Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

Dont you think that most of the shitty experience is more from a musk policy changes (blu checks, limitations of reading, allowing rcism, homofobia etc, and the ad strategy) more than 5000 people got laid off? Im sure it affected, no questions on that but surely was 25-50% overemployed seeing how it still working. Again, my opinion based in little knowlege

Keeping stuff ticking along is not the same as being capable of improving things. Which you kind of have to do in tech or you can be overtaken. Almost all companies keep ticking along when they lay people off, it's a gradual, creeping death sentence generally when too many go, not an immediate implosion.
Keeping stuff ticking along is not the same as being capable of improving things. Which you kind of have to do in tech or you can be overtaken. Almost all companies keep ticking along when they lay people off, it's a gradual, creeping death sentence generally when too many go, not an immediate implosion.

Well then they’re all doomed because they’ve all been laying people off. Obviously Musk is doing a horrible job as Twitter CEO but the whole tech sector has been tightening it’s belt over the last couple of years. This isn’t just a Twitter trend.
His entire schtick is too bolster a return for Trump or a GOP candidate who won't threaten their place in the world.
Well then they’re all doomed because they’ve all been laying people off. Obviously Musk is doing a horrible job as Twitter CEO but the whole tech sector has been tightening it’s belt over the last couple of years. This isn’t just a Twitter trend.

Not quite the same is it? Losing 75% of your work force Vs 10% is a huge difference. Even losing 75% over 5 years is massively different to losing them over 6 months or whatever it was. You will generally eventually improve the level of your workforce once you stabilise or grow again, but if a lot of the knowledge leaves at once those shoots of recovery are slower or even don't happen because the remaining work force just end up firefighting the whole time.
Not quite the same is it? Losing 75% of your work force Vs 10% is a huge difference. Even losing 75% over 5 years is massively different to losing them over 6 months or whatever it was. You will generally eventually improve the level of your workforce once you stabilise or grow again, but if a lot of the knowledge leaves at once those shoots of recovery are slower or even don't happen because the remaining work force just end up firefighting the whole time.

Ok, sure. Your comment gave the impression that laying people off was doom for any tech company.
Ok, sure. Your comment gave the impression that laying people off was doom for any tech company.

No, laying off too many, too quickly or too regularly is doom for any company, not just tech companies.
Keeping stuff ticking along is not the same as being capable of improving things. Which you kind of have to do in tech or you can be overtaken. Almost all companies keep ticking along when they lay people off, it's a gradual, creeping death sentence generally when too many go, not an immediate implosion.

Yeah, you have a point here
Twitter seems to be down right now

Some part of it goes down temporarily every few hours these days. It's been getting progressively worse for a while. They managed to improve reliability by switching off loading replies to tweets unless you are signed in. That's doesn't seem to be doing he job anymore though. Won't be long before it goes down for an extended period. At which point you'll get excuses about how its being revamped etc. to try to explain the downtime away.
Wants people to boycott a law firm because they do pro bono work for homeless people.

I only ever go on twitter when an interesting tweet is posted on here and I click on it.
They are taking an age to load now? Or is that just me?

What is the point of this, nobody is going to read the screen. Usually it's China that copies US, this time it's the other way around. X is trying to copy WeChat. But the thing about WeChat is, people in China don't give a feck if their life depends on an app when it's already dependent on the government.


Is there anyone on earth more desperate for attention than Musk? Imagine being one of the richest people alive and still using every spare moment to try to 'win the internet's every single day. Exhausting.
Is there anyone on earth more desperate for attention than Musk? Imagine being one of the richest people alive and still using every spare moment to try to 'win the internet's every single day. Exhausting.
If I had his money no one would ever hear from me, I'd be out there enjoying life.
What is the point of this, nobody is going to read the screen. Usually it's China that copies US, this time it's the other way around. X is trying to copy WeChat. But the thing about WeChat is, people in China don't give a feck if their life depends on an app when it's already dependent on the government.
Presumably reads them out like you can do with WhatsApp messages on CarPlay. Sounds totally dreadful.