We truly have been blessed with some great television over the last 10-15 years, The Wire, Sopranos, Band of Brothers, Seinfield, 24, Firefly, Pacific, Lost(Despised it after season 2 myself but can't leave it out). I think you all get the gist, there are too many to name!
Basically if you could pick one episode (or scene) of your choice that in your opinion captured the show of your choice, what would it be?
I think I'm going to go with Band of Brothers and Episode 9 'Why we fight'. One of the most finest pieces of television I've ever seen and one of the saddest scenes in television history to boot.
The World War Two mini-series captured the horror but also the imagination of it's audience and I felt it at it's most powerful in this episode, men that had seen horrors beyond belief were left astounded at their discovery on the outskirts of a forest. Everything great about the show manifested itself in an episode of pure t.v heaven.
Feel free to disagree, just a personal opinion! Try and give some other examples!
Basically if you could pick one episode (or scene) of your choice that in your opinion captured the show of your choice, what would it be?
I think I'm going to go with Band of Brothers and Episode 9 'Why we fight'. One of the most finest pieces of television I've ever seen and one of the saddest scenes in television history to boot.
The World War Two mini-series captured the horror but also the imagination of it's audience and I felt it at it's most powerful in this episode, men that had seen horrors beyond belief were left astounded at their discovery on the outskirts of a forest. Everything great about the show manifested itself in an episode of pure t.v heaven.
Feel free to disagree, just a personal opinion! Try and give some other examples!