Enzo Fernández | signs for Chelsea

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He's too old, he's already 21.

He will be 35 in 14 years.

wouldn't mind him though
All I see in these threads are crybabies, oh Jude is going to Liverpool, Enzo is going to Madrid, I can see X going for him. Every damn thread.
One thing is clear for me, and that is that Enzo Fernandez is the correct profile of player we should look to sign due to him being strong at operating in the defensive and middle thirds of the pitch as a conduit/conductor to knit it all together in a deep roaming midfielder type of role.

Jude Bellingham isn't that player.

I think both players are more than that personally, think they both have lots of stengths ability wise both defensively and offensively. Bellingham reminds me a bit of a young Pogba, ghe strength, power and technique....Im not sure who Fernandez reminds me off but I think he is developing into a real old fashioned box to box all round midfielder, thats what I love about him most. I hate all the modern talk of specific roles for central midfielders from there numbers or anchor men etc etc....when the majoirty of the best midielfers in our game have been all round box to box players.

Not seen enough of Fernandez, maybe 3 times for Benfica and this world cup, but I would rather sign him too for the reasons:

a) Bellingham turned us down one already.....afer gettign the full shebang tour with Robson (whose laces he isnt fit to wear) and Ferguson
b) Even if Fernandez breaks out like I feel he might this world cup....he will probably be half the price of Bellingham
c) In all hnoesty either would be an amazing signing, but the way Fernandez always comes back or makes space and himself available for the ball, always plays the right pass, can dribble, can shoot, can drive forward has rally good long range passing.....I just prefer his attributes in a midfielder to the strength and technique of Bellingham.

We have made a great signing in Casemeiro and maybe that wouldnt have happened if we had of moved for Fernandez in the summer for £10m or whatever the fee was as we got linked......either way I hope we go in for him as think we have seriously missed a trick there.

I genuinely think we are the perfect move for him as well at the moment. A huge club that is starting to grow again, a manager he can learn from, seferal SOuth AMerican team mates and I think having Casemeiro allows him more freedom to be that box to box midfielder....actually as we have seen for us and at the world club, not being shackled behind Kroos and Modric, Casemeiros passing ability further forward is also so good, those two as a partnership, one goes one stays.... could be a really good mifield partnership there
Casemiro - Enzo
Antony - Bruno - Rashford

Very strong side.
FFS knew we should had signed him last summer, along with Julian Alvarez they showed class since they were in River Plate. Hopefully we are in the run for him, lets try to secure him in the january window, he's so good his value will only go up.
Todd: you are spelling the name on the Cheque wrong my man.

Declan is properly spelled E-N-Z-O for legal purposes. Glad we could clear that up.
FFS knew we should had signed him last summer, along with Julian Alvarez they showed class since they were in River Plate. Hopefully we are in the run for him, lets try to secure him in the january window, he's so good his value will only go up.
Among the big clubs we have the biggest need for a playmaker. Ideally we would naturally be willing to blow others out of the park. IF we want to or have the awareness of the right talent.

Why aren't we interested?
We are. The club has been interested in Enzo for a while now — and tried to sign him from River Plate itself. But he penned a new contract in the summer (that lasts till 2027), so Benfica will naturally demand a king's ransom...
A Bola, Jornal de Notícias and Record all come up with a list of clubs who want Fernandez, and all of those lists include Manchester United. The midfielder is protected by a €120m release clause, and the first two outlets make it clear that Benfica will not let him leave for less than that. Record also point out that the Eagles currently prioritize their ‘sporting project’, so this clause is what stops him from leaving the club in January.

We are. The club has been interested in Enzo for a while now — and tried to sign him from River Plate itself. But he penned a new contract in the summer (that lasts till 2027), so Benfica will naturally demand a king's ransom...

If he has genuine playmaking quality I would not mind us paying that. We have lacked that in midfield for absolute ages.
I like how he seems to have a lot of time on the ball.

Yeah, I don't think he's too fussed about getting pressed from what I've seen, as he feels he can run away from someone closing at him fast or play a 1-2.

Hard to ask for much more than what he did against Poland considering how deep they say. Keep it simple and move the ball wide until you get an opportunity, then play the high-risk clever ball inside for an assist and then a great dribble and cutback for what should have been a 2nd had Messi hit it cleanly. Exactly what you want from a #8 and we've been lucky to get that sort of performance so often from Eriksen this year. We just need another player who can do that and let Eriksen give Bruno a break far more often and also have a quality midfielder to bring off the bench for 30 minutes every game, which alone would massively improve us. Could even play all 3 and Casemiro in a box midfield in specific tactical situations like Potter does with a 3-4-3, Antony is actually fairly well suited for it, though not sure who would go on the left, maybe Garnacho because he can exploit the space in behind like Mitoima does best for Brighton.

We are. The club has been interested in Enzo for a while now — and tried to sign him from River Plate itself. But he penned a new contract in the summer (that lasts till 2027), so Benfica will naturally demand a king's ransom...

There was barely any pressure on him that whole video - it seems like Poland were content to sit deep and left him to his own devices around the halfway line. I honestly don't see anything that McTominay wouldn't have done there. Basic CM play.

We are. The club has been interested in Enzo for a while now — and tried to sign him from River Plate itself. But he penned a new contract in the summer (that lasts till 2027), so Benfica will naturally demand a king's ransom...

Not even a new contract per se, he just moved to Benfica this June. They must be licking their lips at the impending windfall, if anyone dares.
There was barely any pressure on him that whole video - it seems like Poland were content to sit deep and left him to his own devices around the halfway line. I honestly don't see anything that McTominay wouldn't have done there. Basic CM play.

Its all about the knowledge of positioning and off the ball movement. Knowing where to be to support the defence in the build up and spraying the balls where their supposed to go. Being rightly positioned to encircle Polish players trying to come through the middle.

Mctominay cannot do this.

As a result of his play, Argentina had a willing midfielder able to stay central and be constantly available for passes, both from the defence and from higher up the pitch. The defence had a player positionally smart enough to drop deeper when one of them pushed up ( high degree of awareness and good positioning) and also knew how and when to support the build up. His passing wasn't short and helped quickly stretch play and tire Poland out. These passes were done without needing many touches and the passes had more length, therefor stretching Poland. Due to how little time he needed to take these touches, possession could move far more quickly from side to side, giving Poland less time to organize or rest. It gives attackers more one on one opportunities, sometimes able to get the ball quick enough for an early cross.

It seems simple, but having the concentration, anticipation, passing ability, positioning, composure, off the ball movement and first touch is required. It's also not as visible, but the difference in how quickly the ball moves from side to side and the ease of the build up out of the back are telltale signs. This being so hard to read is why people have felt players like Cleverley or Garner could play the role. I do feel highlight videos for midfielders don't always show this. It's even harder to spot for players like Pedri where the function is to keep possession.

Good game, but I honestly dont see any pass or performance in that video that Fred or even McTominay would not be capable of. No pressure on him at all. I’ll reserve full judging of Enzo until he faces a side of high quality.

reminded me of a De Rossi from Roma. Always dropped deep like this and passed it safely sideways.
Good game, but I honestly dont see any pass or performance in that video that Fred or even McTominay would not be capable of. No pressure on him at all. I’ll reserve full judging of Enzo until he faces a side of high quality.

reminded me of a De Rossi from Roma. Always dropped deep like this and passed it safely sideways.

Enzo had 2 key passes and an assist btw

Yes a lot of the passing is just expanding play simply, but Mac Allister had 3 key passes and Messi 5. Nobody else had more than Enzo in joint 3rd and obviously the tight ball into Alvarez for his goal was one of the keys to that happening. So while yes plenty of the passes are fairly simple but with some quality curling and expanding play in this match he clearly had some cutting edge too. And in the previous match he had a step over and stuck the ball in the top corner. So even in just 1 start and 2 sub appearances at the World Cup you can see that he has a bit more than just safe passes.
Even if he keeps it simple at times, he does it really well. At times it just looks simple because he does it so well.

He moves it from side to side really quick and precise when he wants to. He seems to have a good understanding of when he should slow the game down and when he can accelerate and push forward. Keeps him self in good areas so he is available for a pass and also can defend when needed. Seems like a clever, very allround cm/dm.
Its all about the knowledge of positioning and off the ball movement. Knowing where to be to support the defence in the build up and spraying the balls where their supposed to go. Being rightly positioned to encircle Polish players trying to come through the middle.

Mctominay cannot do this.

As a result of his play, Argentina had a willing midfielder able to stay central and be constantly available for passes, both from the defence and from higher up the pitch. The defence had a player positionally smart enough to drop deeper when one of them pushed up ( high degree of awareness and good positioning) and also knew how and when to support the build up. His passing wasn't short and helped quickly stretch play and tire Poland out. These passes were done without needing many touches and the passes had more length, therefor stretching Poland. Due to how little time he needed to take these touches, possession could move far more quickly from side to side, giving Poland less time to organize or rest. It gives attackers more one on one opportunities, sometimes able to get the ball quick enough for an early cross.

It seems simple, but having the concentration, anticipation, passing ability, positioning, composure, off the ball movement and first touch is required. It's also not as visible, but the difference in how quickly the ball moves from side to side and the ease of the build up out of the back are telltale signs. This being so hard to read is why people have felt players like Cleverley or Garner could play the role. I do feel highlight videos for midfielders don't always show this. It's even harder to spot for players like Pedri where the function is to keep possession.

Yep fair enough. I think you're overstating his impact in the game but I accept the general point there.
Enzo had 2 key passes and an assist btw

Yes a lot of the passing is just expanding play simply, but Mac Allister had 3 key passes and Messi 5. Nobody else had more than Enzo in joint 3rd and obviously the tight ball into Alvarez for his goal was one of the keys to that happening. So while yes plenty of the passes are fairly simple but with some quality curling and expanding play in this match he clearly had some cutting edge too. And in the previous match he had a step over and stuck the ball in the top corner. So even in just 1 start and 2 sub appearances at the World Cup you can see that he has a bit more than just safe passes.

I dont disagree. All Im saying is just that the opponents are not great and the sample size extremely small to measure a player fully. Validation is needed, as you could probably do the same experiment with Fred or McTominay when they catch the eye and have a streak of 3-4 good games.

we wouldnt be talking about Enzo Fernandes had he not had this small streak of games, so validation is really important, as we could just be looking at a Fred or McTominay again (data-wise.)
Kid seems absolute quality
Been waiting for a proper midfield playmaker for absolute ages. Hopefully ETH picks the right man. I've not been impressed with FDJ when I have watched him. Looks a lot sloppier than expected.
The thing is, he wasn’t even playing his best position in this game. He played the Jorginho/Paredes role, when he’s way more effective as a box to box midfielder.

If I was Argentina manager, I would bench De Paul, play Paredes holding, and give Enzo the license to roam.
Never watched him play but convinced he is the one. Break the bank, Rich.
He reminds me of Xabi Alonso. Especially the assured technique he strikes the ball with.
Been waiting for a proper midfield playmaker for absolute ages. Hopefully ETH picks the right man. I've not been impressed with FDJ when I have watched him. Looks a lot sloppier than expected.
FdJ would be great under EtH, i have no doubt, but his lack of desire to leave Barca and the stupid wages he is on....yeah, i'd also steer clear now!
I dont disagree. All Im saying is just that the opponents are not great and the sample size extremely small to measure a player fully. Validation is needed, as you could probably do the same experiment with Fred or McTominay when they catch the eye and have a streak of 3-4 good games.

we wouldnt be talking about Enzo Fernandes had he not had this small streak of games, so validation is really important, as we could just be looking at a Fred or McTominay again (data-wise.)

To be fair he has been dominating in portugal and if you do look at it data-wise as you say, the stats show he is bossing it in the top 95th percentile+ in europe for progressive passes, shot creation and every important midfield metric. In another league to Fred & Mctominay albeit Fred has a different role nowadays.

I cant post images yet with my noob account but look here he is fantastic in all areas and the eye test confirms too - https://fbref.com/en/players/5ff4ab71/Enzo-Fernandez

Fernandez would be perfect replacement to fill Eriksen's current role in the team as the metronome dictating next to Casemiro and driving forward when needed. He is much more complete and defensively sound whereas we've seen Eriksen has shown he is a liability in defence and transition tracking back. Signing him would free up Eriksen to push up more and rotate with Bruno more but i'm afraid we might of missed the boat getting him on the cheap like City did with Alvarez.

We do have Hannibal, Mainoo and Iqbal to a lesser extent coming through and the urgency for a world class £70M+ CM has dropped after filling out our midfield with quality Casemiro & Eriksen who will be good for a few years yet. Feel like our budget is going on Gakpo, Frimpong and then whoever needs replacing when their contract goes. Fred and Martial both are up soon not sure who else apart from rashy who is certain to be renewed.
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I love the fact he is called Enzo after Enzo Francescoli, would love to get our kit with Enzo on the back. Surely we wouldn't put Fernández on it?
To be fair he has been dominating in portugal and if you do look at it data-wise as you say, the stats show he is bossing it in the top 95th percentile+ in europe for progressive passes, shot creation and every important midfield metric. In another league to Fred & Mctominay albeit Fred has a different role nowadays.

I cant post images yet with my noob account but look here he is fantastic in all areas and the eye test confirms too - https://fbref.com/en/players/5ff4ab71/Enzo-Fernandez

Fernandez would be perfect replacement to fill Eriksen's current role in the team as the metronome dictating next to Casemiro and driving forward when needed. He is much more complete and defensively sound whereas we've seen Eriksen has shown he is a liability in defence and transition tracking back. Signing him would free up Eriksen to push up more and rotate with Bruno more but i'm afraid we might of missed the boat getting him on the cheap like City did with Alvarez.

We do have Hannibal, Mainoo and Iqbal to a lesser extent coming through and the urgency for a world class £70M+ CM has dropped after filling out our midfield with quality Casemiro & Eriksen who will be good for a few years yet. Feel like our budget is going on Gakpo, Frimpong and then whoever needs replacing when their contract goes. Fred and Martial both are up soon not sure who else apart from rashy who is certain to be renewed.

Nice stats, they do look decent and back up his performances. At age 21 he seems a real talent.
I love the fact he is called Enzo after Enzo Francescoli, would love to get our kit with Enzo on the back. Surely we wouldn't put Fernández on it?

I always loved the car Enzo Ferrari after the founder too, its a great name
I love the fact he is called Enzo after Enzo Francescoli, would love to get our kit with Enzo on the back. Surely we wouldn't put Fernández on it?

He would be the one true Fernandez in the squad
We would have to pronounce Bruno with his real portuguese name - Bruno Fernanch :lol:
Even if he keeps it simple at times, he does it really well. At times it just looks simple because he does it so well.

He moves it from side to side really quick and precise when he wants to. He seems to have a good understanding of when he should slow the game down and when he can accelerate and push forward. Keeps him self in good areas so he is available for a pass and also can defend when needed. Seems like a clever, very allround cm/dm.

I mean look at 5:27 here, he gives the exact pass as the ball comes for Julian to have a nice chance. Go ask Mctominay or Fred to do that. That’s accelerating when you need to.

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