Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

It might be but Elon styles himself as a libertarian as far as i know.
People call themselves all sorts. Meanwhile, in the actual Libertarian party, their platform includes stuff like this:


I wonder if there are still people on the Caf who will claim Musk buying Twitter hasn't made anything worse. He's using his own platform to actively promote explicitly far-right people.

It's not that bad, really. If you change every single setting on the site, force yourself to ignore 90% of the posts, don't care about the damage the site is causing and try to pretend that you have not formed a harmful habit in the way you use the site, it is almost as good as it was before Julius Strei..., ehm Elon Musk bought the site.
Doesn't seem a fair fight given Zuckerberg is clearly a creation of Boston Dynamics. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
This is the best that Musk can do to divert attention away from serious share prices crashes? And what's Zuck's angle? Saving Meta from dying in the worst way possible, i.e. with no one noticing or caring?

Or is the US planning on hiding some seriously dangerous news under the carpet soon? :(
Seriously, what ? A bacterium called bilionarittis eating their brains? Musk is wacko we know that but Zuckerberg? Makes no sense.
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I'm sure everyone will be coming out of the woodwork to mourn these *check notes* awful people.

I saw someone unironically write that the risks are far too great to allow this fight to happen. Humanity cannot afford to have such brilliant people "potentially lose braincells" :lol:
I miss the days when rich elite cnuts would challenge each other to pistol duels :(
Imagine the twitter exchanges between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I must confess, Aaron, that the tension between us is becoming unbearable. We should settle our differences with words, not violence. Let's meet and discuss our grievances like civilized men. #RiseAboveDueling

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton Alexander, your words ring hollow. You've slandered my name and challenged my honor. Meeting in person won't undo the damage you've caused. #ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I understand the weight of my words, Aaron, and I regret the impact they've had. But dueling is not the answer. Let's find a way to reconcile and move forward without resorting to violence. #ChoosePeaceNotPistols

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton It's easy for you to advocate peace, Alexander, when you hold the power of the pen. But my honor demands satisfaction. Let the fates decide our fate on the dueling ground. #DutyCalls

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I implore you, Aaron, to reconsider. We both have families who rely on us. A duel will only bring pain and tragedy. Let's find another way to resolve this dispute, for the sake of our loved ones. #FamilyFirst

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton Your concerns for our families are duly noted, Alexander. However, I cannot ignore the insult you've hurled at my honor. If we do not meet on the dueling ground, our reputations will forever be tarnished. #HonorAboveAll

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I understand your perspective, Aaron, but I urge you to think of the future. Our actions will echo through history, and it is our duty to set a better example for those who follow. Let us find a way to reconcile without bloodshed. #LegacyOfPeace

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton Your words have touched a chord within me, Alexander. Perhaps there is still hope for resolution without resorting to violence. I am willing to entertain your ideas. Let us meet privately and discuss a path forward. #ReconciliationOverRevenge

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I am relieved to hear your willingness, Aaron. Let us seek common ground and put an end to this animosity. I propose a meeting tomorrow at dawn. We shall strive for reconciliation, not destruction. #TurningTheTide

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton Agreed, Alexander. Tomorrow at dawn, we shall meet and strive to settle our differences in a manner that will honor both our families and our legacies. May reason prevail over rage. #FindingCommonGround

Chat GTP sucks.
Imagine the twitter exchanges between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I must confess, Aaron, that the tension between us is becoming unbearable. We should settle our differences with words, not violence. Let's meet and discuss our grievances like civilized men. #RiseAboveDueling

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton Alexander, your words ring hollow. You've slandered my name and challenged my honor. Meeting in person won't undo the damage you've caused. #ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I understand the weight of my words, Aaron, and I regret the impact they've had. But dueling is not the answer. Let's find a way to reconcile and move forward without resorting to violence. #ChoosePeaceNotPistols

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton It's easy for you to advocate peace, Alexander, when you hold the power of the pen. But my honor demands satisfaction. Let the fates decide our fate on the dueling ground. #DutyCalls

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I implore you, Aaron, to reconsider. We both have families who rely on us. A duel will only bring pain and tragedy. Let's find another way to resolve this dispute, for the sake of our loved ones. #FamilyFirst

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton Your concerns for our families are duly noted, Alexander. However, I cannot ignore the insult you've hurled at my honor. If we do not meet on the dueling ground, our reputations will forever be tarnished. #HonorAboveAll

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I understand your perspective, Aaron, but I urge you to think of the future. Our actions will echo through history, and it is our duty to set a better example for those who follow. Let us find a way to reconcile without bloodshed. #LegacyOfPeace

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton Your words have touched a chord within me, Alexander. Perhaps there is still hope for resolution without resorting to violence. I am willing to entertain your ideas. Let us meet privately and discuss a path forward. #ReconciliationOverRevenge

Alexander Hamilton (@AHamilton) June 23, 1804

@ABurr I am relieved to hear your willingness, Aaron. Let us seek common ground and put an end to this animosity. I propose a meeting tomorrow at dawn. We shall strive for reconciliation, not destruction. #TurningTheTide

Aaron Burr (@ABurr) June 23, 1804

@AHamilton Agreed, Alexander. Tomorrow at dawn, we shall meet and strive to settle our differences in a manner that will honor both our families and our legacies. May reason prevail over rage. #FindingCommonGround

Chat GTP sucks.

It does suck, but you have to coax it a little bit to make it suck slightly less.

@AHamilton (Alexander Hamilton • June 1, 1804)
Just caught wind of @ABurr's latest speech. Is it just me, or does he manage to turn even the most thrilling topic into a snoozefest? #BurrBoring

@ABurr (Aaron Burr • June 2, 1804)
@AHamilton Haha! You're one to talk, Hamilton. Your oratory skills are about as captivating as watching paint dry. #Yawnworthy

@AHamilton (Alexander Hamilton • June 3, 1804)
@ABurr Oh, please. You couldn't hold an audience's attention if your life depended on it, Burr. Your speeches are like a lullaby, but without the soothing melody. #SnoozeMaster

@ABurr (Aaron Burr • June 4, 1804)
@AHamilton Spare me, Hamilton. Your rhetoric is as stale as yesterday's memes. People can't help but tune out when you start grandstanding. #LameHamilton

@AHamilton (Alexander Hamilton • June 5, 1804)
@ABurr Stale, huh? That's rich coming from a man whose ideas are as outdated as using a flip phone. Go back to the stone age, Burr. #AncientMindset

@ABurr (Aaron Burr • June 6, 1804)
@AHamilton Watch your fecking tongue, Hamilton. Your petty insults won't save you from irrelevance. Your time in the spotlight is fading fast. #Has-Been

@AHamilton (Alexander Hamilton • June 7, 1804)
@ABurr Irrelevance? You couldn't recognize relevance if it slapped you in the face, Burr. Your online presence is weaker than dial-up internet. #DigitalDinosaur

@ABurr (Aaron Burr • June 8, 1804)
@AHamilton Keep tweeting your pathetic bullshit, Hamilton. It won't change the fact that your legacy will crumble beneath the weight of your own ego. #LegacyFail

@AHamilton (Alexander Hamilton • June 9, 1804)
@ABurr Your delusions know no bounds, Burr. Your tweets are as empty as your hollow political promises. Step aside, Twitter novice. #TweetAmateur

@ABurr (Aaron Burr • June 10, 1804)
@AHamilton Keep hiding behind your keyboard, Hamilton. Your 280 characters won't save you from the harsh truth. Prepare to be fecking canceled. #CancelHamilton

@AHamilton (Alexander Hamilton • June 11, 1804)
@ABurr Cancel me? Good luck, Burr. You're about as influential as a bot account with three followers. My impact will outlast your fleeting social media fame. #BurrInsignificance

I'm actually beginning to think AI generation is never going to be as good as some people think it will. Future content generators are going to be trained on content increasingly produced by earlier content generators, which aren't actually very good. It's just going to get blander and blander and exacerbate errors.
It's not that bad, really. If you change every single setting on the site, force yourself to ignore 90% of the posts, don't care about the damage the site is causing and try to pretend that you have not formed a harmful habit in the way you use the site, it is almost as good as it was before Julius Strei..., ehm Elon Musk bought the site.

Don't forget that you can also post on that site about how awful it is and not make an iota of difference to the jerk running it and the course he has taken.