Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

If almost 100% of the population is white, what exactly are these people scared of?
Yep, they're just annoyed that Yousaf is making a decent point. The former Justice Secretary pointing out that every person in a higher position that he dealt with was white when reflecting on the Scottish justice system and how it represents our populace - and I mean all of our population, not just the majority. Let's not forget that when he was JS he was heavily involved in pushing for an inquiry into the death of Sheku Bayoh (which took absolutely ages to get and hit multiple brick walls through the courts and police), a man with a not too dissimilar fate to George Floyd. I can't help but think that he would have been in the back of his mind as well.

But it's easier for twats like Musk to just take offence to something he has feck all to do with instead of actually find out WHY someone is saying something.
The context is a debate on racism that took place in the Scottish Parliament on 10th June 2020 in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd and subsequent protests. Before the clip in question Yousaf talks about his own experience of racism both professionally and privately. He talks about different forms of racism; explicit, implicit, unconscious. He moves on to structural racism and notes that of the 300 Scottish MPs that have entered Holyrood since its inception none have been black, none a female person of colour and the only four minority politicians have all been middle class, privately educated Asian males. He then goes on to make the points in the clip. After that he relates all these remarks back to George Floyd and the BLM movement. He says that it's ineffectual just to take a knee, that gestures aren't enough, the only thing that actually counts are actions that lead to change. He observes the irony that a debate regarding Black Lives Matter is taking place without a single black voice in attendance; in the absence of which he concludes by narrating the entirety of George Floyd's final words.

This is the complete video (should be set for the right time, if not it's from 1hr 55+):

I think it's an excellent speech and all his observations are perfectly reasonable. I do think it needs to be noted that Scotland was 98% white in 2000 and is still more than 96% 95% white today though. I'm certain there is structural racism, but given those demographics I'm not sure raw numbers necessarily demonstrate it.

Thanks man. I'll give it a look.
Pretty sure he didn’t have friends growing up. Looks like someone trying to over compensate to be cool.

“It’s pretty edgy so don’t use it if you’re against comedy ha ha ha ha ha”
He's centre-left.


Someone like Keir Starmer or Joe Biden are barely (I'd argue they're both to the right of) centre left, Elon Musk isn't anything close to being centre left. Like most of his friends, he's a right wing libertarian who only supports free speech when he agrees with it
Tbf, prior to whenever Musk lost his mind/showed his true self, or decided that pandering to Twitter weirdos was more profitable, he did espouse some left leaning views e.g. UBI. So, that might be where the 'centre left' label came from.
Tbf, prior to whenever Musk lost his mind/showed his true self, or decided that pandering to Twitter weirdos was more profitable, he did espouse some left leaning views e.g. UBI. So, that might be where the 'centre left' label came from.
You're mistake is thinking UBI is left leaning or that he hasn't always been hugely right wing but he had a smaller profile and better PR of hiding behind "tech".
Reaching close to the cesspit now.

Yeah, but if you actively ignore everything that’s been happening, it is still a great platform that brings loads of fun.
Tbf, prior to whenever Musk lost his mind/showed his true self, or decided that pandering to Twitter weirdos was more profitable, he did espouse some left leaning views e.g. UBI. So, that might be where the 'centre left' label came from.
He was definitely seen that way, my liberal father likes/liked him, though I've been sending him some of his tweets to disabuse him off the notion. I don't think our local paper has covered Musk's conversion.
FAO: gullible people who somehow used to think Elon Musk wasn't a far-right shitstain.