Fans behaviour

Football tribalism and alcohol. What can go wrong.

Even bird watching could get into a brawl with enough alcohol.

Football isnt the problem. Alcohol is

Yet the UK government wants drinking back in the stands, so twats can chuck their lager into the air and all over their fellow fans. That will cause no end of fights itself.
A rather easy problem to fix inside stadiums- identify and ban the culprits, we have the technology.
I don’t like the idea of banning alcohol within football as the overwhelming majority can enjoy it without negative consequences and should not be punished.
Points deduction will stop it in an instant. I don't think the FA will have the balls to do that though, they're scared shitless of the mega rich owners of these clubs.
A rather easy problem to fix inside stadiums- identify and ban the culprits, we have the technology.
I don’t like the idea of banning alcohol within football as the overwhelming majority can enjoy it without negative consequences and should not be punished.

They literally do identify and ban people every single time.
It might also have something to do with the erosion of societal consequences, a man boasts about sexual assault and is still elected to the highest office in the world, you can order the murder of a journalist and face no repercussions because the world needs your resource to continue the status quo.

If society can "excuse" the macro actions of global delinquents, then it isn't hard to see how someone could rationalise their own "micro" transgression as being of little to no consequences.

This is nonsense. If anything, you could get away with a lot worse in the past.
Football fans are among some of the most highly prosecuted people in society (you can argue rightly or whatever, i'm just making the point).

Throw a punch or act up in a football ground and you are getting a suspended prison sentence - minimum.

The deterrents both societally and legally would have ordinarily kept the vast majority of people/football fans from delinquent acts. The latest uptake in toxic behaviour despite the knowledge of lawful punishment and social stigma must somehow correlate to a mindset change of peoples view regarding consequences.

This is nonsense. If anything, you could get away with a lot worse in the past.

I don't feel the same way. I think the memeification of civic shaming has greatly undercut its usefulness as a deterrence.
No they aren’t. Annoys the shite out of me when all fans get lumped in with a tiny minority. Go bang your drum over your own head.
No, anything, sport, game, music the fans are always the worst thing. Just spend time around other people who are really enthusiastic about it. Honestly, just spend an hour on twitch streams of Minecraft.
It’s not them bro, it’s you!
Yes, I'm man enough to admit I'm a dick head and probably make other people's experience of United fandom worse at times.

Alas most people aren't that self aware and belief they're just so perfect.
So another big game with a lot of issues, when will it go really bad?
UEFA has to make sure that host cities have their organisation and policing in order. But maybe that’s beyond them.
UEFA has to make sure that host cities have their organisation and policing in order. But maybe that’s beyond them.

Honestly if a crowd is planning to skip the turnstiles no stadiums are really equipped to easily stop it as it is right now
It looked like the euro final. Is this a thing in UK trying to get a free entry by overcrowding security?
I'm actually concerned what is gonna happen after this match.

French Police and Scousers in the dark :nervous:
I'm actually concerned what is gonna happen after this match.

French Police and Scousers in the dark :nervous:

Don't be chocked if the Parisian police starts throwing a bunch of Liverpool supporters in the Seine. It's happened before and can happen again.
It looked like the euro final. Is this a thing in UK trying to get a free entry by overcrowding security?
Yeah it's a generation thing, new breed of little shite's coming through who think it's some kind of badge of honour by jibbing it into a game.
I see Liverpool fans complaining about being set on by gangs after the game, I don't see however, Liverpool fans talking about themselves attacking Madrid fans celebrating though.
Can we for once question the behaviour of Liverpool fans at European Cup finals? I know it’s a taboo subject because of Hillsborough (and I’m not saying it’s the same issue). 2005, 2007, the recent Europa League final and now this season. Every single time loads of scousers have turned up without tickets trying to get into the stadium. Some manage to get in, delays at the stands when fans are refused entry either by holding a fake ticket or the stands are already full of fans who shouldn’t have been let in. This causes further crowd trouble. This happens more often with Liverpool than any other club. Real Madrid fans got in absolutely fine last night. There doesn’t need to be an investigation by UEFA. When will Liverpool take some responsibility for their fans own actions.
I know it's easy blaming Liverpool fans when we can and the "never their fault" stuff but sounds like there would've been big problems whichever team/fans were there last night.

Sounds like another organisational mess:

UEFA has to make sure that host cities have their organisation and policing in order. But maybe that’s beyond them.
I mean the Stade de France regularly hosts the french cup final, multiple french national team games and rugby games. There seems to be order and organisation on those days.
I know it's easy blaming Liverpool fans when we can and the "never their fault" stuff but sounds like there would've been big problems whichever team/fans were there last night.

Sounds like another organisational mess:

So how did Real Madrid fans get in with no trouble at all?
It looked like the euro final. Is this a thing in UK trying to get a free entry by overcrowding security?

It’s been done for decades. As for last night, it’s clear that there was issues either with fake tickets or people trying to get in one way or another without one. As a lot of people have pointed out though, you’d expect better check points to weed those people out before getting anywhere near the stadium, but the way it’s being reported in the Uk is that the Liverpool fans are blameless.

They will have to accept that anyone who didn’t get in with a legit ticket was robbed of that experience by their own fan base. There were no empty seats, in fact the gangways were overcrowded, there was hundreds of fans in there who shouldn’t have been.

I was listening to radio 5 earlier and they were moaning about riot police marching out in front of the Liverpool fans before full time. As if it was somehow provoking them. Completely ignoring the fact that we’ve had multiple players attacked in recent weeks at full time. The biased reporting doesn’t help.
Yet the UK government wants drinking back in the stands, so twats can chuck their lager into the air and all over their fellow fans. That will cause no end of fights itself.

Good point. There is such an annoying trend in football in general for certain fans to show how much more it means to them than everyone else in the stadium. Chucking the beers in the air is one, jumping over the seats into the rows ahead is another. I like a pint at a game but I’m happy having to have it at the bar. Don’t see what bringing it to the seat will add to the experience
Can we for once question the behaviour of Liverpool fans at European Cup finals? I know it’s a taboo subject because of Hillsborough (and I’m not saying it’s the same issue). 2005, 2007, the recent Europa League final and now this season. Every single time loads of scousers have turned up without tickets trying to get into the stadium. Some manage to get in, delays at the stands when fans are refused entry either by holding a fake ticket or the stands are already full of fans who shouldn’t have been let in. This causes further crowd trouble. This happens more often with Liverpool than any other club. Real Madrid fans got in absolutely fine last night. There doesn’t need to be an investigation by UEFA. When will Liverpool take some responsibility for their fans own actions.
The behaviour of Liverpool fans will not be questioned by the mainstream media because of the fallout from Hillsborough. The Sun newspaper questioned their actions at the time and have been hammered for it ever since.
Why were there no problems at the Real Madrid end? All of their fans got into the stadium with no issues. Was there just bad stadium/Uefa organization and policing at the Liverpool end, but perfect for the Real fans?
It doesn't really help when Journalists keep saying that no Liverpool fans were climbing fencing or rushing the stewards to gain entry, when we've seen several examples of footage showing exactly that.
It’s been done for decades. As for last night, it’s clear that there was issues either with fake tickets or people trying to get in one way or another without one. As a lot of people have pointed out though, you’d expect better check points to weed those people out before getting anywhere near the stadium, but the way it’s being reported in the Uk is that the Liverpool fans are blameless.

They will have to accept that anyone who didn’t get in with a legit ticket was robbed of that experience by their own fan base. There were no empty seats, in fact the gangways were overcrowded, there was hundreds of fans in there who shouldn’t have been.

I was listening to radio 5 earlier and they were moaning about riot police marching out in front of the Liverpool fans before full time. As if it was somehow provoking them. Completely ignoring the fact that we’ve had multiple players attacked in recent weeks at full time. The biased reporting doesn’t help.

Andy Robertson said he gave his mate a ticket and the security told him it was fake, which clearly wouldn't have been the case. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for sticking the boot into Liverpool fans but it looked on the face of it like the people jibbing were actually doing it because they were frustrated at not being let in legally. If so, I would certainly understand that and have great sympathy.

The Parisian police are well known pricks, as are UEFA, and they would probably have really enjoyed fecking over some English fans after the Euros final, Brexit etc. England and English fans currently have as bad a rep as they have ever had on the continent I think.
Andy Robertson said he gave his mate a ticket and the security told him it was fake, which clearly wouldn't have been the case. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for sticking the boot into Liverpool fans but it looked on the face of it like the people jibbing were actually doing it because they were frustrated at not being let in legally. If so, I would certainly understand that and have great sympathy.

The Parisian police are well known pricks, as are UEFA, and they would probably have really enjoyed fecking over some English fans after the Euros final, Brexit etc. England and English fans currently have as bad a rep as they have ever had on the continent I think.
Cant be that bad, we nearly won the eurovision :D
Cant be that bad, we nearly won the eurovision :D

Well in fairness we actually picked a half decent singer this time and the Ukraine situation has rehabilitated us a bit in many eyes. I suppose what I mean is our rep in Western Europe rather than the continent as a whole.
A lot of the jibbers were French from the tweets going round. Of course some scousers jibbed too.

I take the second tweet at face value as I don’t speak French.
Nice to see everyone out in force trying to absolve the Liverpool fans in all of this.

Real fans had no problems.

Rugby never has any problems.

International football never has any problems.

But seems like last night was all on the organisers, the logistics and the police.
Andy Robertson said he gave his mate a ticket and the security told him it was fake, which clearly wouldn't have been the case. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for sticking the boot into Liverpool fans but it looked on the face of it like the people jibbing were actually doing it because they were frustrated at not being let in legally. If so, I would certainly understand that and have great sympathy.

The Parisian police are well known pricks, as are UEFA, and they would probably have really enjoyed fecking over some English fans after the Euros final, Brexit etc. England and English fans currently have as bad a rep as they have ever had on the continent I think.

There’s a “some of” missing from in front of “the people” there. Bound to be a mixed bag there on the night and a hell of a stretch to argue that everyone trying to jib on the night had a legally held ticket.