Fergie's Man
Suffers Snails fetish
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I gave really bad examples earlier. Anyways, it is more to do with getting lowkey targets and not starting a bidding war for them. And no one really knows such methods are actually used or not. I concede I am not sure about this. I have just read about such smokescreen targets and I am unable to recall one target which was reported to be a United priority and at the end of the window, we signed somebody else and Fergie dismissed all reports as bullshit. I will get back with the name.Okay so let's say Utd and Chelsea are after Diego Costa. Utd pretend to be after Cavani as a smoke screen. How does this help us get Diego Costa?
I agree with every word of this, it sums up my feelings about this perfectly. Someone mentioned he might be better than Rooney, I haven't seen enough of him to get into that really but given the deal we signed with Rooney it's really neither here nor there, Rooney isn't going anywhere. It's really impossible to see where another striker is going to fit into this squad. As Bosnian said, literally every outfield position is weaker than striker for us, strengthening in that position is a huge waste of money. I just don't understand it unless RVP is leaving. And I don't see why he of all people would leave if Van Gaal is coming.First of all, both Rooney and rvp are far better players. Second of all, we should look to play with 2 strikers anyway, given we have mata and kagawa to choose from in the #10 position, meaning we use 1 striker. We also have welbeck and Hernandez. Now unless all of our strikers are leaving, which they aren't, why the feck are we going for him? Would cost over £50m and I wouldn't even want him at united even if he was £10m. There's just no need for him at all. We need 2 midfielders, a left back, a center back, a back up right back, and wingers all before we buy another striker. Literally every other position needs strengthening more then a striker and yet we look like we'll sign a striker. What the hell is wrong with the people in charge of transfers at this club![]()
I'm still not sure who we're supposed to be fooling. If we wanted a player would we not just go and bid for him?
True but still, you can only fit so many players into a team, if we sign Cavani then we are going to end up with some very expensive people sitting on the bench. We already have problems accommodating our attacking players.Or it could that it's been identified as our lowest scoring season in many years and RvP has only managed 25 games so far this year
True but still, you can only fit so many players into a team, if we sign Cavani then we are going to end up with some very expensive people sitting on the bench. We already have problems accommodating our attacking players.
Plus, its less obvious but I have been of the opinion all season that we would be scoring more goals if only we had a stronger midfield. The quality of our strikeforce isnt the problem.
Or Im completely wrong.
I dont disagree though, Rooney dropping into midfield is a very plausible outcome. There are plenty of threads where this has been discussed to death and Ive always thought it sounded like a very reasonable idea, I know some people say his control isnt good enough and his positional discipline isnt good enough but I think his other attributes make up for it, especially if he has the right person next to him.
The only way this makes sense is that Woodward has his finance hat on and thinks this is a signing to bring in cash.
I have to say from a general support and wider audience its exciting for them even if it makes no sense to us lot who think about squad depth, who plays and formations.
You'd think football clubs had no way of communicating with each other. Do you really think the only way Chelsea or City find out Utd are after a player is when they pick up The Sun?Come on mate, it's all smoke and mirrors.
If you're blatant about who you want, Chelsea and City just come out and gazump you. Remember Robben, Ballack and a sh!Tload of other examples over the years?
Cavanis goal ratio is 1 every 1.8 games even this season when people are saying he has been poor. I dont understand the distaste for him
I don't get the downer. Admittedly I don't watch much French football but his goal-scoring record is excellent. If we were signng someone who'd scored 10 a season for the last few years I'd understand but for 10 years he's averaged better than a goal every other game.
Yeah 1 in 1.8 has been what he's been at for a decade. The last four years it's 1 in 1.3, which is astonishing, even for someone who looks like a mean Jesus
Its not that he's not a good player. He's a great striker to watch. Its just inconceivable that we would buy a £60M striker when we have four strikers already, two of whom are just as good as he is. It'd be like spending a lot of money buying a world class goalkeeper to compete with De Gea. It creates more problems than it solves.
Rooney is getting slower and RVP is a hamstring away from 6 weeks out at any given time. Welbeck has jelly for ankles and Hernandez, as much as I love him, hasnt got to grips with the physicality of the game after a few years of being here. Theres your answer.
Fine, but it means you're going to sell some of those four.
Rooney will be a midfielder sooner or later. Hernandez I dont expect to be here after the summer. DJ Jazzy Jeff I guarantee will still be collapsing over his bootlaces next season because he has been anointed Manc golden child. I imagine Rooney, Cavani, Mata and RVP in some sort of combo would be fun to have.
Wishful thinking. You can't just stack good players and hope it works out for the best. You need a clear idea of how they're going to be used.
And Rooney has made it crystal clear what he thinks of playing in midfield, so that's a total non-starter.
Wishful thinking. You can't just stack good players and hope it works out for the best. You need a clear idea of how they're going to be used.
And Rooney has made it crystal clear what he thinks of playing in midfield, so that's a total non-starter.
RVP probably won't play a full season for us again like last year where we got nearly 50 games from him.
He only complained at contract renewal time. Its possible that it was just a negotiating tactic.