Ed Woodward has resigned from Manchester United | 2025: Returns to football

This is the best result of the season. What a fecking win
Greatest day since Moyes was sacked for me!!

Nah its far better. Moyes was out of depth but he was still a football man. This guy is a proper snake.

I hope he takes his university mate Judge with him.
The new guy ,ight be worse. Better hold your horses on those celebrations.

Why does this feel like he is the fall man for the Glazers? Surely can't go back and attend UEFA/FA meetings after that.
My only concern here is that he has resigned because there is a lot of shit about to come our way.
He'd have been crucified if he showed up at Old Trafford again.
Perez was right, it is going save football. Glazers next :drool:
Certain noises that Maguire was heavily involved from the players being against it.

The real captain, leader, legend if so.
I will take back everything I ever said about him and his stupid fat head gormless face if true
I'm fecking ecstatic!


Go and never come back you slimey weasel!
Somehow this whole Super League thing is working out spectacularly for us.
I’m indifferent about this news. It’s the Glazers we need out.
Does this mean that the Glazers are pulling out? He was their man after all. Please let this mean that the Glazers are pulling out!