Episodes that defined a generation.

The last episode of 24 Season 3, when all's done and he gets into his SUV outside the school....
...and cries and punches the steering wheel.

One of the most powerful TV scenes I've ever seen. Especially after you've watched it from the start and understand what kind of person he is.

Also the Lost finale, in the church when Jack sees his dad. I cried, no homo.
The Lost finale is one of the biggest heaps of shite I have ever see. But I suppose whatever floats your boat....
Okay, it's not the best bit of television ever produced, but for an avid fan who has watched the whole six series and loved it... it was pure awesome.
Series 7 of Curb is some of the best tv comedy I have seen since Seinfeld (not including Modern Family of course).

Love that show, but that is not one of the strongest episodes - I'd rank it as one of the worst to be honest.


Fellatio, cunnilingus, french kissing........rimjob!

That's the best Curb episode for my money.

I'd also say that The Contest is probably the definitive Seinfeld - but The Outing is one of my favourites, along with The Marine Biologist, The Pool Guy and The Opposite.

Arrested Development - hard to pick a single episode due to the format of the show, but I'd suggest Pier Pressure.

I'm Alan Partridge - Basic Alan:

Ren & Stimpy - Sven Hoek:

The Larry Sanders Show, again so many great episodes, but I'd nominate Out of the Loop (not least because it features the great Peter Falk):