Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

Closed my account yesterday, the bad started to outweigh the good too consistently recently.
A superior intelligence has spoken :)

That is actually wild :lol:
He's a left-leaning centrist, just casually promoting two toxic and dangerous far-right ghouls. Then again, I guess that's been the main function of centrists for the last two or three hundred years.

He's a left-leaning centrist, just casually promoting two toxic and dangerous far-right ghouls. Then again, I guess that's been the main function of centrists for the last two or three hundred years.

Harsh on @Pogue Mahone
He's a left-leaning centrist, just casually promoting two toxic and dangerous far-right ghouls. Then again, I guess that's been the main function of centrists for the last two or three hundred years.


I've noticed a lot of people like that online. People who claim to be "moderate" "independent" and scoff at being called right wing even though all they ever do is echo right wing talking points and praise people who don't hide being right wing. They act like a twitter account with 60 followers saying something silly is reflective of the entire left but turn a blind eye from the leading politicians on the right having huge scandals.

I've never seen this equivalent of people do it the other way around.
Lets be honest, people who call themselves centrists are obviously right wing, you just have to talk to them for 5 minutes.
Lets be honest, people who call themselves centrists are obviously right wing, you just have to talk to them for 5 minutes.

I think the difference is between self proclaiming yourself centrist (or independent) versus people whose voting history implies they are centrist or independent. I think the latter group of people are lean-left now so people like Musk who represent the other side are out of touch. For example the right's tax policy may be unchanged from ten years ago but ten years ago it was the bread and butter policy whereas now it is relegated to culture war stuff. I think in elections those voters in the middle see culture war and are turned off but guys like Musk are excited by it.
I've noticed a lot of people like that online. People who claim to be "moderate" "independent" and scoff at being called right wing even though all they ever do is echo right wing talking points and praise people who don't hide being right wing. They act like a twitter account with 60 followers saying something silly is reflective of the entire left but turn a blind eye from the leading politicians on the right having huge scandals.

I've never seen this equivalent of people do it the other way around.

I remember at the height of Gamergate, that big nothing-story that more or less started the online woman-hating incel, red-pill movement. Or if not started, then at least catapulted into the spotlight. There was a poll on the main subreddit, and almost everyone considered themselves left of centre, liberals, progressive, etc. It was completely absurd.
A lot of 'centrists' probably would have been considered liberal 10 years ago. The left has changed quite a bit over those years.
As the right has gotten more right wing the left has gotten more left wing
In my opinion, the whole spectrum had moved to the right.

40 years ago in spain, the socialist party was using veiled marxist terms in the eleltions, nacionalization of the banks in crisis, more oversight of the companies by the workers, strengthen the public sector, reduction of age retirement to 62 years old, promoted a reform of the health care to be truely public, universal and free

Currently they are more liberal in the flexibility of workers rights, privatizarion over public sectors, competitiveness over quality and accountability, acceptance or not saying much against the increase of retirement age to 67 and participates or doesnt opose to the privatization of public health care sectors and hospitals

They are currently mildly right wing and centrist at best compared to true left that are minority in the parliament and they are voted in mass alongside the right wing party

There had been aways radical leftists, lefitist, centrist, right wings an radical right wing but currently they are less radical leftists, much way less leftists a bit centrists and thrle right wing is going rampant not to speak the raise of the radical right wing

Not to speak that the "radical left" has little to do with the negative parts of the communism while the radical right wing has a lot to do with the worse of the fascism and racism

And i have he sensation as an outsider observer that it is happening in many other countries like US and UK but i am no expert on it so i might be wrong because i lack the personal hitorical perspective
As the right has gotten more right wing the left has gotten more left wing

Obama would have been a republican in the 80s (by his own admission). The radicalisation of the right since Reagan has swung the entire pendulum of American politics with it.

The far left remains leftist, but with less and less kinship with the centrist policies of the ruling parts of the democratic party (unlike the republican party which is beholden to its extremist elements).

What has changed on the left is that many of its economic concerns have been replaced with cultural concerns.

Communism would be mainstream in the democratic party if the left had turned more left.

Sanders was basically the last gasp for an economically oriented left oriented policy that also represented the wider leftist parts of the democratic party. Averted by rigging the nomination in Clinton's favour. And he represents a light version of capitalist socialism, one that was mainstream in US politics up until Reagan.
A lot of 'centrists' probably would have been considered liberal 10 years ago. The left has changed quite a bit over those years.
If people fine with Tucker and/or Tate would have been considered liberal 10 years ago, I feel like that label was not that useful then.
Closed my account yesterday, the bad started to outweigh the good too consistently recently.

Same here. I don't know what took me so long but I finally realized that the only enjoyment I got out of having an account was to block idiots with a blue checkmark, and as far as enjoyment goes that doesn't reach very high..
In what way? Most studies say the opposite.
I haven't seen any studies on the subject. Just what I see talked about online. I see the far right being as racist and homophobic as they always have been. I don't see much change there. The big thing I've noticed is the current gender identity/sex culture war. This conversation has gotten a lot bigger over the last few years. You're deemed to be far right/a Nazi if you're not in 100% agreement with the far left on it.

I hope the answer is as insightful as "before Elon conservatives were mostly banned on Twitter".
I am not sure what you mean by this. If you don't believe Twitter was an echo chamber for far left liberals before Elon, I don't know what to say. Conservatives are allowed to post and don't seem to get suppressed any more.

If people fine with Tucker and/or Tate would have been considered liberal 10 years ago, I feel like that label was not that useful then.
I don't know that much about either of them in all honesty. I don't follow either of them. I am also not saying that Elon is a centrist. I have no idea what his politics are. My post was purely based on the trends I have noticed mostly on Twitter over the last few years.
I am not sure what you mean by this. If you don't believe Twitter was an echo chamber for far left liberals before Elon, I don't know what to say. Conservatives are allowed to post and don't seem to get suppressed any more.

You're wrong, and the data proved you wrong long before Elon even took over. Research has shown that right-wing viewpoints were amplified, and certainly not suppressed. The only ones who were "suppressed" were the likes of Trump, right around the time when he tried to convince a mob to overthrow a fair election. "Conservatives are allowed to post" is an absurd way to describe the current state of Twitter.

You're deemed to be far right/a Nazi if you're not in 100% agreement with the far left on it.

Absolute hysterical horseshit.

I don't know that much about either of them in all honesty. I don't follow either of them. I am also not saying that Elon is a centrist. I have no idea what his politics are. My post was purely based on the trends I have noticed mostly on Twitter over the last few years.

There it is. The favourite phrase of everyone who ever comes in to defend Musk, Peterson, Tate, etc.
You're wrong, and the data proved you wrong long before Elon even took over. Research has shown that right-wing viewpoints were amplified, and certainly not suppressed. The only ones who were "suppressed" were the likes of Trump, right around the time when he tried to convince a mob to overthrow a fair election. "Conservatives are allowed to post" is an absurd way to describe the current state of Twitter.
Okay. It was my personal experience on the site. I see far more conservatives views when I scroll down my feed than I ever did before Musk. I can see both sides in my 'for you' feed.

When the Brexit vote was happening was eye opening to me. Almost all of the content I could see on the site was against Brexit. I thought a no vote was a sure win, because of how much Twitter was against Brexit. It was since then that I fully realised how left wing the site was, and how it didn't seem to correlate with real life.

Absolute hysterical horseshit.
It is not. I see it on Twitter whenever I view any kind of discussion on the subject.

There it is. The favourite phrase of everyone who ever comes in to defend Musk, Peterson, Tate, etc.
You don't even know me. I haven't defended any of those people.

Anyway, that's me done here. I leave you all in peace.
When the Brexit vote was happening was eye opening to me. Almost all of the content I could see on the site was against Brexit. I thought a no vote was a sure win, because of how much Twitter was against Brexit. It was since then that I fully realised how left wing the site was, and how it didn't seem to correlate with real life.

Thanks for answering. My impression is that you took the wrong conclussions from the Brexit voting and Twitter. Twitter works as an eco chamber, where you keep seeing the content you're most likely to interact with. The Brexit voting was always going to be very close, with the previous polling showing no side having a clear advantage (at least over the margin of error). Leave barely won due to, IMO, an "ashamed voter" effect that wasn't captured by polling. But that has existed from centuries and had nothing to do with Twitter.

A good counter example to that election could be the recent midterms in the US, where most of Twitter predicted a "red wave" and eventually the Dems got a way better result than they expected. And Twitter was about the same as it was before.
I haven't seen any studies on the subject. Just what I see talked about online. I see the far right being as racist and homophobic as they always have been. I don't see much change there. The big thing I've noticed is the current gender identity/sex culture war. This conversation has gotten a lot bigger over the last few years. You're deemed to be far right/a Nazi if you're not in 100% agreement with the far left on it.

how you can say leftists are more radical than in the past based on a point that is not comparable as the gender identity situation was non existent in the mainstream?

To be honest it could be similar to the debate that back in the day was about black population and homosexual. And yes, if you didnt respect their rights you were a racist, homofob and very usually a far right moron. The same nowadays and in 20 years will be see as such because the right wing values are usually on the wrong site of the history in societal rights and had been proven over and over looking fuemrther in time
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I'm pretty sure by todays GOP standards old Adolf would be a bit of a centrist on most things.

In all seriousness, the left, especially the American left, hasn't gotten more left at all. People just forgot the meaning of the term "left" and "right". Joe Biden isn't leftwing in any meaningful way. He's a corporate stooge like 90% of "leftwing" politicians. In that sense that nutjob term "uni-party" does kind of ring true, because you can choose between hypercapitalism with infringement on the rights of minorities (the right) or hypercapitalism without (with less) infringement on the rights of minorities (the "left").

I wish the left became more like they used to be in late 18th century French. No way Trump would've gotten away with these things under the commity of public safety :nervous:

Having tolerance for politicians with shitty, downright evil views is vastly overrated.