring part and I wasn't feeling it. I took a chance and bought it anyway, a few paragraphs after the preview cuts off there's an awesome scene involving a dragon. If it had put that in the blurb or given the preview another few paragraphs I'd have bought the fecking thing immediately. Dragons are a dime a dozen, but a well done dragon scene is something else entirely and this had two of them from out of nowhere in fairly quick succession. Now I'm sold.
In short: dragons are better than the political ideals of someone I don't know.
I'm roughly a quarter of the way through and to be honest I found it interesting but a bit boring up until the dragons got involved. I was also having trouble keeping track of who was who amongst the women at court. That might be because I'm thick though. I do have trouble reconciling her descriptions of people into actual pictures in my head, at one point I had to google barley wine as apparently someone had hair the colour of it and I found two different barley wine colours. She needs to stop saying things I don't understand!I'm approaching halfway through - it's fantastic so far.
I also found the early part tricky to remember so many different characters - it does get easier though.I'm roughly a quarter of the way through and to be honest I found it interesting but a bit boring up until the dragons got involved. I was also having trouble keeping track of who was who amongst the women at court. That might be because I'm thick though. I do have trouble reconciling her descriptions of people into actual pictures in my head, at one point I had to google barley wine as apparently someone had hair the colour of it and I found two different barley wine colours. She needs to stop saying things I don't understand!
Other than that though I'm enjoying it now. My simple mind has been wooed by dragons.
Having tried different Gamelit/litrpg books (Awaken Online, Chaosseed, Mage Errant) without getting the "bug", i finally found a book I can recommend: Land of the Undying Lord - J.T. Wright.
Around 400 ratings on Goodreads, with 4.7 in average. Sufficient sample space to assume it is not being inflated by fake users.
Some spelling errors and one or two annoying characters, still a fun book, with banter, leveling, classes and a potentially interesting expanding plot. Next book in the series should be out by the end of the month.
Best Gamelit/litrpg i have read so far. 9/10.
Finished this. Liked it. Thought I'd dive into book 2, but that has some horrible reviews. Have you read Book 2?
Not as good as the first, which have suddenly dropped dramatically in rating, with a number of 1 ratings from the same day. Scripted fake accounts.
It has been rushed and while the plot is expanded, it is messy. I would wait for the next book/or and edited version and evaluate if it is worth continuing on the series.
Given that I have already read the second book, I will read the next as well. Will inform you if it is worth it when the next book is released.
If you want something outrageous, read Library at Mount Char by Scott HawkinsFast approaching the end of Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell and so I'm looking for my next page turner. Any suggestions? Read the usual candidates. Preferably someone character focussed.
I think I actually got the 2nd Greatcoats novel on audiobook when it was going for a quid, so I buy the first and give that a whirl. The premise of the Grey Bastards sounds good as well. Thanks for the recommendations.If you want something outrageous, read Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
Grey Bastards by Jonathan French is Sons of Anarchy on battle hogs. Good characters and story.
Traitor's Blade (Greatcoats, #1) Sebastien de Castell is like a darker/fantasy version of Three Musketeers (with just one Musketeer)
Sword of Kaigen by ML Wang is a Japanese themed drama/action book. Won the latest SPFBO contest.
and if you're into superhuman stories Vicious (Villains, #1) by V.E.Schwab is phenomenal with dark characters and brilliant plot.
As you've demonstrated such good taste on here, I tried the Awaken Online from your ratings here, first time I've tried any of these 'lit-rpgs'. Really enjoyed it, though feel like a huge nerd2020 Reads till now. I set a target of 40 books for this year back in Jan and already have read 42.
Divinity's Twilight by Christopher Russel (Divinity's Twilight #1) - 7/10
Along the Razor's Edge by Rob J Hayes - 6/10
Never Die by Rob J Hayes - 7/10
The Girl with Ghost Eyes by M.H. Boroson - 5/10
The Prince of Cats by Daniel Olson - 6/10
The Girl and the Stars by Mark Lawrence (The Book of the Ice #1) - 6/10
The Shadow of What Was Lost by James Islington (The Licanius Trilogy, #1) - 6/10
The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins - 7/10
Empire of Chains by Ryan Muller (World in Chains, #1) - 5/10
The Grey Bastards by Jonathan French (The Lot Lands #1) - 7/10
Diamantine by Andrew Rowe (Weapons and Wielders, #2) - 6/10
God of Broken Things by Cameron Johnston (The Age of Tyranny #2) - 8/10
Bolan's Quest: Legend of the Black Sword by Paul Simmonds - 6/10
The Six-Gun Tarot by R.S Belcher (Golgotha, #1) - 6/10
The Shotgun Arcana by R.S Belcher (Golgotha #2) - 6/10
Paternus: Rise of Gods by Dyrk Ashton (The Paternus #1) - 9/10
Paternus: Wrath of Gods by Dyrk Ashton (The Paternus #2) - 9/10
Into the Labyrinth by John Bierce (Mage Errant #1) - 7/10
Jewel of the Endless Erg by John Bierce (Mage Errant #2) - 7/10
A Traitor in Skyhold by John Bierce (Mage Errant #3) - 7/10
Lit RPG:
Ascend Online by Luke Chmilenko (Ascend Online #1) - 7/10
Hell to Pay by Luke Chmilenko (Ascend Online #1.5)- 6/10
Legacy of the Fallen by Luke Chmilenko (Ascend Online #2) - 7/10
Death March by Phil Tucker (Euphoria Online #1) - 7/10
Nightmare Keep by Phil Tucker (Euphoria Online #2) - 7/10
Killer Dungeon by Phil Tucker (Euphoria Online #3) - 7/10
Catharsis by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online #1) - 9/10
Precipice by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online #2) - 9/10
Retribution by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online #2.5) - 7/10
Evolution by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online #3) - 9/10
Apathy by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online #3.5) - 7/10
Dominion by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online #4) - 9/10
Unity by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online #4.5) - 8/10
Ember by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online Tarot #1) - 5/10
Flame by Travis Bagwell (Awaken Online Tarot #2) - 5/10
Reborn Apocalypse by L.M Kerr (Reborn Apocalypse #2) - 6/10
Reborn Apocalypse by L.M Kerr (Reborn Apocalypse #3) - 6/10
Ritualist by Dakota Krout (The Completionist Chronicles #1)
Regicide by Dakota Krout (The Completionist Chronicles #2)
Raze by Dakota Krout (The Completionist Chronicles #3)
Network Effect by Martha Wells (Murderbot #5) - 8/10
Devil's Road by Gary Gibson - 7/10
As you've demonstrated such good taste on here, I tried the Awaken Online from your ratings here, first time I've tried any of these 'lit-rpgs'. Really enjoyed it, though feel like a huge nerdSo thanks! Am just starting Dominion. Made me dig out D:OS 2 on PC too.
Big update on ASOIAF:
He is writing the book, and has finished a chapter yesterday, and another chapter 3 days ago. The book will be done...whenever it will be done.
We've heard all this before. Several years ago he even posted sample chapters from the new book. After 10+ years of leaving his readers hanging I've lost interest in the story. There are lots of other equally interesting stuff to read.
Big update on ASOIAF:
He is writing the book, and has finished a chapter yesterday, and another chapter 3 days ago. The book will be done...whenever it will be done.
And he is watching a lot of TV.
Big update on ASOIAF:
He is writing the book, and has finished a chapter yesterday, and another chapter 3 days ago. The book will be done...whenever it will be done.
And he is watching a lot of TV.
This reads very much like grooming to me. Older man in a position of power using said position to pressure a younger woman into a relationship with him which she was clearly uncomfortable withI read Alex's account and it comes across as unwanted/inappropriate sexual advance similar to women face in other workplaces too. Abuse and Grooming....I doubt those definitions apply here.
She was an adult had a hero crush on Lynch, dated him knowing he was in a relationship (knew his partner too) and wonders why his partner is angry with her?
Doesn't to me. She was 25. She's not a child, no matter how innocent and naive she portrays herself to be at the time. The term 'grooming' is entirely inappropriate here too, not only because she's an adult woman with agency in her own life, but this relationship with a married man was entirely consensual by her own account. You would think a professional writer would be more selective with her choice of words.This reads very much like grooming to me. Older man in a position of power using said position to pressure a younger woman into a relationship with him which she was clearly uncomfortable with
Bear's reaction i can understand, depending on what Lynch told her and the fact she'd be more likely to believe her husband and fight for her marriage
Rowlands is a textbook case sexual harassment
Lynch comes across as a sexual predator. Honestly, i don't know how anyone can defend him, unless you don't believe rowlands account
There really isn't. This kind of stuff happens all the time to women of that age or even olderFor me, it's also a little dubious that she continues to portray herself as young and naive. She was 25. There's a marked difference between this happening to a 16 year old and someone who has plenty of life experience.
There's a huge difference between unwanted or inappropriate sexual advance vs grooming. Grooming by definition is preparing someone (usually a child) for future sexual abuse, which is not the case here. Unless we have a different definition of grooming here, it's not the right word to use.There really isn't. This kind of stuff happens all the time to women of that age or even older
Now whether her account is true or not is another story
There really is. She was in an consensual relationship with a married man. At 25/26 Rowland would have a mature understanding of morality. She was informed, in no uncertain terms by the wife of the person she was having an affair with, that she wanted it to stop. What information here differentiates this from your typical affair? In fact, Rowland explicitly states she noticed the toll it took on Bears health and yet still went ahead with it. Incredibly, she lists Bear as an abuser!There really isn't. This kind of stuff happens all the time to women of that age or even older
Now whether her account is true or not is another story
Oh btw