Did you consider that maybe this is the reason why he is so good? That he actually truly enjoys what he is doing and just so happens to be paid for it? It's not exactly a secret that people perform better - for various psychological reasons - when they enjoy what they are doing. Not everyone can be a work-beast like Ronaldo. In fact, only very few are. Those are the people you give an axe and put them in a forest and they will come out only after the entire forrest has been chopped into pieces. For the bigger majority motivation is a key factor, though. And enjoyment helps with motivation.
Not saying he will or will not make it, if he goes to Real. But you can look at things in different lights. A good example here would be Özil who easily is talented enough to be world-class, but clearly lacks the Ronaldo-esque drive, but also the enjoyment on the field to go past the level of Arsenal.