Elon Musk | Owner of X and complete loser

I find the utter hypocrisy of freeze peach absolutists genuinely enraging, not just performatively on the internet, but as in I get fecking angry in real life when I think about them. Another dark day today in world's politics so I'm even more on edge than usual.
I find the utter hypocrisy of freeze peach absolutists genuinely enraging, not just performatively on the internet, but as in I get fecking angry in real life when I think about them. Another dark day today in world's politics so I'm even more on edge than usual.

It feels like I’ve taken a political beating my entire adult life. At a time when I really could have done with things going my way. Hopefully the next 15 years are better but looking at how things are going, I'm not hopeful.
Was just scroll through James O'Brien's feed and about three scrolls down I see a weird ad fly by. I scrolled back up, it's a guy grabbing the back of a woman's head and just out of shot she's sucking dick. The ad is for discreet meet ups.

I guess the advertisement drought is hitting hard now.
Was just scroll through James O'Brien's feed and about three scrolls down I see a weird ad fly by. I scrolled back up, it's a guy grabbing the back of a woman's head and just out of shot she's sucking dick. The ad is for discreet meet ups.

I guess the advertisement drought is hitting hard now.
How did the meet up go? Was it discreet?

The lawsuit admits that Twitter served up ads next to white supremacist tweets. Even the claim that it only did this for the Media Matters account isn't true since it served up an Apple ad next to racist content that was viewed by 2 people (only one of whom was Media Matters).

Musk is a fascist scumbag.
The irony that they want shut down free speech on the basis that that free speech is criticising totally unfettered free speech.
He's now boosting the visibility of Pizzagate people. This is not the only one.

He's now boosting the visibility of Pizzagate people. This is not the only one.


What’s the story behind this? Am I reading the article headline wrong or are they? The headline suggests a friend of Podesta was arrested, not that he was a journalist or the journalist that debunked Pizzagate - that was Podesta himself.
What’s the story behind this? Am I reading the article headline wrong or are they? The headline suggests a friend of Podesta was arrested, not that he was a journalist or the journalist that debunked Pizzagate - that was Podesta himself.

I have no idea what the story is, I've learned to tune out all Pizzagate stuff. It's almost guaranteed nonsense. The source, EU Times, is described by RationalWiki as "a "news" site that presents utter neo-Nazi bollocks."
I have no idea what the story is, I've learned to tune out all Pizzagate stuff. It's almost guaranteed nonsense. The source, EU Times, is described by RationalWiki as "a "news" site that presents utter neo-Nazi bollocks."

You don't want to be reading anything from rationalwiki - full of utter nonsense.

The lawsuit admits that Twitter served up ads next to white supremacist tweets. Even the claim that it only did this for the Media Matters account isn't true since it served up an Apple ad next to racist content that was viewed by 2 people (only one of whom was Media Matters).

Musk is a fascist scumbag.

This will go nowhere imo. He's clutching at straws and I would be surprised to see the platform continue to be relevant much longer once its main advertisers sprint in the opposite direction.
This will go nowhere imo. He's clutching at straws and I would be surprised to see the platform continue to be relevant much longer once its main advertisers sprint in the opposite direction.
I just noticed the lawsuit was filed in north Texas. I guess this is the world we live in now. Democrats and left-leaning attorney generals file their actions in New York and D.C. where the jury pool is very left leaning and Republicans and right-leaning attorney generals file their actions in Texas or ? (Oklahoma???) where they expect to find a more sympathetic jury pool.

Justice weeps.
Its so strange seeing a midlife crisis fueled by social media and a hundred billion dollars and all in full view of the public. His tweets are like therapy notes.
All the top replies to any medium or large account -


Every tweet, even my account with ~100 followers, gets at least one like from a pornbot. Every account over 5k gets replies from pornbots (they still have the old filters that keep those hidden, but still, the number has grown). Apart from his bigotry (which I encounter only in screenshots calling it out, rather than directly, since I muted his account), the site is SO MUCH worse now.

e - youtube wanted me to watch some garbage channel called CBN, obvious right-wing stuff, googled it, turned out to be the Christian Broadcating Network. I regularly get more right-wing recommendations from youtube than twitter.
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This will go nowhere imo. He's clutching at straws and I would be surprised to see the platform continue to be relevant much longer once its main advertisers sprint in the opposite direction.

The only reason it might is because he filed it in the 5th Circuit, which means he'll get some sympathy from the psychos whose interpretation of the 1st amendment is whatever conservatives want it to be.
At what point does it simply become "the company formerly known as Twitter".

Swear I see that at least as often as X, yet it gets way more attention because X is short and so ignorable.
At what point does it simply become "the company formerly known as Twitter".

Swear I see that at least as often as X, yet it gets way more attention because X is short and so ignorable.
It's reminiscent in the US of FedEx stores being still called Kinko's by a certain age demo.

Well, if FedEx stores made copies of swastikas that is.
It's reminiscent in the US of FedEx stores being still called Kinko's by a certain age demo.

Well, if FedEx stores made copies of swastikas that is.
If the company formerly known as twitter stays relevant long enough for a new generation to grow up and come to know it as X we're beyond fecked.
What’s the story behind this? Am I reading the article headline wrong or are they? The headline suggests a friend of Podesta was arrested, not that he was a journalist or the journalist that debunked Pizzagate - that was Podesta himself.

That melted my head for a bit too. I even ended up googling around to find out the background. The bloke who was arrested is allegedly a) a friend of Podesta and b) a journalist that debunked pizzagate (not “the” journalist because it’s been debunked by loads of journalists)

I thought Twitter, I mean X was on its arse? He's posted a few like this recently that shows user numbers, subscriptions amongst other things are all on the rise.
Why'd you think that?

Because of all the reports of the sponsors and advertising companies leaving in droves and the same regarding user numbers. Reports about the company being valued at 1/10th the price Musk paid for it and also the reports of all the staff cuts and firings leaving the site struggling. Add to that the name change and brand change which is also driving people away. The far right takeover has made the site incredibly toxic and unappealing to many.

I thought Twitter, I mean X was on its arse? He's posted a few like this recently that shows user numbers, subscriptions amongst other things are all on the rise.

Increased views even if true, mean nothing if businesses don't want to advertise on the platform.
That doge designer guy is the biggest subservient boot licking **** I've ever seen in my life.

I thought Twitter, I mean X was on its arse? He's posted a few like this recently that shows user numbers, subscriptions amongst other things are all on the rise.

I'm surprised anyone navigates to Facebook or Instagram content from Google to be honest.
Musk the kind of guy to bug his own search function to drive metrics from google.
An absolute fecking cess pit of racism and far-right blue tick wankery when following the Dublin stuff tonight. The fact this very real threat to democracy is allowed to continue with zero moderation shows why we’re totally fecked.

I thought Twitter, I mean X was on its arse? He's posted a few like this recently that shows user numbers, subscriptions amongst other things are all on the rise.

I mean, Google anything and there’s a row of recent tweets on that subject which people will inevitably click on. The same isn’t true for either of the other two platforms, and ultimately doesn’t matter a jot if advertisers are running away from it.
Don't know which thread to put this in, but the youtube algorithm is getting increasingly ... something. Today it was a "European pagan" channel "survive the jive" with more than one Evola viddeo, "DEBUNKING" the "racism" of the black death(?)
