Eurovision song contest 2011

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I think their downfall will be the fact they have to sing live and not have computers making them at least sound half respectable, well that and their complete lack of talent.
Team Jedward, ASSEMBLE!!!!
Their hair just gets more and more ridiculous. It was never that big or tall. Because it used to be their "gimic" they've just made it stupid now.

Crap song too. Even worse video.
I think they demand awfulness. It's all a big trollfest, I'm pretty sure of it.
Why is Finland's entry this man?

Is Graham Norton presenting again?

They would probably get 1,000,000 complaints but this programme is made for Jeremy Clarkson to commentate for.
Never heard this song in its entirety. All I know is this song probably was voted because the guy who wrote this song and was going to perform it died of a brain hemorrhage a week before the preliminaries in Iceland. These are his buddies that took his place. Maybe that's why it looks so gay :/
Never heard this song in its entirety. All I know is this song probably was voted because the guy who wrote this song and was going to perform it died of a brain hemorrhage a week before the preliminaries in Iceland. These are his buddies that took his place. Maybe that's why it looks so gay :/

sad story :(
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