Famous film roles rejected by actors

William Petersen turned down Henry Hill in Goodfellas.

James Woods agent turned down Mr. Orange in Reservoir Dogs and got fired for it.
Tom Hanks was offered the role of Andy Dufrene in The Shawshank Remdemption.

David Boreanez (the bloke from Buffy, Angel and Bones) was offered Christian Bale's role in Batman Begins but turned it down.
Tom Hanks was offered the role of Andy Dufrene in The Shawshank Remdemption.

David Boreanez (the bloke from Buffy, Angel and Bones) was offered Christian Bale's role in Batman Begins but turned it down.

Thank christ for that.
As much as I am a big fan of Davids work as Angel... I can not imagine him as Batman. But if he really did turn it down then what a huge mistake that was.

No he made the right choice. He should however have taken up the offer for the Green Lantern. Which he didn't.

Jessica Alba has repeatedly turned down my offer to start in a home made porn vid despite several very nice letters and the offer of a few quid if she lets me do her up the wrong un as well
Here's one for you:

The part of The Man With No Name in A Fistful of Dollars was offered to Henry Fonda, Charles Bronson, Ty Hardin, James Coburn and Richard Harrison who all rejected the part. It was Harrison who suggested Eastwood. Harrison later stated, "Maybe my greatest contribution to cinema was not doing Fistful of Dollars, and recommending Clint for the part."

How some of those actors must regret their decisions!
I know a composer who turned down doing the score for Star Wars, they went to John Williams next..
So where do we queue up to buy that guy a drink and offer our thanks.
Pacific Palisades. Los Angeles. I won't name him because it might not be OK so to do. He'd probably have been every bit as good as Williams actually.
Actually, the more I think of Al Pacino playing Han Solo the more ridiculous it sounds.

"Jabba....don't waste my MOTHERfeckIN TIME!!"

"You wanna play rough Greedo....ok.....say heylo to my liddle fren"
James Caan turned down the chance to play Superman. An unknown Chris Reeves was then cast and the rest, as they say, is history.