Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

I have never played Heavenly Sword or DMC. What's with the shuddering?

No idea, both Heavenly Sword and Enslaved are fine games, so I don't see what's to shudder about.

As far as I'm concerned Devil May Cry is a dead franchise anyway, should have let it go as a trilogy, especially considering how it was originally only meant to be a Resident Evil sequel.
They have trouble holding 30fps, never mind 60fps. That's the problem. Also, the mechanics in the games they have previously delivered are nothing close to DMC.

Maybe that's because they're trying to breathe new life into the franchise by substantially changing the mechanics of the new game. Otherwise Capcom would have just carried on developing the series themselves without involving Ninja Theory.
I simply don't understand why they didn't give it to Platinum Games.

Would have been a sound choice due to the similarities of Bayonetta, but from what I understand PG are tied down to Sega.

Besides I don't think they're particularly on good terms with Capcom who had forcefully shut them down when they were known as Clover Studios.