Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

That’s fair. Do you have issues with the stuff Musk is doing with Twitter?

Oh yeah, massive issues. But so far the changes have had near zero effect on my personal Twitter use, as far as I can tell. That's probably a result of the limited scope of my use. The only two changes I've noticed so far is that I no longer get told why I am seeing a tweet in the "for you" tab, and maybe once a day I get a notification which is just a tweet from someone I follow.

Still, I have considered deleting my Twitter account. I decided against it so far, simply because I value what I'm getting from those I follow currently. I might reach the tipping point at some point, though.
Oh yeah, massive issues. But so far the changes have had near zero effect on my personal Twitter use, as far as I can tell. That's probably a result of the limited scope of my use. The only two changes I've noticed so far is that I no longer get told why I am seeing a tweet in the "for you" tab, and maybe once a day I get a notification which is just a tweet from someone I follow.

Still, I have considered deleting my Twitter account. I decided against it so far, simply because I value what I'm getting from those I follow currently. I might reach the tipping point at some point, though.
How would you describe what Musk is doing with Twitter? What do you think his goal is?
Tbf to SpaceX, they said before takeoff that getting off the launchpad smoothly would be considered a successful test. It was all about gathering data to improve the next iteration. The thing was traveling at twice the thrust of the Saturn V.
And had exponentially more explosions.
The accounts should remain in your previous searches, so all you would need to do is type the first letter of the account name it appears in the drop down. They are probably also in your cookies. But if one was that hopelessly addicted to Twitter, then they should just keep their account, and if necessary, pay Musk the money he wants.
I always find threads stop working and it asks me to login.
Tbf to SpaceX, they said before takeoff that getting off the launchpad smoothly would be considered a successful test. It was all about gathering data to improve the next iteration. The thing was traveling at twice the thrust of the Saturn V.

I would like to state that I had many, many successful driving tests and exams by the same metric.
I would like to state that I had many, many successful driving tests and exams by the same metric.

You failed the test, but the test itself was a success! It prevented a substandard driver from harassing the public and provided you excellent feedback as to how you could pass in future. From the point of view of the organisation administering the test it did its job. Also, your overall failure hides some successes. Chances are you successfully set off, merged into traffic, turned left perfectly etc. Just don't hit the pedestrian next time.

Similar to the DVLA and your driving journey I don't think there's too much wrong with SpaceX's model of having their rockets fail their way to success either. Testing early and often is a core part of many successful development programs precisely because rigorous analysis of data from individual failures spurs improvement. SpaceX has a history of public testing with the expectation that not everything will always go right. It's a primary evaluative tool with an expectation of individual failures baked in. So sure - the rocket failed at a certain point and they now have data as to why that was, but also the rocket contains a number of systems and routines that successfully engaged and played out. That's important knowledge too - we know it managed to set off, successfully accelerated upwards for a bit and triumphantly exploded when told to. Test of the Big Red Abort Button, for instance, was a massive success!

Seriously though, SpaceX has a much greater understanding of what works and what doesn't going forward than it had pre-test. And that information will probably lead to more robust iterations down the line. To that extent the test was a success even if the individual rocket was a fail.
twitter blue people are a special breed. they've never had a human interaction. somehow worse than me.

This blue tick stuff is actually great. I've been having fun deleting some blue ticks popping up. It's not the ones I dislike, it's only the ones that justify paying for it without the slightest clue of what twitter is and who creates the content. My "for you" tab is actually readable again.

Once again, this overhyped glorified man-child has stumbled upon the answer. All praise the Musk!
This blue tick stuff is actually great. I've been having fun deleting some blue ticks popping up. It's not the ones I dislike, it's only the ones that justify paying for it without the slightest clue of what twitter is and who creates the content. My "for you" tab is actually readable again.

Once again, this overhyped glorified man-child has stumbled upon the answer. All praise the Musk!
To make it even more fun, it's great to know from the algorithm leak that a block massively affects the account's future visibility.
:lol: :lol: what a loser
And, you know, I was I was trying to protect Elon, actually in that situation, like my understanding of the whole thing and I was trying to communicate this to him, is that the Twitter files wouldn’t be taken seriously if people saw that there was any kind of financial, even theoretical financial relationship between the two of us. And this had to be public, you know, that there was no, there was no kind of connection. And he would you would be getting lots of negative PR if I’d done that move, he would never hear the end of it.

But he didn’t see it that way, which is unfortunate. So but, you know, it was a good thing it lasted. And I think we learned a lot of good stuff.

I realise he's trying to stop the backlash against Twitter Blue by giving it out to popular accounts that don't want one but wow. It looks trash.
Exactly. It's a strange one really. I like Twitter because it's an important source of news to me and also because it's the most impersonal of all the social media apps/sites.

For me, Musk is slowly destroying Twitter and I can't honestly see how it's not going to end well with him in charge.

Well that’s the issue. Twitters always been too much smokescreen for any valuable news
To avoid the herds :rolleyes: , just set up a new account and create a number of separate lists, one for topic of interest?
You should all watch Antonio Gracias and Gavin Baker discussion of Spacex Starship launch on the All-in pod.
Indeed. The scale of the leap they are aiming for in terms of tonnes carried and associated cost was lost on me before listening in.
It appears to be less than a million, the actual number isn't confirmed as plenty over that figure have not had it back yet.

I wonder how many will change their name briefly to remove it again?

I wonder how the Musk-Herd will turn this into a "Elon's million IQ visionary moves outsmart people again"
Just because you don't agree with some of it, doesn't make it a smokescreen. Anyone with a brain can work out what sources are trustworthy and which are not.

There are mega agencies working on twisting the narrative on stuff like Twitter. It’s not about agreement.

The Taliban Afghan takeover was one of many examples where everyone “trustworthy” ended up being full of crap.

Getting news from twitter is just a bad idea overall
There are mega agencies working on twisting the narrative on stuff like Twitter. It’s not about agreement.

The Taliban Afghan takeover was one of many examples where everyone “trustworthy” ended up being full of crap.

Getting news from twitter is just a bad idea overall

There has been mega agencies twisting narratives on every form of media since media came into existence. You need to have a sense of the context and read more than just the headline to get the full story.

A lot of people don't do that though. They see a headline and accept it as fact. Before the likes of Twitter, the newspapers had a monopoly on those headlines. Twitter did a good job of breaking that monopoly whilst simultaneously expanding the concept.
Considering the Saudi’s are investors in Twitter, is anyone else surprised that Jamal Khashoggi has decided to subscribe to Twitter Blue?