I was brought up on a diet of Elvis cos my dad loved him and had, I thought, all of his records but then when my dad remarried, it was to a woman who really DID have all his records and then I knew what being an Elvis fan was all about.
To this day, she goes to Gracelands every year like some kind of pilgrimage and with the advent of fast broadband, p2p sharing and DVD burners, she's able to fill in those missing gaps from her collection.
It's like a never-ending nightmare.
Having said that, it is easy to see what people saw in Elvis. Ridiculously good-looking, a voice that could send angels packing and was as cool as a guy with just one body could be back in his heyday.
Of course, he didn't write any of his own songs and the few on which he is given song-writing credits was probably because he contributed the odd word or chord here and there - he had a very canny manager who took a hefty slice of his profits for himself so I'm sure he did what was necessary to get the Presley name on whatever he could get away with.
The fact of the matter is though that many of the top song-writers of the day were persuaded to let Elvis sing their songs for far below what would have been the normal royalty rate because, quite simply, if Elvis sung your song, it was going to sell and you would make more from a cut-price-percentage from a song given to Elvis than the normal % offered by anyone else.
Anyways, you might think that I hate Elvis but I don't and there are plenty of songs which I can listen to.
Perhaps my favourites, off the top of my head, are:-
American Trilogy - possibly one of the greatest live performances ever
In The Ghetto
Dont Cry Daddy
Blue Moon (from the Sun era)
Mystery Train (ditto)
Kentucky Rain
And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind
I'm Leavin' (possibly one of the best intros to a song ever)
There are probably a few I've forgotten.