Elon Musk | Doer of things on X and complete loser

No idea who he is, just read he's a Nazi. So two things:
There are laws in place that punish individuals for their extremist comments, left or right. So if someone does make such comments, the law will be enforced hopefully. And based on that, a social media company should draw the line. However, the difficulty is always when the case is not that clear or subjective - as it happens very often in reality. But I cant comment on individuals I dont know.

At the same time, I'm of the opinion that addressing and speaking about difficult topics in a society creates more awareness than officially ban and as a result, create subcultures. For example in school: it is more beneficial to openly talk about racism, than just say it is banned and you dont even address the issue.

This sounds like you are saying that schools should allow racist slurs because that somehow "creates more awareness" than simply having discussions about a topic. It sounds like you believe it is not possible for schools to hold discussions of racism without allowing students to use racial slurs.

In regards to holocaust denial, it's perfectly possible to discuss the topic of the holocaust and mention deniers without explicitly allowing a kid to stand on a soapbox during lunchtime with a megaphone and loadly proudly the holocaust didn't exist and its some form of a conspiracy that all historians are involved in to say it did.
What institution in society, in 2023, is driven by extreme people on the right? The right have zero cultural influence, very little poltical influence and even less business influence.
Mate, you are so wrong, I don't even know where to start. And to be honest, you seem so convinced it would probably be a waste of time proving you wrong.
This must be Escobar's alt account trying to deflect by posting something even sillier.
Bring Plastic Straws Back should be the Trump slogan for the next election
What institution in society, in 2023, is driven by extreme people on the right? The right have zero cultural influence, very little poltical influence and even less business influence.

The US Congressional majority at the moment. The last US President. Many state legislatures and governors from Florida to all the states instituting radical right-wing policy. The US Supreme Court. The massive right-wing media machine (Fox News, UANN, Newsmax, Meredith local stations, right-wing talk radio). Political, business influence? The Koch brothers just to start. Historical fossil fuel companies that lobbied against climate change.

I've probably just been white text baited or something obvious but on the off chance you are actually serious here.
Which theories? And do you really think no Nazi guy was going back on Twitter before Elon? Your subtle dislike for Elon is clouding your senses. Or show me how many Nazis he brought back now compared to the past 10 years.
I'm sure some have slipped through the cracks, but Musk was very prolific about letting back a few very well known wrong'uns and has very clearly changed people's feeds in a very obvious direction. That's not even taking into account the dumpster fire of hks paid subscription shite. There is nothing subtle about my dislike for Elon Musk. He's a guargantuan twat and I hope he will continually step on lego for the rest of his life. There is nothing wrong with a little bias as long as you realize it's there and own up to it. You should try it sometime. If you don't know which conspiracy theories Musk has promoted you clearly lack the necessary knowledge on this subject to be taken seriously in a discussion.

Why am I engaging a CE forum troll anyway. Must be a lack of sleep. I mean honestly, how can you not see what ks wrong with Elon Musm and what he's dojng on Twitter and how can you not see him for the socially challenged manchild he is. You are either on the wind-up or a complete nutter.

I'm goin for wind-up.
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Mate, you are so wrong, I don't even know where to start. And to be honest, you seem so convinced it would probably be a waste of time proving you wrong.
I'm sure the same can be said about you, or most people in 2023, no one is changing anyone's opinion on anything.
No extremists are good, on either side, fullstop. But it's the left wing extremists that effect your day to day life. Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society. Left wing extremists get entertainment changed, companies to change products, get people fired, get businesses closed, get education changed, get fecking plastic straws banned, there are a powerful group with a lot of influence on our society, one of the most influential.

One of the funniest takes I've seen here, and that's saying something.

And yes, obvious troll over there is obvious. You can take him for a ride, but don't be sure that you're having a better time than he's having. But anyway and for the sale of it, let's say Twitter getting worse has been reported.

Moving on, I got out of Twitter months ago and the world didn't end. Somehow I think it's a better response than the ignoring/blocking option (plus, I end up seeing twits through other users anyway in threads like these). But to each its own.

Seriously though, it is, I bought a smaller model and my thumbs havent adjusted :(

I'm with you! The number of posts from my phone I have to edit after hitting "post reply" is, frankly, embarrassing.
I am quite curious as to how left wing extremism is affecting my day to day life. I suppose I have put pronouns in my Linkedin bio to feck with some of my anti-woke mouthbreather colleagues and pronouns are basically equal to Pol Pot's killing fields.
I'm not the one posting stuff denying objective reality though.

Look at this guy who believes there is a "reality".

Actually, I would love to live in @Strootman's Finger 's reality where DeSanctis was an irrelevant, powerless meatball who was not actively decimating a State live on TV on a nightly basis.
Why is it so important for you to know what I would ban on Twitter or not?

But since you seem to sleep better if you know what I think: I prefer to have a dialogue on these topics and educate people rather than just have everything banned - society can be a much stronger "regulator" than anything else. So if a person denies the Holocaust online, it can be quite powerful if there is a huge backlash towards that individual. But who am I to tell other countries which laws they have to implement.

That’s all well and good. But there are a lot of dumb people on the planet and you’re advocating for them. Pushing holocaust denying idiots into echo chambers where someone suggests it didn’t happen, and everyone listens to a compelling conspiracy theory… is not smart. It’s not progress. It’s the opposite.

“Why can’t we deny the holocaust here?”
‘Because it happened and millions of people died’

Imagine advocating for any space that thinks it’s sensible to allow thousands of idiots to have their points of countenance validated in some disgusting circlejerk.

It’s not edgy to be an idiot.
Look at this guy who believes there is a "reality".

Actually, I would love to live in @Strootman's Finger 's reality where DeSanctis was an irrelevant, powerless meatball who was not actively decimating a State live on TV on a nightly basis.
Go outside for a walk or something man, this isn't healthy, don't let politics ruin your life. Turn off the TV, and in no way shape or form will Ron De Santis ever affect your life.
Tell me how banning plastic straws has drastically ruined your life?

Forget racism, voter suppression, greed, bigotry, and elimination of basic rights, have you tried sipping a cocktail through a paper straw? Absolute crime against humanity is what that it is.
Go outside for a walk or something man, this isn't healthy, don't let politics ruin your life. Turn off the TV, and in no way shape or form will Ron De Santis ever affect your life.

Hmmm.... so glad you know me, know where I live, know where my family lives, and know how his policies have affected our lives. For someone who knows everything you apparently know feck all.
No extremists are good, on either side, fullstop. But it's the left wing extremists that effect your day to day life. Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society. Left wing extremists get entertainment changed, companies to change products, get people fired, get businesses closed, get education changed, get fecking plastic straws banned, there are a powerful group with a lot of influence on our society, one of the most influential.

You are an extremist. Your views are extreme.

Hope this helps!
No extremists are good, on either side, fullstop. But it's the left wing extremists that effect your day to day life. Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society. Left wing extremists get entertainment changed, companies to change products, get people fired, get businesses closed, get education changed, get fecking plastic straws banned, there are a powerful group with a lot of influence on our society, one of the most influential.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
No extremists are good, on either side, fullstop. But it's the left wing extremists that effect your day to day life. Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society. Left wing extremists get entertainment changed, companies to change products, get people fired, get businesses closed, get education changed, get fecking plastic straws banned, there are a powerful group with a lot of influence on our society, one of the most influential.
What a bizarre take.

Who's influence do you think it is that the US has trainings for kids to deal with school shootings rather than stricter gun laws? Why do you think the US has the largest prison complex per capita in the world? Why do you think they have no healthcare, abysmal federal minimum wage, an utterly hollowed out middle class and a system where 5% of workers have to work two jobs just to make ends meet? Who you think downsized corporate tax in the US from 53% in the 60s to 21% today?
Did you not notice that roe vs wade overturned was overturned last year? Or the insurrection that stormed capitol hill?

The modern US has been so utterly radicalised by the far right that presidents like Obama, who stood for what would be considered centrist republican policies in the 80s, had become a leftist democrat by the 00s.
I find that things I like and agree with tend not to have a perceptible negative impact on my life whereas things I tend to disagree with do have a perceptible negative impact on my life.

What a novel and entirely self aware position.
Have you ever used a paper straw? Sorry, discussion over.

Can you see if you can find an equivalent video for a paper straw? I did have a look but couldn’t find one.

What was it you were saying it again? It goes a bit soggy woggy and you find it difficult to drink your poppy woppy?
No extremists are good, on either side, fullstop. But it's the left wing extremists that effect your day to day life. Right wing extremists have no voice, have no power, and have no influence on society. Left wing extremists get entertainment changed, companies to change products, get people fired, get businesses closed, get education changed, get fecking plastic straws banned, there are a powerful group with a lot of influence on our society, one of the most influential.
Go outside for a walk or something man, this isn't healthy, don't let politics ruin your life. Turn off the TV, and in no way shape or form will Ron De Santis ever affect your life.

This is so inexplicably dumb that I refuse to believe you’re a real person.

You’d just fall down all the time.
I'm taking it you've not followed what he said previously...
Too many threads :rolleyes: I lose track sometimes!

One thing that bugs me is the 1st amendment free speech thing, it's mystifying to me that a large % of Americans don't actually understand it!
Now this is total bollocks. So you think it was only some Twitter employees who had best intentions and for noble reasons started banning individuals who thought differently. Who do you think was responsible for that at the end of the line? And why would you ban anyone with another opinion when scientifically nothing is proven just yet?

You have double standards and are a hypocrite. Before Elon, Twitter was allowed to make mistake, but now not anymore as they dont have good intentions anymore... yeah right

Triggered. Go on then, who is Elon trying to protect by promoting Russian funded talking heads and downplaying ordinary journalists from his own country? Democracy right? Free speech? All that famous Russian free speech.
This is so inexplicably dumb that I refuse to believe you’re a real person.

You’d just fall down all the time.
To be totally fair, Ron de Santis is not affecting the lives of people an Ocean away from Florida.