24SI - Chairmen of the Manchester United have offered to German Wolsfburgu 33 million euros and the Bulgarian striker Dimitar Berbatova in exchange for the BiH national team Edin Dzeko.
Berbatov ove sezone nije opravdao povjerenje menadžera "crvenih đavola" Alexa Fergusona, koji je odlučio da proda bugarskog fudbalera. Berbatov this season failed to justify the trust managers of "red devils" Alex Ferguson, who decided to sell the Bulgarian counterparts. Skauti Manchestera već mjesecima prate igre Edina Džeke, koji je imao odličnu sezonu u njemačkom klubu, te je bio i najbolji strijelac ove sezone u Bundesligi sa 22 postignuta pogotka. Scouts from Manchester for months following the game Edin Dzeko, who had a great season in the German club, and was also the top scorer this season in the Bundesliga with 22 goals achieved.
Njemački mediji prenose da su čelni ljudi Wolfsburga zadovoljni ponudom Manchester Uniteda, te dodaju da će transfer uskoro biti realizovan. German media report that the leaders Wolfsburg with the offer Manchester United, adding that the transfer will soon be realized.
Edin Džeko (24) je ponikao u Željezničaru, a od 2005. Edin Dzeko (24) was originated in Zeljeznicar, since 2005. do 2007. to 2007. igrao je za češke Teplice. Zatim je prešao u Wolfsburg za koji je odigrao 120 utakmica i postigao 74 gola. played for the Czech Teplice. Then he moved to Wolfsburg for which he played 120 matches and scored 74 goals.
Za reprezentaciju BiH nastupio je na 23 susreta i 14 puta se upisao u listu strelaca. For the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina has appeared in 23 matches and 14 times he enrolled in your archers.