Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Lance Uppercut

As you may, or may not know, the demo is up on PSN (360 too, I would assume). Easy to have missed it, with FIFA11 and PES11 demos released around the same time.

Anyway, I just finished playing the demo. It is pretty spectacular, and not at all what I imagined. There is a hint of Uncharted/Assassin's Creed to it, all set in a surprisingly green, post apocalyptic world.

You should give it a go.
The start of it is your regular "familiarise yourself with the controls" crap, but persevere. It keeps getting better.
Yeah played the demo now. Seems decent but just as its about to get interesting the demo obviously stops.
Demo looked good. Don't like the graphics though, it's all a bit saturated, but the gameplay certainly has more than just a whiff of the Uncharteds.....Looks like it'll be fun.
I like it so far, like Mockney said it's a bit like Uncharted. Only at chapter 2 so far though. Its a typical Lance game;) Castlevania, new PES, Two Worlds 2 and still yet to finish Dead Rising 2... Too many games atm hehe.
I like it so far, like Mockney said it's a bit like Uncharted. Only at chapter 2 so far though. Its a typical Lance game;) Castlevania, new PES, Two Worlds 2 and still yet to finish Dead Rising 2... Too many games atm hehe.


I am not far behind you, at the minute. Dead Rising 2, FIFA 11, Castlevania, Fallout New Vegas, maybe Gothic Arcania, probably this...
Just finished this. A good game but kinda short and repetive at times. Would recommend picking it up once it drops in price because there isn't much replay value but the story keeps you hooked.
Will do. Castlevania arrives in the morning, and I still haven't finished Dead Rising 2. Holding off on this one will ease things.
I'll probably be trading Mafia 2 for this tomorrow or next week, I'll only have to pay a fiver to do that trade and Mafia's value has been dropping so it's high time I got rid of it (after I complete it, obviously, which will take no more than six hours from this point).
Does this have anything to do with the TV show Monkey (which as we all know was the greatest show ever made) ?

If it's a yes, then it's definitely going on my sub £20 list.
I traded Mafia 2 for it today, will play it later. It looks like it's fine with nice graphics but apparently very short, after Mafia I don't expect anything long anyway though.
Ok so i've been playing through this and am up to chapter 10, on the PS3.

Now part way through chapter 9 there's a chase, and during this i noticed that there was no sound, just monkey grunting. I had a look around and apparently it's a common PS3 issue for this game. I manually changed my PS3's settings and managed to get it so some other background noises i noticed were missing started to heard but what a strange and annoying problem.
I think i'm gonna have to play through this again, i've just got into a battle and this epic music kicks in, every other fight i've had has been in silence.
I'm pretty sure i'm on the last boss, wanted to finish it this morning before work but ran out of time. Will get my review up this evening.

But i will say it's very Naughty Dog-esque, running towards the screen chases (crash bandicoot), climbing sequences to open doors for companion (Uncharted) and even a hoverboard disc type thing (Jak 2).

Either they've ripped them off or are paying homage to them, not sure which, or maybe i'm just looking too much into it.
Just finished the game, and i have to say i loved the ending. Goes up a bit in my book because of that, just over 8 hours to complete on hard mode on my first play through. I might go back through the levels and try to find the other orbs/masks and see if i get a different experience now i actually sorted out the sound issue!
Just got this today as its gone well down in price. I got it for £13 on Zavvi but I think the price has gone up to just under £15 now. Good so far
Just finished it, wasn't exactly the longest of the games.

For what its worth though I really did enjoy it, way more so than I had expected. The combat was fluid, the graphics were lush and vibrant, the character development brilliant as was the story. Heck I even liked the platforming (never been a fan of platforming in general, so the simplicity behind it was a breath of fresh air for me). In fact the whole thing reminded me a lot of Beyond Good & Evil, so two thumbs up from me.

Only thing that really bothered me was the camera angle, and somewhat the ending...

What happens to the slaves? More importantly, what happens to both Monkey and Trip? Do they fall in love and repopulate the barren world?..I want closure dammit! Otherwise I'm hoping for a seqeuel.
You really ought to, cheap as chips now too. I can easily see this being one of those games that'll become rare and go up in value in the future, as was the case with the likes of ICO.
Not sure if this is a little too late, but the 360 version is the one you want to go for. The PS3 version has its various technical issues.
I do. I just cancelled my order. It says "waiting on stock pick up" anyway. I will wait to see if the cancellation is successful before I order the 360 version. Been burnt before by Zavvi.
If you can't cancel it; let me know. I've not bought it, so can always buy it for the 360 and then we do swaps. Then you're not wasting your money :)

My cancellation has been successful, and I have ordered the 360 version. Thanks for the offer, though. :)
This is a great game. Just made it to level 6, after about 4 hours play. I love the visuals, nice to be able to play without having to close the blinds.